The System began to upgrade upon Kayn's orders.
[Ding! It will take 24 hours for a full-upgrade]
"No problem, I can wait" Kayn then changed into some new clothes. He was dressed just like Goku black, he then suppressed his power level to 25 and Instant Transmitted to Earth. He Immedetiety scanned the planet with his senses and flew to the city. Kayn was heading to Dr. Brief's house, he then knocked on the door. It was answered by Bulma's sister tights.
"Oh my, what cute little boy, are you Bulma's friend." Tight looked at Kayn with a face full of smiles "
"No, I want to talk to Dr. Brief, Please." Kayn said with a smile, she invited him in and served him tea. Tights went to get Dr. Brief and he came out. Kayn explained about the star ball which he knew about right away. Dr. Brief went to retrieve it, once he returned, Kayn asked him if he could make a radar that could track these particular balls. Brief explained he could and would if he wanted him to, strangely, he didn't ask why.
Kayn was elated, he also told Brief to never show the radar to Bulma. He wanted her to make her own radar as she did in the story, he didn't wanna ruin that. Dr. Brief was a nice guy and agreed.
Kayn said goodbye and rushed out of the city. Kayn then used a Disguise card to change himself into a kid with blonde hair and a completely different face with all red clothes. Once he was away from the city he shot his power level up to 1000.
Meanwhile, in the highest place on Earth.
"Mr. Popo, do you feel that and see that? That little boy's strength is terrifying and unstable." Kami said with surprise. How in the world could there be someone so strong all of a sudden?
Mr. Popo: Yes, what do we do Kami, is he a threat?"
"No, he doesn't have any Evil aura or intent on him. Mr.Popo go and invite him here so that we can train him to better control his strength." Mr.popo didn't question him and called his flying carpet over to head towards Kayn's location. Kayn, of course, did this on purpose. Kayn wanted to attract the attention of kami, and what better way to do it then to have a high Battle power.
Mr.popo finally showed up. Kayn, seeing the real popo was shocked, it was the real thing in front of him, he chuckled in his mind. "Hey kid, you're quite strong and Kami wishes to invite you to his lookout." Kayn wasn't surprised and nodded, he wanted to go to the hyperbolic time chamber soon too.
"Sure, I am willing" Mr.popo then pointed to his carpet indicating that he could get on. Kayn then got on and they left to the lookout. Mr.Popo sat cross-legged as the carpet approached the look out.
When Kayn and Mr.Popo Arrived, they were greeted by an old green Namekian, Kami. "Welcome young lad, you're quite powerful for a youngster. Would you like to be the New Kami who watches over the world." Kayn's mouth twitched a bit thinking about how tricky this old man was.
"No way, I don't want to stay here forever, you can forget it." Kami wasn't offended at all, he thought Kayn was smarter than most people and would have to try a little harder later.
"Oh well, I called you here because your strength is quite high and I want to train you on how to stabilize it. What do you think young lad?" Kayn nodded, but inside he was dancing with joy.
Kayn was taken to a secluded area. He began his training with Mr.Popo, who explained and showed him everything there was to know. He was very surprised, then he was shocked, it was completely different than just buying from the system all the time. Mr.Popo explained and showed him a lot of things the system would have not taught him. During his training, a year had passed by just like that.
Kayn check his status
[Host's Status:
Name: Kayn (Luke)
Race: Saiyan
Bloodline: 100% Saiyan (Super Elite Class innate Latent Talent)
Talent: Spacial Laws,
Age: 4 Year -Old / 3 Months
Lifespan: 350 years
Body State: Healthy
Battle Power: (1000) 450,000
[Ki Control: (C++)],[Kamehamaha: (C++)],[(Instant Transmission (C++)]
[Ki Senses: (B)] [Destructo Disc: (D)] [Creation: 950 (C+)] [Warp: C++)]
[Passive Abilities-]
(Eye Of Judgement),(Zenkai Boost),(Power Ball),(High-Speed Regeneration)
(Aura Of Terror),(Aura Of Oppressive Might)
[(Omni Cure Pill x3)] [(Discount Card(50%) (x1)] [(Mysterious Pack)] [(Power Pill x5 (Low-Grade)] [(Disguise Card x9)]
[(260,000) System Points] / [(80,000) Nexus Points]
Kayn was satisfied, he had trained hard for a whole year at Kami's Look put. His system points had elevated because of the people on his planet. Kayn was getting 2000 SP a month, he received a year's worth of SP. Kayn also suddenly received more system points because he had killed other monsters in the past including those frogmen. The System had updated but he didn't bother to call out the system to see what was new.
