A wedding is meant for Summer

While everyone was talking about Alina, she was currently wandering around in the streets shivering in the cold ominous weather and complaining to herself as she walked out without realising what she was volunteering herself for.

This was meant to be her stupid dream but she had no control over it. It's really frustrating, hmph.

Her attire and the weather truly didn't match.

People were whispering and talking about her, some even recognized her but did not approach her.

She looked so beautiful, she may not be the most beautiful woman in world but she was a beauty who attracts bees and bugs with her dainty little face and almond shaped deep blue eyes that shimmer as if galaxy exists within them, which could draw one's soul away.

No one could take their eyes off her.

Even though her wedding veil covered half her face, she looked enthralling, the veil did not belittle her beauty, and instead it added a mysterious look.

And her quivering red lips made her look more enticing making one think how it feels to kiss those lips.

Alina was shivering due to the cold breeze signalling the arrival of snow. She could only blame herself for wearing nothing to keep her warm over her wedding dress on such weather like this.

Her wedding dress was the limited edition Tiara-J, the amount of money that cost to make the dress would worth a mansion.

Who will complain though, she had the money and can spend as she likes.

It was a beautiful white dress with laces and bows and was astoundingly beautiful. The gloomy weather and her pure white dress made huge contrast.

It looked like a gorgeous white swan wandering in the midst of black crows.

It highlighted her curves and complemented her perfectly as if it was made for her.

Earlier, the dress overshadowed her looks due to her indifference and lack of confidence. But now, her confidence matched the dress making her look magnificent.

Passersby were in daze when they saw her. Her dress may cost a fortune but her natural disposition bought admiration.

Humans are visual creatures hence they admired the beauty who was dressed in a beautiful wedding dress looking lost.

Yet what left them baffled was she was wearing a wedding dress and coming here at this time.

The church here was about to be closed and wasn't holding a wedding ceremony. Is she running away?

They were intrigued, was this little girl forced to get married? Which family's daughter was she?

Someone even loudly said "Kids these days have guts, taking marriage as a joke"

But the little girl only glanced at the person before moving forward.

Her carefree attitude and her body reactions contradicting every circumstance. As people were admiring her beauty, the beauty herself was complaining about the season.

She hated this season to the core and one of the reasons was her so called sham marriage.

She got married during December, a month where the city freezes as if in Antarctica. She didn't decide the wedding place or destination, her mother did.

Alina was happy thinking that her parents finally involved themselves in something related to her. What a joke, they imprisoned her for 7 years with a man who was screwing their youngest daughter and they happily allowed it.

This weather, this month, only reminded her of the misery and the awful choices she made.

But one thing she could not fathom was... Why was she not dead yet? She had fulfilled her wish. So she should be gone, but why was she stuck in this weather?

And who the hell gets married during December? Her mother must truly hate her; her body couldn't take extreme cold. Maybe her mother was hoping she would die on her wedding day.

Alina was truly pitiful, her only blood related kin were dead and those who were alive were snakes and hyenas.

There was a saying 'good people die fast while the bad ones live longer' to make others life a misery, it must be true.

In her previous life, when she asked her mother why they were having a wedding during December, her reply was December makes the wedding "ethereal and everlasting" tut and being the naive girl she was, she happy agreed.

No matter how ethereal it may seem to get married during winter, at the end of day... all she felt was cold. Ah! Jack Frost didn't appreciate her at all.

Weddings were meant for summer.

Everyone should enjoy the wedding, dressing up beautifully for the occasion and not feeling pathetic wrapping themselves with sheep wool.

If she ever gets married she will have her wedding during summer.

Oh wait, she just stormed off from her own wedding.