First day of Uni and it started with...

Snow flurried through the city, it was the second month of winter and the first month of the year, busiest month of the year but a fresh start for many.

Since, it was the start of the year, schools and universities were slowly opening.

Making the capital hectic as New Year was one of the busiest and the exciting time of the year for university students.

People came from different places with full of energy and expectations to make a name for themselves, to start new careers or to study and make friends and to reach their goals and achieve their dreams.

Hence, Metropolitan city was at its peak at this time of the year, as students come from all over the world to attend Metropolitan City University although it's to be expected.

Metropolitan city University was one of the most prestigious university in the country, 5th in the world for its achievements.

They have made many geniuses; the professors were capable and well known individuals in their respective careers.

Metropolitan City University has obtained many a noble prize for its accomplishments in psychology as well as medicine, making a break through in the 31st century.

This university was slowly advancing towards its robotics discovery, even though most companies have control over robotics industry, to be able to get an employment, robotics degree was necessary, hence, many took robotics degree from this big deity.

Hence Metropolitan City University was well known for its medical and psychological discoveries, also for robotics recognition.

These objectives attracted many students, although others came for its night life, as it was full of vivacity.

Night club was open to all students even though there were dorm restrictions, it didn't discourage them to come to this beautiful university which has much more to it than prestige and recognition.

Yet, a wealthy group of middle aged women were causing ruckus in front of the very well respected university's psychology faculty.

A fat woman who seems to be the main cause of the commotion is bullying a little girl screaming indecently.

What came out of her mouth made her look more of shrew from a village than wife of a wealthy man.

Her harsh words frightened the little girl; she looked helpless, trying to explain herself. It looked like a little bunny caught in the paws of a bear. It was horrifying.

The commotion attracted many students attention.

Since it was start of the year, many students were in front of faculty since they had time as it was morning.

Those shameless people started making a circle, but they didn't want to get involved but wanted to watch the drama.

The middle aged woman voice was vicious, her vile word made others loath her than support her. Some even wondered if she really was a wealthy man's wife.

"You wretched wench, how dare you seduce my husband?"

She scolded the little girl like a mad cow. The little girl couldn't defend herself, she tried asking for help but her so called cheap friends distanced themselves from her and were watching her get beat up, jeering at her downfall, they were truly her friends.

The little girl was overwhelmed.

How would she know what happened here, she was as confused as others as a mad woman suddenly came out of nowhere and started ostracizing her.

Her little heart was beating rapidly, even though she knew she wasn't guilty, the woman's abuse made her weak and hopeless as her "friends" easily abandoned her and the ones who wanted to help her were weak.

Ever since she went for New Year's holiday, she kept herself burying into books.

Where the hell would she have time to seduce a man? Your mother!!!! She had no f**** time, this old woman was too much.

She was so angry but couldn't speak up and the loud woman took advantage of her introverted personality and slandered her more.

She wanted to cry but she didn't want to look weak. Thus, she bit her lips stubbornly, letting the crazy woman beat her like she was a punching bag.

She constantly reminded herself to endure it but she was a young girl who was pampered her whole life and only knows of love and cherishment, her mother never touched her yet here she was, getting manhandled by a bunch of middle aged women.

Life was really unpredictable.

She really hoped that her family wouldn't come bite her like that woman, her little cousin already made so much trouble running away from her wedding, no one could find her. There was so much trouble in the Xi family and here was this woman, slandering her of a crime she didn't commit.

What bad luck! She felt really helpless, why was this happening to her?

This was meant to be her fresh start of the year; she wasn't a person who would seduce people.

Who wants an old man, oh please, the old woman can have the old man for all she cares, she was happy with her ever so handsome cousin.

The old man? Can he lift it up? Moreover, she had no time for that.

Ah! How she wanted to beat this woman's ass. Endure... Endure... So she kept herself quite.

"Did you seduce my husband so that he can pay your tuition, if that's so, what's the difference between you and a prostitute?"

Her disgusting words attracted many people's attention, this might really be an end for this young female student, in this society people looked down on women who sold their bodies for money.

So what if science advanced, so what if technology made breakthroughs, people still had narrow minds. It was a judgmental, cruel society.

It's the survival of the fittest, fastest and smartest.

Even though the university was an open minded environment, it doesn't appreciate students with such background if it was brought in front of them.

She was really doomed. Some people were feeling pity for the little one while shaking their heads, they would have felt sorry for the woman but the way she was victimising someone without proof was ludicrous.

They were educated people and not some stupid grasshoppers; hence they wouldn't just believe anything a crazy person claims.

While those naive ones, who has not seen the world or were as narrow minded as the woman, believed every word the woman said, looking at the girl like she was a home wrecker.

As if she was a disgrace to the society. This made the woman look more confident with her action as people scoffed at the "wench".

The middle aged woman looked like a pig, as she huffed and puffed.

Her face was pink due to her over exertion since she abused the girl with all her might, it would have been the first time she exhausted herself venting her anger.

Too bad she wasn't a wolf because her action said otherwise.

She howled like a mad dog

"I want to see the authorities".

The women she bought with her, also started asking for the authorities.


The Little girl looked at the sky, while cursing her fate as she heard a bewitching voice, bringing shivers to her bones.

"Did someone call the authorities? Here I am"