Wide World

When I look up, I see no valley, but a wide world with a big pillar at the end. I tell Victor, he's shock, feeling uncomfort because of the thing he see. Victor questions "What is that pillar at the end of this world? Is it the end of the story?" But it is not the end, it's still the beginning, but he still believe it's the end.

We walk around, and we see a cute puppy, so I attempt to touch it, but before I touch the puppy, it turns into a big wolf, feeling like this game is the weirdest game I've ever seen, so we attack it, and we win, but we see a loot called "legendary gem", and the descriptions is that if we give it to Eric, we win a prize, but we don't know Eric, so We find villages.

The village we come first is Echoa, and we talk to all persons if there's Eric, but nothing responds, so we walk out, then we find the village Echista, we still talk about Eric, but nothing happen, and we walk long distances to find Eric, but nothing is responding, It's been five villages we talk about Eric, nothing respond. Later, we find him walking down the streets at the outside of a village. I show the gem, but I raise it fast, like an epic thing happen, and he responds, he show a capsule, and I put the gem there, and this happens.

Darkness come, I feel Death's whispers, and sufferings are happening. We feel like we are dying, but I don't feel everything. Then the disaster ends, he disappeared earlier, but a keychain is at my bag, it's just a legendary gem in a keychain created by real gold glitter, and has a letter pattern at the back, saying FARCT, I don't know if it's an ancient name, but we can use it later.

Then, we continue until we come at the front of the dungeon. It has a statue of a "legendary blacksmith" Michael, and the dungeon gate open like a jump scare. We are freak out, but we continue. There are too many monsters surrounds us before the light appear, so we attack them, and we finish it very fast, then we fight again, too many monsters, but too many kinds with different monsters that we still don't know, but we don't care! And we still finish the room.

We finish the five rooms, and after that, we face the boss, the boss is still big, and he has a sword, a flaming sword, maybe a fiend, so Victor make the first attack, the boss can bend the direction of magic, but why? So we attack using our swords, we dodge the boss's attacks, then we slice our swords, then our swords can't damage, but there's a plan B, We use our swords before the time we get our elemental swords. I dash towards to the boss, and the boss damage, but only a scratch, so we attack together, dashing and blocking the attacks.

After a lot of scratches, Victor is very excited to kill the boss, but a very strong energy, from our magic attacks, blast to him, and makes him almost dead, but he never surrender, even drinking a potion, he never do it. He dash very fast, and he finally stab the boss, and the boss died.

Victor drink a health potion, and walk to the exit like I am mistakenly tell that it's too impossible, making my feelings weird, and we proceed to the exit and the pillar is still too far away.