
The young bride who looked confused was none other than Alina Xi (Xi Ying Yue). The long forgotten heiress of Xi Corporation.

Many said she was a fake princess. She tends to disappear for years without anyone knowing where she was.

She was dead to most of the relatives yet like a grim reaper she came back to take their horrid souls away.

But with her naive disposition it would be hard to say whether she was going to be a grim reaper or not.

Alina's hatred was equal to her love. She would give everything to the people she loves but would destroy everything she hates.

She was well know for her ruthlessness and indifference towards stranger while her love for her family reaches the stars, even though they never reciprocated her affections.

She always believed her family would never harm her.


The reason they suddenly remembered her was because of her big fat, meaty bank balance as well as the two elders will.

Amongst the three children, two are biological and she obtained 1/4 of the company shares as well as the state buildings.

The youngest daughter who's more intelligent than her and shared the same blood didn't even get as much as 25% of the company shares.

Nobody understood how this ignorant lass received such a big share. Even though she can't be compared to her brother in intelligence, she managed to obtain 2nd most highest share in the company while her brother was given 50%.

Giving half of the company shares to Allen Xi was understandable, since he's closer to the two elders and the only male heir. Moreover, the young man earned his place as well as the deep respect from other unlike Alina.

Even though the elders pampered her, indulging her with 25% of company shares is still perplexing.

Hence many people eyed her wealth.

They believed she was too dumb and didn't understand the value of money. And they were correct, she didn't understand the value of money. Alina found money worthless.

Since young, she was spoilt rotten by her grandparents while being ignored by her parents. So, she never really knew how to do things without her grandparents.

The sudden death of her grandparents struck her hard. She was a strong girl, but the unexpected accident left her lost. She was like a little piglet ready to be butchered.

How will she survive without her grandparents?

Even her parents couldn't take their eyes off her wealth. Unlike the adopted son, she was their daughter and hence easy to manipulate.

So, they decided for her to get married. With the right chance and situation, they would force her to sign the papers. Moreover, there future son –in- law was together with them.

He loved their youngest daughter and they were very happy with the outcome.

Unlike that wench.

Their younger daughter was their pride. Alina could not even compare to their baby girl's toe nail.

The situation seems to be in their advantage since elder Xi engaged Alina to one of the children of the Li's. And what's more terrific than exploiting a girl using the man she was going to marry.

Alina was engaged to Jamie Li, from the branch family of the Li household, one of the most prominent family in the country of Zor.

The two children marriage was decided by the elders. It was indeed a happy occasion.

Unfortunately, Jamie is in love with her sister Carolina and not her. But at this moment, he was intrigued by this clueless girl.

She was heading to her doom yet she looked so innocent and naive. A part of him really wanted to protect her but he needed power and doesn't have the heart to love her.

He wants to be with Carolina.


Everyone around him were products and that includes his soon to be wife.

She was just a tool for him to use and throw away once she's useless.

When the groom, Jamie, asked Alina if she is alright, she looked at him dazedly and then turned to look around, she looked utterly confused, like a lamb in wolf den. Ready to be slaughtered.

Alina turned her head around and looked at surroundings. She's baffled by the situation she was in. She didn't know what was going on and why she was holding that man's hand.

Huh? What was this place? Wasn't she dead? Hell wasn't meant to be so decorative and why was she so close to that man?