Fenix Village

Mal Anew was resting in Fenix village. She purposely came here because she thought it was only fair she stay at a village whose name described her revival into a new body. Or at least that's what the name sounded like, a Phoenix.

Not only did she posses a SHR, her smart self also manage to get a GHR from her grandfather. After all, she would be the future lord, he wanted to give her all the tools to succeed at this camp. He couldn't take her out because they had already given their word that they would send their representative. They would have never imagined that she would awaken the ring and gave even more significance. They let her go so that she could hopefully acquire allies for when she ruled and so that she could learn new tricks etc. It wouldn't hurt for her to gain merits in the battlefields before she took control of her house.


Mal mostly kept to herself. Would be the last to go and take a shower. Liked wearing loose elegant clothing inside the cabin. Once outside, they all had to wear their uniforms, especially since most of their time out was during practice, classes, or tests.

" Hey Mal, you aren't looking too friendly. How do you expect to find your life buddies if you aren't even trying."

Mal just stared at them. However deep inside she knew they were right. So from then on she tried to interact with them more. However, she had still been enrolled under a boy's identity so she still had to be careful.

" Hey mal how about we go try some of those obstacle courses. Whoever completes them first gets the others snacks."

"Fine you have been nagging me so much, I might as well get your snacks and get a workout."

Everyone was surprised that this mysterious Mal finally decided to hang out with them on their time off. They all got together and headed to one of the obstacle courses. It was for them, one of those rare fun nights. Because they had all worked hard back home, their initial training still allowed them to have enough strength for this kinds of activities in the night.

" Hey Mal, go easy on my, I don't have your skinny figure jeje."

" Excuses mike, am going for those snacks and more, be prepared the cabin on my day jaja."

As they both raced to finish first because the stakes had been higher, they soon realized they weren't the only ones on this particular obstacle course. They weren't worried at first, but as they were jumping and rolling on various surfaces, they noticed they were getting closer. Because it was evening and getting darker, Mal soon regretted taking the path that went inside a cave on a hill and that would then require to climb down a wall once inside. She could she the exist on the other side of the hill. As soon as she entered inside, it was pitch black and had to walk on her knees so that she wouldn't fall of the wall. She wished she could have owl eyes to see in the dark.

" Go Mal! I hope you aren't scared of the darkness. Come on Mike, if you win, you are paying for our snacks!"

" Don't worry Mal! Mike has to climb a wall too and he isn't better than me at it jeje. Take your time!"

Mal quickly found the edge of the Wall and started to make her way down. She was so focused on the excitement that she lost focus for a couple seconds. She could clearly hear the shouts of excitement and encouragement from her cabin mates outside the cave, and because of that she almost didn't hear the breathing coming from down her. She froze for a seconds, thinking that maybe there was some sort of animal waiting for her down. Her skills let her know it was a person. Yet she didn't know who was trying to mess with her.

The person below her realized there was someone right ahead of her but she didn't have time to readjust her path or hide because that person was frozen and their presence hidden. She almost didn't realize there was a person, but her high skills allowed her to find them. It also didn't help that her hand was about to grab that person leg. She only had one hand grabbing on a hold and she didn't know whether that person was friend or foe either. The person under Mal trying to climb on the opposite way was non other than Grace.

Both stopped and were trying to figure how to solve this puzzle when suddenly, Mal's feet slipper and down she was going; it wouldn't be a nice fall. Grace who was in her path of downfall cursed and knew she wouldn't be able to hold on with just one hand. Let allow the fact that This person grabbed her to minimize her fall. So they both started to fall together.

" Ahh, what are you doing! Let go. Cheeeeeeeee!"

" Am sorry!"

Mal quickly position herself under the person so that they wouldn't be badly hurt. She knew she could just use the energy from her second body to recover or someone heal her own. Grace didn't fight that notion and she fell hard on top of Mal who lost her breath.

Grace cursed under her breath as she realized it wasn't an enemy, just an unlucky situation. As she was trying to get up, she realized she was touching somewhere she wasn't suppose to. Thank goodness it was another female or else she would have died of embarrassment, it was also good that they were inside a dark cave where no one could see their sorry state.

"Hey you, how could you lose your footing at such a crucial time!Hey Hey, O no they aren't breathing!"

She proceed to help her breath and heard her gasping and breathing heavily for air. She examined her ribs by touch and found out they were badly bruised, she could hear the painful wince.

" Hey, thanks but no thanks for taking the fall the hardest but it was your fault. It looks like you just lost your breath and have a couple of bruised ribs. Here let me help you sit up. My name is Grace, Grace falander and you?"

" ughh, ummm. Am Mal. "

" OK Mal, what were you doing hiding in the middle of a climbing wall in a dark cave."

" Well you see, am competing against my cabin teammate, and I need to win this thing so thank but I have to get going, nice meeting you."

The only thing good coming from that fall was that Mal had saved time and was heading out the cave into the finish line. Once she saw Mike still climbing down his wall, she walked slowly to her finish line because she was still hurting. She wasn't about to change yet, as it was still painful and wasn't so serious.

On the other hand, because of the delay Grace lost for the first time and engraved that name on her head, she would make her pay or get her on her team. After all, it wasn't everyday she met a strong lady. Heck, she didn't like being the only girl in her cabin.