The different valley

I already got out of the dungeon, but It's harder than before, because there are too many paths, like a maze, but I can see the other dungeon from here, so I walk downward, but an object push me and that makes me rolling down the mount.

That gives too much pain for me, but there's no damage. I look around for the thing that push me, but it's a player! He's critically injured, so I heal him, but a few seconds later, The boss is revive again. I need to kill the boss, or escape, but I prefer to escape.

I run the fastest I can, with him carrying, but he speak, saying: "Hey! I thought I am the only one playing the game." But that what I'm expecting too, expecting that I am the only one person to finish the game, but I'm just the first, not the only.

I run everywhere, dodging every single attacks, but luckily, we don't get cornered. After the chase, I find a shiny blue crystal, creating it's own light. The boss kneel before us, and I give the crystal, he show me the path, and finally, a town. The boss vanish.

I lay down the person, I'm not so happy, but I find a friend. He wears no armour, and the clothes, like a servant escape from the palace to be free. The person's name is Victor, Victor doesn't have any weapon, I'm sure he's a lucky dude from the first world, and he says that he fight no one, until he met me.

The duppleganger come again, giving me some hints that are truly not understandable, and he give me some spell, a fire spell, and I'm happy. He also give me 20000 Grains, that's too many for me. I buy armour from the blacksmith, which is very far from my position, and receive a armour called "Firio", which is a very awesome armour set, so I wear it, and it's very cool.

I come back to the duppleganger, but Victor isn't here, so I rush to the exit, but he's too far away, so I run as fast as I can, but he died, and finally, he can see his first sword from the stormy plains, so I kill every single monster I see, and I reach the dungeon.

I open the door, but Victor bump me, feeling like he's a NPC, he didn't get my sword, but the fire one, called Firae, he's too happy for that, and we continue.

The dungeon is also a maze, so I call it "Maze valley" . The maze contains also traps that makes us feels challenge. We walk seriously, like we are crazy if you see us in reality. But Victor run very fast, like something happen very weird, but it's nothing.

A few minutes later, the boss come at my front, and swipes me, and I almost fall, but I see Victor's blade fires magic fireballs at the boss. He make the boss suffer, but he get swipe, and he almost fall. I go up, "My turn!" I said, slashing the enemy fast as lightning, and blow him away.

We continue until the end of the dungeon, but the boss come again, saying "Fools! Why you didn't kill me, eh?" I am shock, because he was healed like a legendary mage do it. But I slash very aggressively, but he dodge me, and Victor slashes the boss, making a finishing blow! I stab the boss, and he vanish as ashes. We don't believe we can do it.

At the end of the dungeon, I find a chest. I open it, It contains 20 healing potions, We're so happy. And we continue our adventure.