The ride was deadly silent. Taemin could feel the intense gaze that he was getting from his boss. Every minute he would glance at the rear view mirror to check on you. On the otherhand you couldn't forgive Taemin's as well as Kai's behaviour; leaving you alone in the club.
You do agree that what you did was not right, if it wasn't Yoongi you would have ended in a problem. You did this on regular basis going to fancy places and not clubs to catch hold of higher officials but it didn't go so far as like sleeping at a person's home.
"Taemin?" You finally decided to speak. He stopped the car by a side and turned. "Yes boss?" His voice stern still fear in it. "Get me the details of Min Yoongi, a suspended chief officer of Seoul police headquarters." Your voice cold. "Yes boss." He abruptly answered.
The car finally reached its place, you took your steps and dang! You were closed in a hug. Feeling those strong arms around you, you could make out the person. It was Mingi; your cousin.
"My big sister." He shouted and tightened the hug. You rolled your eyes as your body squeezed to his. "Mingi, leave me." You commanded. Instead of being free ypu felt the same pressure. "Come on, it's been a year since I last saw you." He whined.
"Mingi, if you won't let me go. I am sure enough to break your bones." You warned and he immediately removed his arms. You straighten yourself and look up at the tall man. "You know," he asked.
"I don't know." You walk by him. "I was missing you so much." His goofy voice came out. "But I didn't." You dead panned. "How long are you going to stay?" You turn to face him. He pouted his lips with his gaze up in the sky. "May be 6 months or so..." he replied. "Whatever, just don't disturb me." You commanded before turning on your heels and heading to your house.
The doors opened, revealing the most expensive place. A big chandelier hung between the room, well furnished and cleaned like no spec of dust could be found. It seemed flashy. you walk in with your bodyguards bowing to you. You were about to climb the stairs when someone called you.
"Y/n dear?" You turn to face uncle Dasung. Like you expected he had the worried expression that he held whenever you were out without your guards. "Yes uncle." You smile blinking. "Where were you last night?" He asked to which you sigh.
"Uncle, you see I am fine. I was at a motel because those idiots dumped me in the club." You fold your hands over your chest. The lie you could only come up with. You didn't dare to say about Yoongi as it would cause problems, so you chose to remain silent.
"Did they cause any trouble for you?" He asked as he took his steps close to you. "No, uncle it was all fine." You waved your hand trying to not to let him in investigation. "Oh! well I am going to my flat. I just came to grab few documents from my cabin." You said as you scooted from the place. "Alright." He chuckled and went to do his job.
Though you were tough with your guards and newbies, you still had that cheerful girl in you which you chose to show only to the older members of the gang. But it was your first time being the same whiny girl to a stranger.
You grabbed your documents, changed to your casuals and grabbed on to your red scooty.
It took an hour or so for you to reach your apartment. Just as you were about to push the key, the door next to you opened and there stood the man. Your third bodyguard.
"Where were you last night?" His voice came deep. The only person who you gave the permission to speak in that deep tone. "I was at a motel, Jimin." You rolled your eyes.
Even then his face held the same expression. The tight, scroching and stern face. Avoiding him was the best you could do, so you unlocked your door and walked in. Even before you could close the door, a foot stuck in its way.
You leave the door and dropped your keys in the bowl which you sorted for it, hung your coat on the cloth stander and removed you simple shoes. You heard the door close.
"Jimmy!" You yelp because of your black samoyed jumping on you. You almost lost your balance before you were held by a pair of firm hands on your back. Your eyes closed and shrinking from the fear of falling down and Jimmy dragging his tongue all over your neck and face.
"Seems like he missed you." Jimin whispered as he saw Jimmy licking your face. Finally you stood straight and place Jimmy down.
"Thanks." You let out. "He was howling since last night." Jimin followed you to your drawing room. "Oh, I was out." Your squishy voice came out while patting his fur.
"Y/n, you haven't yet told the reason." Jimin crossed his arms. You sigh deeply not knowing how to have this man understand the situation. "Like I said I was at a motel." You repeat as you made your way to kitchen to prepare the food for Jimmy.
Jimin and Jimmy followed you to the kitchen as well.
Jimin took a seat on the dinning table, his elbows on the table as he rests his head on his palms. He dragged his eyes on your every move.
"What if Hayoon and I were alone here?" He immediately questioned. He knew you were sensitive when it came to Hayoon yet he chose to bring that topic. You stop your actions. It took you few moments before continuing your work. "I would have come earlier." You replied nonchalantly.
"See-" he was cut off by you, "Jimin, I think we made it clear that neither me nor you would mention her name." Your dark yet sad eyes look at him. "It was already done. She is gone. We are nothing now. Move on with your life. I'm doing the same. Then why can't you?" You ask him as you move to give your Jimmy his food.
"Because I can't. She was our bundle of joy. You gifted me Hayoon. You are the Queen of my life. I just can't let any woman have me." His pained voice came out of his lips.
"Jimin, it has been seven fucking years since she has left us. Seven years. If you continue to say more about her let me tell you one thing," You face him. "I will move out leaving no trace behind."
Not having the courage to talk more and irritated you simply plop on to your sofa. Jimin slowly walked out of your apartment not wanting to say more just like you.
Jimmy stood there watching both of you. "Woof!Woof!" He turned to you. You look at him with your slightly teared eyes. "He is going to be alright." You tried not to cry. The samoyed climbed onto the sofa and cuddled to you.
Just as you hug him, tears slowly sliding down your face.