A Good Companion

"You and your friends will not do anything to compensate me. We all know that what was happened cannot be change anymore."

"I know. I know. But I do hope you and me will remain friends." he said while looking to me.

"Yeah. Of course!" I said bluntly not wanting to wider the conversation. We arrived after almost 30 minutes of traveling. I ask him to drop me on the first corner before we can reach to my house. I don't know who Chris Paul really is. How come he own a car at his young age. How come his family let him bring the car at school during regular classes. How come his friend, Alexander, own a condo. In an instant, my curiosity about their living arise.

As soon as I open the front door, my mom automatically stand from the lounge.

"Where did you slept last night? Didn't you told me that you will leave the party early? I know she is furious. I can see it through her eyes. I know how mom protective to us specially to my sisters. And this is my first time sleeping in another house.

"Maria and Rose asked me to stay." I can't look directly into my mother's eyes. Lying doesn't suits me. Before my mother can respond and giveva sermon, I hurriedly walk towards my room. I didn't saw my sisters and brothers in the living room.

I am about to sleep when my cellphone vibrated. I pick up my phone from the bed side table. It was Chris Paul who sent a message saying a goodnight.

I did not reply to his message because I don't want our relations to dig more deeper. As much as possible, I need to avoid them and cut any ties most specifically to Alexander though they made a mistake and ask to cover it up which I don't know in what particular way.

It was already past 12 midnight and still I'm fully awake and can't sleep. My eyes are already tired but my mind is still alive. I keep staring to the ceiling for almost 2 hours, 3 hours, 4 hours. I don't know, I'm not sure and I can't remember. I just fell asleep when the first appearance of light in the sky before sunrise shows. When my eyes cannot handle it anymore.

6: 30 in the morning when my alarm clock wakes me up. I grab it from the bed side table and turned it off. My eyes are still heavy and I don't have the energy to get up until I fell asleep again.

I was too shocked upon checking what time is it. It was already past nine and it means I skip my first subject. Faster than the lightning struck on the ground, I take a bath, wear the school uniform, tie my hair, pick up the back pack, and ride a jeep without having a breakfast. Anyway, my stomach is imuned for not eating anything every morning.

Eventhough I got to school earlier than I expected, still I am twenty minutes late to enter the second subject. Instead of entering the room and attend the class, I found my feet leading me into the benches. I take my seat on one of the benches and pull out my drawing book from the bag.

The two couples sitting comfortably on the bench under the tree catch my attention. This is what I did everytime I'm bored or wanted to be alone. I am in the middle of sketching the two couples when a silhouette appeared on the drawing book.

"Hey! When did you get here? How come I didn't noticed your appearance." I close my drawing book and put it inside my bag and the charcoal.

"Would you mind if I take my seat first beside you?"

"Ohhhh! Sorry. Of course. Please take your seat." I said while tapping the bench beside me.

"You have a good talent in drawing huh!" he commented.

"Thanks! It was in our blood line. My sisters and brothers have also this talent. They are better than me when in terms of drawing. Only of you can see their drawing, you should compare mine from them." "So, how come did you get here?"

"We were playing basketball when I noticed you here sitting alone. At first, I didn't mind you but later I thought I saw you somewhere. I thought we've already met until I remember you yesterday."

"I'm sorry. But what was your name again?" okay, this is embarrassing but I really forgot his name. This is one of my weaknesses, I've usually forgot the names even how close that person to me.

"Prince Kyle. Or Kyle for short." he said.

We are both quiet for a moment waiting for the first one to open a topic. This is unbelievable but believe me, I feel comfortable talking to this man eventhough I don't know him yet.

"Can I ask why are you sitting here alone?"

"I am late so I didn't attend the class. How about you? You don't have any class right now?"

"It's our P.E time. Our professor gives us enough time to practice basketball. We will have our tournament for next month together with the other departments" Kyle explained. I admit he is indeed a good companion. In addition of that, the guy sitting beside me is good-looking where some of the girls keep staring to us.

"Can I ask your number if you don't mind?" at first, I hesitate to give my number. What if he thinks something negative on me how easy I am giving me number to anyone. But at the end, I still give it to him.

"So? Do you mind transferring to the gym and witness how I am good in playing basketball?" why do I feel like admiring this guy even more?