The previous meeting had left Grace thinking. She from then on would look around and take walks to the other villages to try to figure out where mal was and whether or not it was worth it to take her in. Little did she know that Mal had been impacted by Grace as well. It would so happen that both would go out looking at the other villages to soy on each other. It was quite unlucky and lucky that both would happen to miss each other while they were wondering and hiding around each village. It was quite a puzzle for both. It was as if non of them existed to each other and both had a thought of possibly a ghost in the cave. However, Grace had heard cheers outside the cave for mal and knew she was obviously a live breathing person.
Grace: "As you know, I met someone the other day at the cave. Now, I've been going around the camps and checking to see if I can get a better read, but can't seem to catch her."
Jolin:" Well I trust your instinct and mine. If you say she is worth scouting out and bringing in to the fold, I am for it. It is also very interesting that you haven't caught a glimpse of her. It could mean she is not verily social on our free time. This could be good, it would allow us to snatch her away. I also need someone who can help me take you down."
Jolin smirked at Grace whilst saying the last part.
Grace: "ha, you guys got lucky."
Jolin: " Ok, well I got insider information. Rules and procedures tend to change, but according to what little knowledge has been left from my family, this could be one of the times when village shuffles happen. It would be fate if we get her in here or if we go against her jeje."
Grace: "Well I haven't been this excited in a while so I hope you are right. We also haven't lost anyone recently. It seems like the challenge part of the tests has been pretty bloodless. It is not as I have been told."
Jolin: " Well I am fine with that. Plus we have been taught a couple handy things and our overall strength has been increasing. More dramatic for others."
Grace:" hmm yes. Well we will see tomorrow."
* Next day after Breakfast*
INST2: " If you thought this was going to be easy...well you thought wrong."
INST3: " we will have a challenge. If you think you have found your partners, you will need to fight for them. That's right, village swap. Those of you who are already in a village, you can stay together. The rest you will be seeing new faces. For this challenge. It will be 2 weeks long."
INST2:" we will all head out into the forest where you will have to survive all by yourselves. If you can make it until the end, you will stay. You will also be coming out with your full team, if not almost everyone.ypu will travel to a destination, with various perks in the way. For example, food, tools, special one on one trainings. If you don't make it back in two weeks you are out. Along the way you will not only be competing for those items/perks, but will be trying to scout potential teammates. Be careful of what you do to others, as you could be stepping on your own feet. No killing, however you can mess with each other. Good luck and may you find your teammates through peril. It is time to choose teams so that we can begin the training you all signed up for. You have 1 hour to prepare your clothes or fill up with food."
Grace: "Game on, I will find you Mal. This will be fun. Come on let's go prepare Jolin."
Jolin:" Well you do know that these paths are dangerous and if we go down and get ourselves injured, we will be out."
Grace:" eh, we are great together we have each other. Let's go."
****At the travel challenge****
Each village started at different places in the camp. It was Everyman for themselves except those that had formed a team already. While mark Goodman felt great because he was very helpful to his current teammates, he felt like he was looking for something else. So he took the decision to go out by himself and check out other participants. While mal had improved her relationship with her cabin mates, she decided she couldn't completely trust them with her life and decided to keep and eye out for new people. She took out her map and made mental plans for when she encounters other people at the checkpoint rewards section.
Grace and Jolin decided to check out people and see how they fighting for the first 2 rewards in the paths and as soon as they got some information on the people, they would hurry up and actually try to win the 2nd batch of rewards.
And thus it so happened. Grace and Jolin weren't satisfied completely with the people they mean their side and didn't spot Mal either there so they hurriedly left. Mark and some of his cabin mates also followed him and went straight to the 2nd batch of rewards. Another 3km home.
Mal had deviated from his cabin mates when they tried to win the first batch of rewards and didn't let her join, she wasn't happy about this and decided to bail on them. She didn't need this things as she had been leaving out of the cities and had learns survival in the forest as part of her training. She would check out the people who went straight to the 2nd batch, a either they knew is was more cost reflective to fight against less people or had other types of strengths.
Since grace and Jolin were working together, they were able to defeat three other people who had gotten to their reward at the same time. It helped that at first they all thought they were separate. When they took down one person together it was a 2v2. No matter how great the other to people were. They couldn't beat people who had fought together and against each other for years. Mark was also successful but while he was defeating the last person, a sneaky person steal past him and still something. He decided to not run after them since they were obviously good because he wasn't able to detect their presence until the end. Plus he needed to get the other stuff and get out of there soon. He also needed to find water quick and fill those canteens.
**Mal hiding on top of a tree**
Mal:" Hmm not bad mister. You almost caught me there at the end. Not many can say that. Perhaps we can work together."
And thus her plan began. She was going to be his shaper and see how he reacted to her. She also approved of him looking for a stream where he could get water early on.