Kayn thought about Brief and the dragon balls. Kayn then suppressed his power Level to 10 and Instantly Transmissted to Brief's house. Kayn had also gotten rid of his disguise. Kami and Popo couldn't track him, he wanted to hide his identity for now until later. Kayn retrieved the Dragonball and The dragon radar and told Brief that he would return the Dragonball when he was done with it.
Kayn went on his search, at this point, the 4-star Dragonball hadn't been found by Gohan yet so it was still in the wild. Within 3 days Kayn found all the Dragonballs. "It's time, Dragon come and grant me my wish," Kayn yelled, and the Dragonballs started to glow. Shenron ascended to the sky, the sky had turned dark which emphasized on Shenron's Figure.
I"I will grant you one wish within my power." His voice was quite deep and echoed through the land
"I wish to have the ability to create my own DragonBalls." Kayn said lazily
"Sorry, this is far beyond my ability and I cannot help you with that." Kayn sort of knew this would happen, to be able to make your own dragon balls with this sort of low-grade dragon was deemed impossible.
"Alright, I want to wish back the rabbit People who died on planet egregious and teleport them to the New Planet Called New Genesis." Kayn said happily, he wanted that SP and couldn't pass that up.
Shenron granted him his wish and more people started showing up on the interface of his planet. The dragon turned into a light and disappeared. The dragon balls dispersed in different directions.
Kayn then pulled up the system to check its new features which were quite good. He could now kill people a get system points. Kayn could also switch to one currency instead of having those nexus points, though the value of those nexus points were worth more. "Convert my nexus point into System point, I want everything on the system store to be paid with System Points." Kayn said in a commanding voice.
[Beep! Converting.....Complete!!!!]
[Host's Status:
Name: Kayn (Luke)
Race: Saiyan
Bloodline: 100% Saiyan (Super Elite Class innate Latent Talent)
Talent: Spacial Laws,
Age: 4 Year -Old / 3 Months
Lifespan: 350 years
Body State: Healthy
Battle Power: (1000) 450,000
[Ki Control: 1350 (C++)],[Kamehamaha: 1300 (C++)],[(Instant Transmission 1250 (C++)]
[Ki Senses: 1500 (B)] [Destructo Disc: 500 (D)] [Creation: 950 (C+)] [Warp: 1200 (C++)]
[Passive Abilities-]
(Eye Of Judgement),(Zenkai Boost),(Power Ball),(High-Speed Regeneration)
(Aura Of Terror),(Aura Of Oppressive Might)
[(Omni Cure Pill x3)] [(Discount Card(50%) (x1)] [(Mysterious Pack)] [(Power Pill x5 (Low-Grade)] [(Disguise Card x9)]
[(2,500,000 System Points]
"Haha!, I'm rich baby, pull up the system store and categories!" Kayn spoke with excitement
System Category List
[* Ki and Aura Coloration
[* Bloodlines
[* Ki Practice's
[* Energy and Combat Techniques
[* Elemental Affinity
Kayn then clicked the Ki Practice's
* Legendary Ki- (2,000,000 Sp)
* Destruction Ki- (6,000,000 Sp)
* Evil Ki- (1,000,000 Sp)
* Divine/God Ki- (3,500,0000 Sp)
* Super Ki- (500,000 Sp)
"Hmm, Everything is still in gray except Legendary Ki. I don't have enough for the other ones, this Super Ki is the Ki that will help me become a Super Saiyan. Why is it still in Grey though?" Kayn was a little upset when he saw this and continued. "As for this legendary Ki, I Can get it through the bloodline menu as well but is cost more there. I guess this means getting it through a bloodline is more effective." Kayn came to this conclusion since the system did tell him early that he should extract blood from Broly rather than spending SP. Kayn went back to the main menu and clicked bloodlines.
[System Bloodline Store!]
