And she Collapsed

"But, it seems "Madam Feng" here loves attention and beating young university students while framing and accusing them of something she herself is very familiar with."

The words that came out of his mouth seemed as if it was the ultimate truth.

Madam Feng looked at Allen with horror as if he was an evil incarnation, at beginning his words seemed playful but as he continued there was nothing but ridicule.

He was ridiculing her for not controlling her husband but venting her frustration on students.

Using her words against her, he ridiculed her for thinking she was clean and the well respected Madam Feng which she clearly wasn't. Allen ruthlessly stripped her of dignity.


She couldn't refute him since every word he said was the truth.

She did marry Mr.Feng for his money, there was no love. She didn't divorce him and even if she wanted to, the man wouldn't allow it, his dignity and pride mattered and her giving him divorce would humiliate him.

She endured that man's infidelity for years but she couldn't help but vent her hatred on those mistresses.

She couldn't oppose Allen as she looked at him speechlessly. Her dumbstruck look did not evoke sympathy from Allen, to him, she deserved it.

She was the type of women who easily accused others for her failure. And Allen hated people like her the most, in psychological prospective, Madam Feng would be someone categorised in external locus with authoritarian personality.

External locus was when a person believes others control their fate and actions hence they don't take any responsibility over their action.

While someone with authoritarian personality looks down on the weaklings but bows down to the strong.

Moreover, Allen was someone who was held against his will for seven years and if he could fight for his freedom why couldn't she? Well simple, Madam Feng loved money.

This made Allen loathe her even more, when he looked at her, there was nothing but contempt in Allen's eyes.

But, Allen wasn't finished; his sharp deep blue orbs looked at her as if he would pierce her heart. She could hardly breathe.

"Now, if Madam Feng really wants to call the authorities, I would happily oblige.

Since I am the authority, I make the final decision, I am fair and virtuous but if you are to be found framing my pupils under my watch..."

He paused while grinning at her like he was talking about weather but the aura he released said other wise.

"I wouldn't mind taking you to the court and sue you for libel"

When the crowd heard Allen say pupil, they were bombarded with sudden disclosure, they easily connected the dots, even a fool could do so and they were no fools.

This man was the well known and respected bespectacled twenty two year old professor Xi, the youngest professor the university ever had.

Also one of the biggest share holder, hence his statement of being the authority was not an understatement.

But since when, did he become such a bewitching character, taking everyone's breath way with his elegant action and sophisticated words.

This pushover of a "man" was dead for four months, most of the newcomers did not know who he was while the ones who knew him looked at Allen like he was a ghost.

How did he resurrect and even become an incarnation of a devil? Ruthlessly slapping someone's face on the first day of his comeback!

If taking four months break could change one's character completely and make them bewitchingly attractive, Oh lord where do they sign up?

This was just a mind blowing discovery; the young master of Xi family had become an overlord.

This young master's new persona was a complete contrast to his old self, even though he was a handsome fella before, he was always the walkover with no sense of security, people could easily crush him.

Whilst now, he was crushing someone else and looking dazzling as his devilish beauty made him an instant heartthrob for every youngster in the campus.

But the most iconic change wasn't his appearance but his authoritative aura.

With his new look, Allen could compete against everyone's beloved, medicine faculty's Emperor Justin Li, who was well known for his handsomeness and cold temperament.

Justin has a mysterious background hence no would approached him other than his close friends.

But this didn't stop the young university students from admiring him greatly as if they could worship him closing their eyes.

As they thought such, they were left dumbstruck.

What was life again?

How could removing spectacles make a person's character change? Was this a game? Wait did they have gaming level and lifeline above their heads?

Some of them even looked up their head. Lol. If they were actually on a game, this devil would be above level 3000.

However, it wasn't them who were panicking. Madam Feng was heavily breathing; she was hyperventilating, pupil....?

Was he a professor and that too a member of the Xi family.

He was so young?


No it can't be, he looked so confident. Her pupils shrank as fear crept in her, her blood became cold, she wanted to cause trouble to that wretched, was she misinformed?

She didn't really want to call the authorities, if her husband was informed about this misdeed, she would be in major trouble.

She wanted to destroy that calamitous girl's reputation, however, what was this? Where did this devil come from?

She was eating a loss without an impregnable retreat. Madam Feng wanted to hide but before she could make a move, Allen struck first.

"Where is the security, how can this faculty function allow just anybody? Check the IDs from next time. Seems like many things have changed when I was away"

He chuckled as his displeased voice rang through out the building, he did not appreciate their lousy work ethics, allowing just anyone to enter and cause commotion, might as well call the theatre society and let them act.

The crowds were surprised by Allen's sudden displeased voice, even though the "boy" mocked the lady with a ridicule in his eyes for a while, he had a smile on his face.

Hence his sudden change of expression left them with no time to react.

The security came and acknowledged the busybody's identity. Mess with anyone but not the four major families.


The woman who caused this entire ruckus, suddenly collapsed on the floor.


This woman was really a pig .

Allen touched the tip of his nose asking himself if he was the wolf.

Though he did not feel any guilt, he was also not surprised that her blood pressure was high due to the sudden stimulation caused by him.

Allen wondered if laughing would make him insensitive.

Tsk who cares, this kind of disgraceful woman didn't deserve to be here, she lacked education and dignity but he also felt slightly sorry, oh maybe a tiny weeny bit.

'I hope her husband doesn't do anything bad to her.



Discord: @Alien#7612

Insta: zer797