My Little Angel

3 months of staying at Rexor's residence is not bad at all. At first, I felt not comfortable living everyday with them and worst thing was his parents prohibited me to do any of the household chores. They even not allowed me to help preparing simple meals . They always pursuing me to take a nap. My daily routine was to wake up at 7 o'clock in the morning, take a bath, then wait for the breakfast. After that, I teach his younger sister how to read and do some girly matters like tutoring her how to apply basic make-up. At sharp 12 o'clock, his mother called us for lunch. After taking a lunch, they always insist that I should take a rest. Basically, every afternoon I took 3 to 4 hours sleeping at the guest room. Rexor's room is not far from their guest room. They let me use used it from the start since I moved in. Not too huge but not too small either for one person. He never fails to wake me every morning before he leaves home to work. During the three consecutive months, I never experienced bullying while staying there. Instead they threat me like their own daughter. Rexor is too concern of my health that he always there to check me time on time. He was afraid that I was bored so he always make sure to accompany me everytime he took his day off.

I didn't even realized that 3 months pass already and my due date is exactly today. I admitted here in the private hospital since yesterday when I start my laboring. His mother and little sister were taking care of me since yesterday. Rexor just visited me after works. If not only due to the money shortage, my mother was supposed to travel from our province to here to support me. They explained to me their situation and I do understand so I insisted to them that she doesn't need to come here. They don't need also to send a financial assistant since I still have my contingency savings. They don't need also to worry since Rexor's family assures that they will help me throughout the time. Despite of the accident happened to me, I'm still blessed to have Rexor and his family. Blessed to Almighty God for his undying support since I've got pregnant.

"Althea, your doctor told us that you need to be cesarean right now. You can't have a normal delivery of your baby. Your baby inside your belly is in a difficult situation. You almost reach the minimum capacity of your water bag. And that is too risky for your baby." his mother inform me eventhough I heared already what the doctor said earlier. Maybe she is too nervous at this moment. I just nod to her while he help me wearing the lab gown.

"Don't worry too much." she comforted me while holding my hands tightly. "Just bare it inside your mind that we are here waiting and too excited for the baby later."

"Thank you very much for your motivation auntie." I honestly told her while squeezing her hands asking for support. Frankly speaking, I am too nervous right now. I was imagining too much things like how the doctor hold the scalpel and cut my belly. The longest needle they used to inject for anesthesia. Not one or two only but more than enough that they usually injected anywhere in the part of the human body.

"You may lay down ma'am. We are about to start the operation as soon as the doctor is here." then the nurse help me lying down on the bed. We are still at the hallway outside of the operating room.

Few minutes after, the nurse starts injecting the anesthesia. I think I start lossing sensation but without lossing my consciousness. My eyes are close but mind is still alive. I still hears voices. Not later on when I feel something that touch my belly and they start cutting it. A hand that explore inside my stomach and other processes that I don't know what they do during the operation. Though I still have a conscious throughout the operation, the positive thing is I didn't feel even a slightest pain until I fall asleep.

The tender sounds of a baby crying woke me up.

"Hey little boy, sssshhhhhh.... you may disturb your mother." auntie was joyfully carrying the little angel between her bare hands.

"No, it's totally okay auntie." I utter the words in a weak tone.

"Althea, you're awake already. Here..... your little boy." then she carefully transfer my baby that is fully wrap in a white cloth to my side. "I will give you to your mother for a while little boy." she added while wearing a wide smile that plastered in her face since a while ago.

I slowly caress lovingly my child. I stared from his brilliant eyes to his cute pointed nose, thin lips, pinkish chicks and other parts of his body. I badly wants to carry him but I don't still have my strength.

"What is the name of this little boy by the way Althea?" auntie asked out of nowhere. I almost forgot that she is still here inside the room. I was too carried away, too happy to hold my baby.

"I want to name him as Prince..."I didn't finish my statement when we heared someone knocks the door then open it afterwards. Rexor is entering the room and someone follows him.

"Paul." I utter in a whispered tone.

"Prince Paul. Nice name for a handsome little boy." my auntie commented. But I didn't reply when I blink my eyes twice to make sure who is the person standing behind Rexor.

"Congrats Althea." Rexor congratulates me while hugging me tightly. "Oooohhh... look how cute this little angel.

"I know. Oppps, oppps, you are not allowed to hold my baby yet. You need to wash your hands first." I stop him from touching my baby.

"I'm sorry. Your uncle is too excited." he commented then start to turn his back.

"Oh, I almost forgot to introduce you. This is Chris Paul by the way, my second degree cousin. And Paul, this is...."

"Althea." he finish Rexor's statement by stating my name. Why he seems so relax while I am here trying to control my temper as much as I can.

"You know her?" Rexor asked surprisingly.

"Of course!" he plainly answered.

"I'm sorry but I don't know you." I answer him back sharply. Maybe he didn't expect that I will decline him. Shock plastered on his face but gone immediately after he recover.

"Hi! How are you? Since when did you came here?" Auntie greeted while hugging him.

"Just today..." he didn't finish his statement when Rexor interrogates him.

"And exactly when I told him that my younger sister is giving birth here in the hospital. And I am too excited to come here as soon as possible just to see the little boy so I brought Paul here directly."

"You picked him from the airport?" his mother ask not knowing the situation.

"I want to take a nap." I interjected. I don't want to hear anything about him. Even hearing his name once, it cause more pain to my head

"I want to hold the child." He said out of nowhere and that is totally beyond of my expectation.

"NO! YOU CAN'T!" I yell then hold my baby protectively afraid that someone will get him.

"Althea, what's wrong? You don't need to yell. He is just asking a permission to hold your baby?" Rexor asked with a confused voice.

"Asking a permission? No, he's not asking! It is a demand rather!" I defended.

"Okay. Okay. But no need to react strongly. It is not like someone will steal your baby."

I didn't respond to him. Why of all sudden he will appear out of nowhere. And great, he knows exactly the timing. Am I too unlucky that they are related to each other? For all people here, why is it Rexor? The person who I trusted more. Who help and assist me throughout my pregnancy days. How can I tell to this guy who happened to escort me once that his second degree cousin is the father of my child? Of all people? Why does the world looks too small? No, he can't have him! I will fight my right for my child.

"No need for argument. If she don't want to let me hold the baby, it's okay. There is still a plenty of time." he told Rexor without moving his gaze on my direction.

"A lot of time? Why would you not go back from where you are? And beside, it is not part of your business!"

"Althea! Enough! What's wrong with you? Don't stress yourself. Did you forgot that you had an operation a while ago?" Rexor said irritatedly. He gather some air to compose his self again and try to ease my self.

"Okay, we will go outside if you want to take a rest. Your baby will stay here beside you and definitely no one will get him. But mom should also stay here." he demanded leaving me no choice. How can I chase him out without telling them the reason behind? I have to find a way how can I get lost of him.

I just nodded indicating of my agreement then I saw two figures of man exiting the room.