Electricity Thief

If Alina heard the rumours, she would have scoffed at them. Under the pretence of sacrifice and responsibilities, her younger sister Carolina was marrying her (Carolina's) lover.

Could they get anymore shameless? Using her as the shield, tsk they really underestimated her. What was even funnier was how absurd the rumours have become.

Some even said she was kidnapped; while others said Li family annihilated her due the humiliation.

But the bride who was supposedly dead or perhaps kidnapped was unaware of the situation.

She busied herself with creating her personal robotic secretary.

However, this stupid renowned professor Xi seemed to forget that she had reincarnated ten years in the past, thus some technology was not advanced.

So, being the troublemaker that she was, she caused a ruckus without even knowing.

Late in the night, Peach blossom District had a blackout, this situation was unheard of.

Never in whatever years Peach blossom District was built, it had a blackout.

This district was the heart of Metropolitan City University, as well as technology den for young chimpanzees... cough... Students.

And so, this frightened the life out of the young university students, their whole life style was based on technology, but now... Which fool was messing with them?

They were gritting their teeth while cursing the fool. They hoped he or she would fall from the bridge.

Unfortunately, the fool was diligently working on her robotics skills without knowing what kind of uproar she has caused.

Even if she knew, she would have just looked at them, with a roguish smile and have said,

"Deal with it"

Causing them to die in anger...

Even though they had no electricity, generators had to do for now, since they can't find the cause of this unusual situation.

What baffled them more was a magnificent looking cottage had electricity while they didn't.

What sorcery was this?

The residents of peach blossom District seemed to remember that no one was residing in that little cottage.

Since no human came out of this seemingly beautiful cottage, a wise man would not approach the unknown, hence many avoided it.

The cottage spook them, creating an uneasy feeling. In fifteen days, this cottage became well known hunted house. Yet...

This uncanny cottage attracted the youngsters for proving their bravery...Stupidity

People say curiosity kills the cat, perhaps it was true, those so called daring university students would go near there to prove their bravery.

On 31st of December, some seemingly brave soldiers, cough... fools... cough... Students went near the little cottage while feeling excited but anxious.

Some of them were even drunk, new year really brings a whole new level of bravery..ahem... foolishness

"Wha...What if a ghost really resides there?" One of them stammered

"Simple... just shit your pants"

"Dude, not funny"

"Hahahah, you want to show your manliness, so here we are"

"Afraid? Getting a girlfriend isn't easy. My condolences to you, my friend"

He whispered softly closer to the young man, while looking at the charming young lady.

His other friends smirked at the fool...

While the girl was encouraging him as if saying you are the man, when others saw it, they could help rolling their eyes. Get a room dude.



"Hahaha if you are this afraid, how are we going to meet up with the real deal"

They started bickering without realising they were near the infamous cottage.

As they went near the cottage, their hearts leapt, causing the air way to block.

One of them gained consciousness and screamed their lungs out.

"aaahhhhhh! Ghost!!!"

It's been a month since Alina locked herself to build her baby; she finished completing her task with one-track mindset, without resting, even though she took breaks and did all her daily necessities.

She didn't go out. Hence she had no clue what was going on. She felt like she hadn't breathed fresh for so long after her rebirth.

After her little mission was done, the electricity that she stole from the neighbourhood was retreating back to its rightful place.

If the authorities detect what she has done, she might become the first ever electricity thief.

Much famous than the runaway bride. She was too tired to notice or even care, with the thoughts of getting some fresh air, she walking out of her cottage and looked around confused...

Why? Who would have thought it would be so dark outside.

Still confused, she thought about how good the reputation of Peach Blossom District is. It never had a blackout.

So what happened now? As she stepped out, she heard voices.

She paused for few seconds but curiosity got the best of her and she slowly made her way there.

Who would have thought...

"Ahhhhh, ghost"

"Mum, am sorry!, please don't eat me!"

Alina was speechless; gosh! Did she look that scary? Wait, mum? Who was his mum? She was at most thirty two mentally but looked twenty two. She was young alright?

Maybe he was blind. It was indeed dark but, seriously?

Wait, wait. She blinked her eyes looking seriously confused. Contemplating, why does he look scared?

She doesn't eat people...

Cannibalism was against humanity and humans weren't that tasty. FYI

Before, she could utter a word, "Wai...t!"

Those unknown people ran like their lives were depending on it while cussing at each other.

Alina didn't really know what to say, so youthful and energetic...

She didn't have enough energy to run after them. Even though, she felt a little down, was she that


But her attention was diverted as the district suddenly lit up, illuminating the place, making her PBP glow.

When those uncanny students looked back, their soul almost flew out of their body, oh my god...

This place was really haunted. It even had such a beautiful woman with an outrageous hair style occupying it.

Some of them froze while other had to drag them.

"What's that stench?"

"Bob peed his pants"


Alina looked at those clumsy fools for few moments gobsmacked by their unusual behaviour, while touching her cheek, she thought

"Am I that scary"

Ah baby you were not scary, you just look like Frankenstein. Nothing much.

She didn't dwell on it much, the university opens on 5th of January, she had so much to prepare, she had no energy to think further.

A month of exhaustion and the after effects of her rebirth took over, she entered her paradise yawning, not giving a shizzle that she just scared some spoilt brats away.