Wedding Bell

The Wedding bells resounded within the vicinity, welcoming people from all directions.

Flowers fluttered as the winter breeze took its action, carrying snow on its way.

The whole situation appeared as a fairy tale, like an ethereal marriage of a fairy.

Even though the decoration was simple and lacking the class of a wealthy family's wedding, the winter did its job leaving a deep impression.

White roses with beautiful fabric design created a delicate illusion. The flower embellishment bought the beauty of the church alive. This was the last wedding they will perform hence, they put as much effort as they could with the little money bride's family provided, even so, it looked beautiful.

But then again..., the wedding didn't seem like a multibillionaire heiress' wedding but of a commoner's daughter.

This was the Xi family daughter's wedding yet they didn't put in enough effort. The Xi family which is second in business industry couldn't provide for their daughter's wedding. What a laughable matter. She will surely be in the news tomorrow.

Who would say it was the heiress's wedding?

Some people were jeering at the bride and mocking her for being married away so pathetically as if the marriage doesn't matter. But the wedding decoration was remarkable for the amount of money used. It might not be extravagant but it exuded magnificence.

"Isn't this the heiress of Xi family's wedding?"

"It's inferior [well I can't call it downright cheap after describing it ethereal ;)]. Maybe she is a fake princess unlike her sister"

Some of the guests felt it was disrespectful. It was a wedding, it doesn't matter how much wealth one has as long as the bride received blessings.

One of the guests couldn't take it. It was a young girl, aged 19/20. She glared at those people as if telling them to leave if they're dissatisfied.

Before she could open her mouth to ridicule them, the whispers stopped. The bride walked into the alley. She looked beautiful yet her ignorance and lack of confidence overshadowed her appearance.

Even though she looked shy and timid, the little girl's face says otherwise, she had no grievance. She had no expression as if the wedding was just another day. No one noticed the tinge of anticipation in her deep blue eyes, whispering, maybe, just maybe her suffering will end. She too will have someone to rely on.

As she walked in the alley, the weather changed from bright to gloomy as if a fallen angel is descending to earth. The lightning lit up the sky, thunder rumbled as if announcing the arrival of the queen.

But the changes in the weather was rapid. It was bright again as if the darkness that engulfed the sky earlier was a figment of imagination.

Everyone looked at the bride with anticipation and ignored the change in weather that occurred earlier.

No one noticed a thread of light enter her as she walked through the alley. She felt electrocuted and the pain slowly spread within her body. She felt like ants were crawling on her skin yet she didn't pay attention to it.

As she walked further, her mind went blank. She felt like her head buzz. She couldn't understand what happened. She was fine a while ago but now her head suddenly hurts as if someone was mincing her brain slowly.

"Are you alright? Father should have been here soon. Sorry, he didn't walk you to the alley" , the bridesmaid beside her whispered.

The little bride was not paying attention to the bridesmaid, who is her little sister as she was overwhelmed by the sudden headache. The little girl continuously talked about their father's absence as if this was the first time he chose not to participate in something involving her.

She walked slowly towards the handsome groom and took his hands. Her head which was pounding like an earthquake disappeared as abruptly as it came.

When she became aware of her surroundings, the young girl looked confused. The guests did not notice as they were busy getting acquainted with the family and branch families of the Li while those who noticed it, thought nothing of it.

"Are you alright?" The handsome groom asked her.