Allen is back and back to wreck....

Who was Allen, Allen was Alina. The devil incarnated as an empress.

In her previous life, the three years of freedom she had, she made people's life miserable. Tsk, these people were too much, taking everything for child's play.

She had lived ten years more than these lousy people. Did they think they can beat her with their petty child's play?

Hehehe they are really mistaken. This baby wants play and wants to have fun real hard.

She also wants to make a tremendous debut by using this incident to her advantage, even though she knew she was using her little cousin, she didn't feel guilty.

What was there to be guilty about?

In her previous life, she knew her little cousin's reputation was destroyed by a silly old woman, while no one stood up for her, hence she was helping her cousin not using her.

Her little cousin Ella was a tad too innocent, to be honest innocent would be an overstatement, she was more of an airhead, easily trusting people but at the end no one stood up for her.

This was an episode which happened a month after Alina was married, hence even if she wanted to help her cousin, she couldn't.

Moreover, she had her own issues to sort out, where would she have time to meddle in silly plays.

Besides, they already made her quite the teaching job, not that they knew but she wasn't allowed to "study" in university anymore.

She was supposedly the good little dedicated housewife.

No offence to the housewives, but it wasn't a very appreciative career choice.

But now baby, is different, to the heck with marriage, to heck with being a housewife.

Allen was back to wreck your @$$....

Allen chuckled, as malicious glint passed through his eyes.

What Feng business, it was nothing compared to his Xi corporation, it was just second generation wealthy family, recently gained their tiny bit of wealth, did she think she was some empress?

Allen sneered "Madam Feng, I think you have forgotten, this isn't your Feng mansion, please refrain yourself with dignity, and as for authority, what I say goes here. This is my territory not your lousy mansion"

This faculty being Allen's territory wasn't a lie, the trustee of psychology faculty was the Xi Corporation with the most shares owned by Xi Corporation.

Since he teaches here, his grandparents brought most of the shares for him so that he wouldn't have complication in the near future.

And so this faculty was really his playground and he really is the authority, knowing full well of his power and position.

Every word he said had not a bit of politeness, it was as sharp as blade, but what people heard was how he claimed the psychology faculty as his territory.

This man really was something, saying psychology faculty was his den, yet no one refuted him.

He looked so familiar but they couldn't pinpoint it.

This name "Allen Xi" is as if they should know him but they don't.

They whizzed their mind and no one saw the happiness of the little girl. The Little girl eyes sparkled, her mind was screaming 'marry me'.

She really wanted to eat this bewitching man alive, and he was so sexy when he was taunting someone.

Since when did her bespectacled cousin become so cool? Her heart was beating fast; she shyly stood beside the ever so beautiful man.

Seriously, in such a situation, where she was on her death row, she was fantasying about her sexy idol.

If Allen heard her, he would have flicked her head and laugh at her airheaded persona. She suddenly gripped his arm more tightly, when she saw madam Feng fearlessly glaring at her.

Even though there was nothing to worry, Since her bespectacled, no, no, now sexy cousin who was the most fuckable...cough... reliable man in the world was bedside her.

Madam Feng furiously glared at the two culprits, she couldn't swallow this insults, she was getting taunted by a little nobody who might not even grown hair down there, tsk

Who does he think he was calling this place his territory?


Now she really wanted to call the authorities, this little nobody really had guts and she wanted to teach him a good lesson.

She laughed gleefully, waiting for him to be a joke but no one came out to ridicule this devil. Not unless they wanted to be humiliated.

Her laughter faded as she saw no one was refuting the shameless rogue, holding her hands on her hips, she howled.

"Who do you think you are, this bitch seduced my husband, I need to teach her a lesson so she would not seduce another man, a thing like that should not exist"

The little girl felt aggravated, feeling little encouraged due to her yummy...cough... knight in shining armour, she agued back.

"I didn't seduce your husband, I don't even know him".

She looked like she was ready for a crusade; this little girl did have backbone when she had a backer.

Allen looked at the little bunny beside him and felt very amused, oh how he was itching to tease her, but first he wanted to teach this so called madam Feng a lesson.

There was no mirth on his eyes when he looked at her, this woman...

She really needed to be taught a lesson. If he didn't, it would be a shame to his teaching career.

"Oh, so you are saying your husband couldn't keep his pants up? I see"

He was rubbing his chin as if he was thinking something thoughtfully, his eyes sparkled with sensibility, and his action made others baffle.

While some were feeling a little speechless, where was the conversation going, why did they feel like this guy loves messing around with people.

Especially the ones he didn't appreciate, this whole faculty seemed like a stadium to him and he was an umpire or referee as well as the player. He led the game and destroyed opponent.

An unbeatable boss.

"What do you mean?"

"Dignified" Madam Feng barked back at him, if not for her husband's money, would she be tolerating the man's abuse but that doesn't mean she allow those who seduced her husband lurk freely.

Hehehe those women really thought too highly of themselves.