A Night With Him

"I told you a million times that I don't want to see him!"

"But he has all the rights Althea. You cannot change the truth that he is the father of your child!"

"I don't need your opinion Rexor! If I need to travel far away just to escape from him, then I will go even if it is the coldest or hottest place in the world!"

"If that is the case, then you don't love your baby Althea. I don't know not until now how selfish you are."

I have an argument with Rexor since a while ago. He insisted the right of his cousin as the father of my child. But I will never give what they wanted. His words is still clear in my mind when he wanted to abort the baby. I was carried away in our argument that I forgot that I left my baby in the guest room alone.

I run faster as I can when I remember my little boy. I left him alone since a while ago and I forgot to put some pillows beside him.

I hurriedly twist the doorknob and pull it to open the door. My heart is beating rapidly while thinking that maybe he wake up already. What if he cries a lot since earlier but we didn't hear because we are both occupied.

I didn't take a single step yet but I stop suddenly. Tears began to fall from my eyes.

"Aaaaaahh" a sudden loud cry echoed inside the house.

"What happened?" Rexor hurriedly followed my voice and too shock as me. No trace of voice came out from my child. I slowly walks inside the room. My little Prince Paul is lying on the floor with bloods flowing freely beside him. He fall from the bed.

"No...no....no..." I began to sob uncontrollably but everything is too late. There is no sign of breathing, no single movement indicating that he is still alive. I slightly hold his head and carry it to my chest.

"No.... No... you can't leave me. I'm,.... I'm so so sorry. I love you. Please..... please....come back to me." I utter stammerIy. I didn't stop sobbing until I felt a difficulty in breathing. My hands, my cloth, my baby is full of blood.

"This is all your fault Althea. You are too careless of your baby!"


"Althea! Althea! Wake up!"

"NO! NO! NO!" I shouted.

"It's okay! It's okay! You are just dreaming!" Paul tries to keep me calm. I was still lying in the bed full of sweat.

"Are you okay? You have a nightmare! What is it about?" he asked in a worried tone. My senses came back when he slightly caress my shoulders up and down enable to soothe me.

"Where is my baby?" I anxiously asked him.

"Here. Sleeping soundlessly." I slightly relaxed when I saw Prince Paul sleeping in a baby push cart beside my bed.

"Are you okay?" he asked again in a worried voice.

"Why are you here? Where is auntie and Rexor?" I asked him in a sharp tone but in a whisper way when I recovered to avoid waking up my child.

"They both go home earlier. Are you hungry? How about taking your meal first. It's past 9 in the evening already."

"Why did they left together?"

"They need to rest Althea. They're tired and auntie wants to take a bath." he explained.

"They entrusted me to you?" I asked carefully to confirm my hint.

"I volunteer to watch you tonight. You don't need to worry Althea, I know how to take care of you and the baby." he explained afraid that I didn't trust his capacity to handle the both of us.

"I don't need you here. You are free to go home." I said then close my eyes not wanting to have a conversation with him.

"You are alone here Althea. Don't expect that the nurses here will assist you if you want to eat, take the comfort room, if the baby needs to change a clothes and anything else needed here"

" Then I will call Rexor." I start getting up from bed to find my phone.

"Can you give a consideration to the person? He also needs to rest Althea. He's tired. You already know that he came from work. Not to mention that he picked me from the airport right after, then he went here a while ago."

"Then I will go back to sleep. Suit your self." I carefully move to lay down again but he stop me by pushing my back again in a sitting position?

"What are you trying to do?" I asked angrily.

"You need to eat something first before you go back to sleep. Auntie told me to make sure you will eat since you didn't take your lunch earlier."

"I'm not hungry. If you want to eat, then you can eat all you can. I won't care!"

"Okay fine! Then I will call auntie and notify her that you don't want to eat!" he pull his phone from his pocket then start dialing a number.

"I'm warning you! Don't dare to do it or else you will stay outside for the whole night! You told me that they need to rest. Why bother them?"

"Whoah! No need to threaten me Althea. I'm not afraid even a single bit. Hear this?" then he held his phone higher but I still heared that it rings. "She asked me earlier to call her if there is any problem here. I'm just following her orders!"

"OKAY! OKAY! JUST CANCEL IT!" I said out of frustration. Then I slammed my two palms in my face desperately. "YOU WON! ARE YOU HAPPY NOW?"

"Sshhhhh. You will wake my baby." then he put his finger in his lips gesturing for me to keep quiet.

"How dare you? My baby? Are you insane? Do you have a sudden amnesia? That is my baby and not yours. And you don't have the right to act like a concern parent. Let me remind....." he didn't let me finish when he noticed my greeted teeth.

"Okaaaay. .. I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. I'm just here to take care of you and not to have an argument." he surrendered then he stand and went to the bed side table. He get the plate with a heathy diet food prepared already. A small amount of rice with vegetables and fish. He pull his chair and move slightly to my side. He hold the spoon and scoop a little amount of rice and vegetable.

"What are you doing?" I asked confusely though the situation is too transparent.

"What do you think I am doing? Don't wait for me to ask you to open your mouth."

"I hate you! You're rude. You are unpredictable! For your information, I just have an operation but I still have my two hands. I'm not a disabled person. Give me that!"

"Why you are too short tempered?"

"How about you answer your own question? All of a sudden, you will appear in my life? And great, you have the ability to choose the precise moment! Now, tell me how supposed to be should I react?" I said angrily but my eyes start to wet.

"Here we are again. I told you I'm not here to have an argument with you. I'm sorry. How about taking your food first so that you can take your rest? Here." then he slightly bend to hand me the plate.

"Thank you."

"I never thought you still have the good side of you. You're welcome." I didn't response from his comment. I silently start taking my foods. He also handed to me the bottled water.

"Thank you." I took a single sip of water. There is a moment of silence before my little boy cried. I slowly move to put the plate beside and supposed to cease him from crying but Paul stop me from doing it.

"I will handle him. You finish your food first." he said without looking to my direction. He didn't even wait for my reaction. He was too occupied carrying the baby to his chest carefully.

"Sshhhhhhh. Daddy's here!" then he planted a kiss on the forehead. He slowly take a step and dance while singing a lullaby which I doesn't know what song is it. Though I hate him so much and I don't want him to hold my child but I cannot obstruct them right now. The scene is just too lovely for me to interrupt.

Minutes past but Prince Paul is still crying.

"Give it to me. He's asking for a mother and not from any person."

"Just give me a little time. " he still continues swaying back and forth while singing. But Prince Paul is still crying.

"I said give it to me. Just accept the fact that you can't calm him." then without any words, he hand the baby to me.

I carry him to my chest and use my left arm to support his body. Then I slightly move my shirt and pull it down. I supported his head near to my breast. Then he start licking my nipple.

"What are you looking for?" I asked him when I noticed he was staring on me. "I told you that you can't..."

"I just notice that you are much prettier with your short hair." he said out of the blue and believe me I think I'm blushing.

When Prince Paul was done breastfeeding, I put him to my side. Then I slowly lay down to stay beside him. He already fall asleep and I feel sleepy also. I didn't bother to check Chris Paul until I fall asleep.