Yoongi twinkled his eyes adjsuting from the sunlight that entered the room from his long windows. He was suddenly hit with pain in his head. It felt really bad like someone was ripping his head. He somehow managed to get on his feet and made his way to kitchen. It was too bright for his eyes. He closed his eyes and turned his eyes. He heard the sounds of crockery and opened to its source. His vision was blurred so he could only make out the figure of a woman. He saw her trurning and looking at him. "Oh! you are up?" Your voice came out surprised to see him.

"Chaerin." He dashed to you and hugged you. Your eyes widened  with the hug. You didn't know how to react on this. You were completely blown. "Chaerin, you came back." His hug tightened around your waist. "Umm.... Yoongi." You tried to say but then you were cut off. "I know you would come back." His voice softer than ever. "I missed you." His voice slowly breaking.

You pushed him away with your hands on his shoulders, only to see his eyes slowly watering. "Yoongi, I am not Chaerin. I am Y/n." You spoke in a apologetic  tone. He gave you a look while wiping his eyes and kept a distance between him and you.

"What are you doing?" His voice came to the same old robotic manner. "Well, I thought to make breakfast for both of us. But now it is already noon, so I made lunch." You pointed to the dinning table. His gaze followed yours and saw the table filled with lunch.

He looked back to you, "Now, go. Freshen up and come. We will eat together." You motioned your hand for him to move on. "I don't need lunch you can have it." He replied and walked away.

You rushed to the door frame of kitchen, "Come on Yoongi-sshi. I can't eat alone. I am afraid." You shouted and saw him pausing near the stairs. "I don't care." His cold eyes fell on you.

"No. You are going to eat with me. I did a lot of hard work to make lunch for both of us and all you do is deny it. I am trying to return the favour you have done for me." You shout answered. Instead of hearing a voice you heard the bang of a door.

Your eyes narrowed, "This man." You sat on one of the chairs. "Who is Chaerin?" You wondered. "Is she his wife?" You asked yourself. "It must be." You tried to assure yourself.

You made your move to stairs and climbed on. You tried to figure out in which room he was in, just then you heard sniffs coming from the bathroom. You leaned on to hear.

Meanwhile Yoongi sat on the toilet seat trying to calm down but he just couldn't. He missed his daughter and wife; the love of his life. "I am at fault and I should suffer this." He sniffed wiping his runny nose and tearful eyes. Your figure for a moment made him feel like Chaerin. He desperately wanted to have them back and live his life normally. Only if he hadn't helped Jonghyoo, his family would have lived. Back then what he did made him feel just and fair who knew that it would become unfair for him.

You reminded him of her. That's when a scene plays in his mind.

"Yeobo, you must never say no when someone prepares you something with all their hardwork. Just like how you did to me. Now come on have with me. I promise that next time I will make it perfectly."

The sweetest smile on her warm face. He took in a deep breath. He stood infront of the mirror wiping off those tears. And flushed the water to make it sound like he went to toilet. He washed his face, brushed his teeth and patting towel on his face to dry his skin.

Just when you heard the flush sound, you panicked. You were going to get caught by him. You didn't want him to know that you were hearing his sobs. The best you could do was jump down the stairs and rush into the kitchen.

You sat like nothing happened. "Act, Y/n act." You command yourself. You took your breath to normal pace to act. For some time you didn't hear anything. Just as you rose from your seat, you heard a door closing.

You took the bowls and settled everything. Yoongi dragged himself and finally entered the kitchen to find you with arranged meals. You shoot him a smile, "Come on. Have seat." You gestured him.

Though everything belonged to Yoongi and you being the stranger in the house. Both of your behaviour made it seem opposite.

You dug into your food while he simply stared at the things you made. He took the chopsticks in his fingers and had a bite of the kimchi fried rice.

The flavour hit him. It was delicious. After years he was eating something like this at home. He was awestruck by the taste, he took another bite and another later leading him to finish evrything thing served for him. Memories of Chaerin ran through his mind again, she used to make such delicious and tasty food for him and no longer she was there for him. No more home cooked food. No more of those hunger satisfying food made by Chaerin's magic. He missed these. Tears cascaded from his eyes.

You were done and saw how Yoongi was eating. Tears were rolling down as he took down the food. It made you puzzled.

Was my cooking that good? You thought.

"Do you want more?" You asked him with your brows raised. He looked up from his bowl, wiping off those tears with the back of his hand, "Yes." His voice hoarse. You took the bowl from him and filled it with rice and handed over. He continued eating while you filled the other side dishes.

You wash the plates and wait for him to finish. Just as he keeps the chopsticks down, "Can you drop me by the SM entertainments?" You asked him. He nodded and walked away. You wash the remaining ones and clean the table.

You peeked into the drawing room were he was sitting watching the TV. "I am going to change." You announce before walking back.

"Why is she like Chaerin?" He supported his head with his right hand. "The way she talks, does, everything. It turns me to a sobber and finally letting my tears  down infront of this stranger." He looked out the window. That's when he notices. The entire drawing room was clean. All the bottles thrown out, clothes no where to be seen, the floor clear of any ashes.

You ran back down dressed in your last night dress. You walked in the drawing room. "I am done. Now come on." You smiled.

He switched off the TV and walked by you completely glazed. You roll your eyes and followed him.

The drive was silent. As soon as the destination was approached, the car's engine stopped. You moved your gaze to him, "Thank you so much. I am greatful to you." You said. He simply stared straight of the foot path. Your smile dropped. You get out of the car and reached his side. You knocked on the window, he rolled his eyes and pulled it down. You leaned on. 

"I hope you must have cleared your doubt of one night stand. Also, we shall meet again, Yoongi-sshi. Till then good bye." You stood straight, waving him a good bye. He didn't utter a word, plainly rolled back his window and drove off the parking area.

"This man is really hard." Just then you heard your name being called. You turn to find Taemin waving at you. You put on your regular stern face and walk up to him.

Seeing your irritated expression, he silently opened the car door for you to enter in. Before getting in you shot him most dangerous glare he could ever get. He closed it and gulped before going to the driver's seat.