Snakes and Pigs -Not edited-

Looking at the barking woman, Allen chuckled, he has seen many people in both of his life time, what has he not seen snakes, pigs and many more.

Moreover, he wasn't a psychology professor for no reason.

This woman was selfish to her core, someone who would do anything for her own selfish desire but to vent her frustration caused by her scumbag of a husband, she came here to bully women who apparently seduced her husband.

Tsk she really was messing with wrong people and the wrong family.

And Allen really wanted to give her good education for who to mess with who to not to.

Feeling very little more proactive due to his sudden motivation, he started give her a cough.. lecture of life.

"Tut, you just said your husband was seduced, doesn't that mean he is a pig, a man who can't keep his pants up isn't a man. If a silly little girl can seduce him, don't you think there is some problems?"

The words he said were not nice and some what inappropriate since he should not dwell on someone else's private matter, but, this was the woman who pushed her silly cousin in to her dark abyss and eventually to her death.

People like that don't deserve politeness.

Madam Feng couldn't refute Allen as he continued with his lecture...mocking.., ignoring the horror in people's face.

Well you came to see a show, here I will give you a show.

Allen had a evil smirk on his adoring face when he saw the pathetic expression on the public's face. Absolutely enjoying the beautiful expression, let the show emerge...

"If he isn't loyal why did he marry you? I mean, with all respect you should know your husband. If he couldn't keep his pants up, he had no rights to tie a knot and cheat on you. Oh by the way, my ever so condolence to you "madam Feng".

Oh he should have been like me, not tied to anyone, treating every woman equally and gently"

Allen looked so proud for calling himself a playboy... cough.. gentleman while the other man a pig, where was the logic?

When people heard him, they really wanted to applaud him but at same time hit him with a bat.

You silly boy are mocking yourself or that man?

This guy was really mentally ill. Where was the mental asylum crew, here a emergency case. Urgent waiting in psychology faculty. Quick...

Although these pathetic people felt frustrated just hearing him, they couldn't do anything as the pressure the smiling devil summoned was out of this world.

Furthermore, He was mocking Madam Feng for marrying a scumbag, emphasising the word Madam Feng. It's a embrassement to a women who couldn't keep her husband tamed.

Allen i.e Alina knew the hard way, even though she mocked the greedy woman, she could feel the wrath of wife, unfortunately the wrath was wasted on someone unrelated.

While the witch who caused all this watched from the side line.

His voice had became flat when he continued with tauting, Madam fang looked livid as if whatever his going to say next was really going to shame her and she was so right.

"But, I will say it again just to be clear, k?" He looked at her as if he was talking to a kindergarten students.

"if a man is easily seduce doesn't that mean...." He paused while looked at her up and down, there was a deep meaning in his eyes, Madam Feng felt uncomfortable to the point hair in her body rose up.

"heheh, I don't want to be rude but if you can't tame your man, what makes you think others at fault, you should seduce him back like how evolutionary psychology suggested by your sexual selection.

Prettier and Sexier. You can do that right? and if that doesn't work just, divorce him. A man who cheats on his prospect partner, when he was meant to be commited and loyal doesn't deserve to be resepcted or loved."

Every word he spoke was from his unspoken heart, he hated people who couldn't stay loyal to their partners, being a person who was in a toxic relationship.

He felt disgusted towards men who had loose pants while women who loved to wreck someone else's beautiful home. It really was unappetising reality. His words became more ruthless without inch of respect

"A man who couldn't keep his pants up is a pig while a woman who breaks someone's home is snake... little sweetie are you snake?"

He gently asked the little girl beside him, as if he was any harsher to her it would break his heart. The massive contrast between left the crowd in strands.

The little lamb looked awed by him, kind of creeped him but when the words he said inserted her mind, she rapped her head like a drum.

What part of her looked like a seductress, she looked like helpless little lamb in a den full of wolves unlike her friend who dressed up like temptress, he shook his head.

Feeling a little sorry for her. But, he will protect this lamb and love the right people and give them the world, one lifetime for regrets, second lifetime for redemption. Purrrrrfect...

A sudden thought popped in his mind.

'Darling hold my hand and I will not show you the world but conquer the world for you.'

Someone once said that to Alina, looking at the lamb reminded of him, there was a little warmth on his face when he thought of certain someone.

When he looked at distorted Madam Feng, his warmth faded as fast as it appeared.

"Then again you wouldn't divorce him, let's be honest here, you don't even love the man, you married him for his money. I don't see why you should complain. Both of you husband and wife are the same... You each want something from each other.

A mutual benefits, I don't know why you would raise such commotion on the first of day of University, if you really have problems you could have privately talk to your husband and ask why he isn't satisfied with your service"

He was tauting her, she said the little lamb was prostitute, but what was the difference between this so called Madam Feng and a prostitute.

The legimacy, oh she legally slept with the man and earned many. What a funny woman!

Allen sneered at the woman for being proud of marrying a rich man, what a narrow minded shotbat.

What's there to be proud of, oh that she was a legal prostitute with a marriage certificate while others were illigal, she did marry the man for his money, while she the "madam Feng" did served him with her body.

So does this so called madam Feng have any right to criticise others. This woman was really a hypocrite.

Allen knew he, himself was hypocrite and a snake, well who wasn't but this woman, ayeeesh was so shameless to point fingers at others but forgot about herself.

As his disgust level heightened and so did the pressure surrounding him, an aura of emperor, as he decreed his verdicts.


Li and Xi illusion Box

Alien: Did you know pigs are haram and snakes are poisonous

Li: I see

Xi: That's says a lot

Alien: Stay loyal Li boi, if you don't want to be eunuch

Li: Sure....
