He Kiss Me

"We don't have an idea also not until we saw the video."

"Then let me see the video." I gestured my hand to get their phone. But they both hesitates either to give it to me or not. I know they don't want to show it to me.

"Then I need to talk to Chris Paul then." I simply told them while turning my back and ready to go back to school.

"Althea, wait." Rose grab my left arm trying to stop me.

"Why? I can't even go and talk to Cris Paul right now? And what do you want me to do? Stand here and do nothing? Huh?" None of them answered. I am too angry that I didn't know what is the most accurate thing to do. It still doesn't sinked in my mind.

My two friends are staring to each other and then Rose nods to Maria. She get her phone from her pocket and opened the password. She was scrolling down her phone and later on, she give it to me.

My eagerness to confirm what is in the video is higher than the nervous I felt in a while. As soon as I hold Maria's phone, my hand started to tremble slightly.

I did not click the play button yet, but I already saw Chris Paul on the top of me holding my face.

"Althea don't force yourself if you are not ready. Let us settle this and talk to the boys." they said but it seems like I heard nothing. Slowly, I click the play button and the video started playing.

Chris Paul repeatedly calling me as Precious while kissing me forcefully. Whomever took the video seems positioned few meters away. Chris Paul continued kissing me even though I didn't kiss him back. But upon looking in the video, it was unnoticeable that I didn't response from his kisses. Until he slowly removed my upper part clothes and throw it away.

My tears are now slowly falling from my eyes but still I've continued watching the video. I was like a dead body that was being manipulestid by someone. What was Chris Paul done next horrified me. He pull my pants down and my undergarment. He harshly throw it to the floor.

I turned off the cellphone quickly unable to witness the next thing to oçcur. I can't bare to see myself lying on that bed and was like being raped.Yes, I believe it was like a rape. I was totally like a dead body and still he has the guts to do it to me.

Without thinking, I throw the phone to my front and the sound of being crash was the only sounds you can heard. I found myself running back to the school to find where Chris Paul is.

Angry. That was the only word I can describe for what I felt right now. I am too angry that I think I can kill people. I can kill him for what he did.

I didn't care for those pair of eyes who keep staring on me as soon as my feet was already on the entrance gate. I didn't even heard Maria and Rose calling my name repeatedly at my back.

I was about to turn right where the room of architecture was located when someone grab my arm. I am trying to loose from his grip but his hand hold my arm tightly. He is now dragging me somewhere and I don't know where we are going until we arrived at the parking area. He was trying to push me forcefully into his car but I am more furious than him.

I slap his right face with all my force. I'm not yet contented that I slap his left face. I am about to slap him again but he catch my arm and hold it tightly. His fingers are like digging into my skin.

"How dare you?" I said angrily with greeted teeth.

"Althea, let's talk to some private area. Not here."

"Private area? Do you want us to talk in private knowing the fact that the video was already everywhere inside the campus. Or maybe it was leaked already outside the campus. Now give me enough reason why do we need to talk in private if we are already in the eyes of public? Huh?" I am too afraid to loose my control anytime. I am holding myself from crying. I didn't notice that we already catch the attention of some students.

"We should settle this problem Althea. I promise you..." but I didn't let him finish.

"We? Are you nuts? Why would I if I am a victim here. Why would I if you didn't confess to me at the very beginning. Why would I if...." I stop. I can't control it anymore when my tears started to fall. Before Chris Paul can see my tears, I turn my back and supposed to walk away when suddenly he grab my arm again. What he did next is unexpected.

He kiss me on the lips.