Mission (Part 1)

The team traveled for 1 day to the outskirts of a village where they set up a base camp. One of the Instructors came to guard their base and explain the mission plans. It was a relatively simple task as this was their first real mission.

They were to escort a wagon of goods from that village to another village 3 hours away. They had gotten reports of some traveling bandits who weren't too skilled. Therefore it was the perfect warm up for them.

They arrived in the night and set their campsite. Tomorrow morning they would go and meet the village chief. It was a village with about 800 inhabitants and they would be going to a 1000 inhabitants village. The chief didn't have many deputies or helpers to spare so he asked for one to two extra teams to help guard a caravan or pair of wagons.

This village was mainly supplying supplies to the other one who distributed it amongst other areas. Some of the goods included wood, but those would usually be sent far away to the cities.

Because two wagons full of goods had already been stolen, and they knew of the traveling bandits who seemed to be heading their way, they had to be prepared.

Everyone made their own tents and rested during the night while their "nanny" took care of them.

***Next day early in the morning***

After eating breakfast with the chief they met up with the merchants they would be escorting. Everyone introduced themselves and started their journey. Today they got two wagons.

Grace: "Jolin so you are coming with me to the back while Navenia hides, I mean rides in one of the wagons."

Mark: "Yes, meanwhile I will be in charge of the front with Liam walking ahead or away from the road. He will be checking his surroundings and can attack with his hidden knives at whoever charges to him or tries to long range him because they will think he is close range since he isn't out there scouting etc, or has his bow. So grab a sword Liam. Yes Mal, you will go in the woods to our left and scout further away, communicating with Liam. It will be a good time to practice your whistle language Jeje."

Mal: "Understood."

She then left before they started to move. Mal took a bow with her. She went towards the left side of the road where the forest started. On the right side there wasn't as much trees and there were also patches where there wasn't any trees.

Liam: "Can I get dibs on the shower first if I defeat them all by myself?"

Mark rolled his eyes.

Mark: "Ok fine but as soon as I see you struggling you lose if we have to help."

Grace: " They aren't getting you guys obviously. I bet they will come for us!"

Jolin: "I second that..."

Grace slapped him on the shoulder.

Grace:" Hey you don't sound too convinced."

Jolin: "Well you're not the one sharing the shower with us! Ok fine fine sorryyyyy."

Grace: " Much better."

Two hours into the journey. Everyone was starting to get a bit bored.

Jolin: " Hey Mark! I think this is testing our patience or will to not get bored!"

Mark: "Well you are failing. Also stop screaming and focus on your surroundings!"

15 mins later, Liam got close to Mark.

Liam: "Mal just relayed that 5 minutes ahead there are about 10 people hiding in the woods. There are some broken logs."

Mark scoffed.

Mark: "That's so basic... okay go relay to grace."

Liam went to inform Grace and Jolin.

Grace: "Ok that's it. We need our OWN hand gesture language. It's more efficient and silent... maybe also teach us that whistle language in case we are in the darkness for future missions."

Liam: "Sure...I thought that's what Mal was teaching you when you hang out though."

Grace: "cough* I mean but like it be nicer if everyone got into it you know."

Liam: "Sure."