* Legendary Super Saiyan Bloodline-9,000,000 (Sp)
* Frost Demon Bloodline-2,000,000 (Sp)
* Ancient Saiyan Bloodline-14,000,000 (Sp)
* Namekian Bloodline- 150,000 (Sp)
* Super Namekian-1,000,000 (Sp)
* Core Person Bloodline-6,000,000 (Sp)
* Angel Bloodline-18,000,000 (Sp)
* Majin Bloodline-10,000,000 (Sp)
* Tuffle Bloodline-10,000 (Sp)
The List seemed to go on forever and there were even pages to click. It was truly time-consuming. Fortunately, Kayn could search and find anything he was looking for.
Kayn looked at the prices, they were simply too high but he did have a 50% discount card that he was saving.
"Well, I better head back to the lookout so I can go into the hyperbolic time Chamber." Kayn crushed a disguise card and heighened his Battle Power back to 1000. Kayn teleported back to the lookout without anyone knowing he left. Kayn then askedMr. Popo if there was any place here that could help him train faster.
"Yes, there is a very special place for that and you meet the qualifications. Please follow me."
Mr.popo then lead him to the chamber and opened it up. Kayn walked through the door while Mr.Popo shut the door.
"Goodness, It really is a void of nothingness in here. I better get to training then." Kayn proceeded to train, of course, he would now spend another year here but this time the benefits would be far better.
Time flew by quickly and a year in the chamber went by. The thing was though, only a day had passed outside. Kayn came out of the Chamber and was happy, he didn't want to spend another minute in the lonely place anymore. He finally understood why Goku was so bored. "Phew, time to check my status"
[Host's Status:
Name: Kayn (Luke)
Race: Saiyan
Bloodline: 100% Saiyan (Super Elite Class innate Latent Talent)
Talent: Spacial Laws,
Age: 5 Year-Old / 3 Months
Lifespan: 350 years
Body State: Healthy
Battle Power: (1200) 1,200,000
[Ki Control: (C++)],[Kamehamaha: (C++)],[(Instant Transmission 1250 (C++)]
[Ki Senses: (B)] [Destructo Disc: (D)] [Creation: (C+)] [Warp: (C++)]
[Passive Abilities-]
(Eye Of Judgement),(Zenkai Boost),(Power Ball),(High-Speed Regeneration)
(Aura Of Terror),(Aura Of Oppressive Might)
[(Omni Cure Pill x3)] [(Discount Card(50%) (x1)] [(Mysterious Pack)] [(Power Pill x5 (Low-Grade)] [(Disguise Card x8)]
[(2,560,000 System Points]
He was now gaining 5000 System Points a month, when the year was finished he had gained 60,000. System Points. The hyperbolic Time chamber was similar to a cheat.
Kayn Greeted Mr.Popo and Kami who were waiting for him. "Thank you for allowing me to train in such a majestic place." Kayn said as he bowed to Kami and Mr.Popo who were standing to together waiting.
"Young one, that is no problem for us, you've grown stronger. Is there anything else you need?" Kami asked with a smile. He was glad that power didn't blind this young lad, as it would do to most.
"Yes, but I have to go somewhere. I'll be back in like 3 days." Kami and Mr.Popo looked and each other then nodded to Kayn. Kayn then left the lookout with Instant transmission. This shocked Mr.Popo and Kami. What kinda move could allow someone to completely warp away in an instant like that!?
"What a mysterious boy, he can even hide his presence from us." Kami said bitterly, this kid was probably hiding something he didn't want to disclose.
"I feel that he may be stronger than what we sense kami." Kami nodded and said nothing, he just gazed off into the distance in deep thought.
He had Went to Roshi place, sadly, Master Roshi wasn't home.
Kayn then returned to kami place. Kayn greeted Kami and Mr. Popo "Kami, could you please take me to Meet King Kai? I wish to train with him." Kami as completely shocked this time, how could anyone know about King Kai!? At least here on earth!
Kami: How do you know about king kai?
"I read books on the great King Kai, so I always wanted to train with him." Kayn made up a ridiculous lie but kami seemed to believe it. "Hmm, that makes sense, let go then." Kami used some sort of gate Technique, Kayn and Kami passed through. What they saw was a huge guy sitting behind a desk and was flipping through book pages with great speed. He had red skin and large horns on his head, this was, of course, King Yemma.
"Kami, hey old friend, what brings you here today?" Yemma said with a jolly voice
"This youngster wishes to train with king kai, is it possible to let him on snake way." King Yemma looked at Kayn then began to look through his book.
King Yemma Nodded in delight "Indeed, this one is a good seed, he has quite the achievements." King Yemma waved his hand and the scenery changed in front of Kayn, he w