
I am in the comfort room when I heard someone talking unintentionally. I was about to hold the handle when I heard the name Chris Paul. I'm not sure if they are talking to the same person I know but why do I have the feeling?

"Did you heard the news about Chris Paul?" one of the girls asked. I don't know who she is and I can't see her face since I am inside in one of the cubicles.

"About what?"

"He has a scandal. I don't know if it is true but I heard someone talking in the canteen."

"Really? Maybe that is just one of the nonsense gossips. You already know how some of the students here behaved."

" Okay. okay. Maybe it is true or maybe it is not. But what if it is true? That is totally crap. A shame. What if there is some video clip?" the voice of the group of girls are becoming weakened as I heard the door opened.

"Then let's see the truth."

I went out when I heard the door closed. I stared on the mirror in a while and thinking what I had just heard a while ago. Is it true or not? Is it the Chris Paul I know from the architecture? All of a sudden, I feel so hot so I switch the faucet to open. I grab some water in my palms and splash it into my face.

I went outside from the girls comfort room to attend my next subject. I've noticed some of the students are keep glancing on my direction. I did not mind them and continue my way going to the next floor where our room located for the next class.

My cellphone vibrated inside my bag. I pick it out from the pocket and saw Maria's name registered on my phone.

"I'm on my way to our room. Why are you calling?" okay, this is one side of me. Sometimes, I'm being unrespectful to some close persons of mine.

"Althea, don't! Listen to me, we need to talk in some private area. We will wait you outside the campus near the bridge." her voice seems nervous but I'm not totally sure.

"But why? What about our class? I had already skipped two subjects yesterday. And do you know that our finals are coming?"

"But this is so important Althea. Please, please, listen to me." why she is pleading suddenly?

"Okay, okay. But this should be quick Maria. We need to catch up the class or else we will be behind. Just to inform you that your dear friend is too excited to see her toga soon." then I roll my eyes as if she can see me.

I turn my back and go where the exit is instead of going to the second floor. The meeting place where Maria ask me to meet is just a walking distance so I don't need to ride either tricycle or jeep.

While I am walking along the road, I can notice that some of the students is in a deep conversation while glancing me once in a while. And I am started getting curious. Why do I feel like they are talking about me.

"She looks similar on that video. What do you think?" I heard the girl asking her boyfriend.

"I don't know. I'm not sure but yes, she looks similar." and thenbthey keep silent until they pass me.

In the canopy which owns by some restaurant owner near the bridge, I saw Maria and Rose sitting. I call their attention immediately as soon as I get under the canopy.

"Althea!" they both said in unison and stand together.

"Do we have a problem here?" I already have a bad feelings but I don't know what it is. I am afraid to ask and hear it out. But I did still asked enable to confirm.

They took time to answer my question. The two of them are just looking to each other like trying have a conversation through their eyes.

" What? What is it?" I asked again. This time, Rose seems wanted to talk first but it seems she doesn't know where to start. I am now starting getting nervous upon seeing their facial expressions. While I observed Maria whose looking down on the ground while playing her index finger nervously. I thought I just saw her trembling if I was not mistaken.

"Althea, promise us you would stay calm whatever we are going to tell you."

"Wait! Wait! Wait! How could I promise if I didn't know the situation yet? You know, I'm getting stress right now! Just tell me what is it and let see how would I react! Okay?" I shouted them but I didn't mean it.

"Rose, now you tell Althea about what just had happened at the school."

"What is it? Just tell me cause you know, we are wasting time here already." I asked for the second time.

"Althea...." then Rose paused for a while. "The scandal between you and Chris Paul was being leaked. It was already scattered everywhere in our school. We don't know how it was happened. We don't know who..." I didn't let Rose continue to speak. This is confusing. How come I have a scandal? And together with Chris Paul?

"Scandal? What scandal? Why do I have a scandal? I mean how could it be? Ridiculous! This is ridiculous!" I shouted while hitting the table harder.