Flashback training

*Week before mission*

On a sunny morning, with cooling wind caressing the cheeks of Navenia, she turned and smiled at her new team.

On this particular day, it was a surprise exercise training.

INST3: "Today we have decided to make you guys fight against each other. What better way to make you understand each other and your capabilities? By experiencing first hand each others weaknesses, you can also guide yourself."

Thus the most awkward fights ensued. Surprisingly, yet not, Grace called out mark, especially since she had already been fighting against jolin. Since Liam and Mal, were of similar duties, they got pared against each other as well. Liam was rattled inside, and was panicking a bit.

Jolin had no other choice than to go against Navenea. Even though she was more of a supportive role, not all the times would she be able to depend on her teammates to cover for her. Therefore, going against Jolin was a harsh training. Then again it was also going to test Jolin's "weak spot." He was going to fight against a more feminine lady, he didn't have much qualms about attacking grace ruthlessly, since he had grown to not care and knew grace could handle it. However...navenia? Well that was a whole different story. They also didn't want Jolin to injure her badly, just test her out and teach her.

Thus the fighting began. Mal didn't mind beating Liam, but Liam did mind. Mark had always respected grace so he wasn't going to go easy on her. Grace also respected Mark so she would give him a taste of her own advantages.

Jolin and Navenia started their fight. Jolin slowly came up to her. He felt conflicted inside and bit his lips.

Jolin: " Ok Navenia, don't worry about hitting me, I will try my best to give you a real one."

Navenia, decided right there and then not to feel guilty and got some knives out. but then decided to let Jolin closer to her in case she ever was in a position to fight in close quarters with someone.

Jolin rushed to her with his sword. Thankfully, Navenia was swift. AS she continued evading, she knew she wouldn't last long. As jolin pushed Navenia to the ground and gritted his teeth for hurting her, NAvenia seem unfaced about it. Jolin was getting closer to her and slowly started to point his sword at her, but she kicked it away and yelled at him for being soft. Jolin got angry and threw his whole body towards her. Navenia rooled to herself and expertly got up and pinned him to the ground. She was on top of him, grabbing his next and hitting in top of his spine. Jolin wanted to beat her face but felt bad about doing that so he doesnt to try other methods to get himself free. However, everything failed, he also soon realized that even if he had wanted to injure her face or throat etc, Navenia could have evaded them. She slowly let got of him.

Navenia: " Ok this isn't fair, he was going easy on me! But also, I do realize how nimble, swift, flexible, and great strangler I am. So long as am faster than them, I have a chance."

Jolin proceeded to grunt and started arguing with Navenia about their "fight," supposedly pointing out flaws and giving advice to each other. The instructors just shoot their heads, this was a bad idea maybe or not. At least Jolin would remember and not go easy on a seemingly fragile female who was their enemy again.

Liam and Mal were also fight. They were started on to different sides hidden from each other. With obstacles on their line of sights. They slowly searched for each other. Soon, mal spotted Liam a second faster. However, Liam was able to recover and evade mal. They were like frogs, jumping, rolling and doing all sorts of ninja like skills. Seemed like they culd counteract each other. However, Mal was always a better bit more flexible, able to sneak on him.

Because Liam couldn't use long range weapons and there were so many obstacles on their ways, they had to operate as if they had both lost their weapons and were trying to suppress the other from alarming "their" teammates. Mal was very surprised at Liam skills. Liam had very quick hands. At one point it got a bit awkward with rolling against each other.

On the other hand, Grace and mark were vigorously and fiercely fighting against each other. Mark understood graces strengths. It seemed that at moments she would fight with a different style depending on what mark showed.

Just when Mark thought he had the upper hand, Grace would escape his attacked with a couple centimeters. Theirs was a proper fight compared to the others. Both were panting and were already bruised. Grace was definitely more flexible and swift than him. However, he would sometimes overpower her but she would twist in such a ridiculous way that she would escape.

Mark also had a couple bruised and hurt ribs. However, mark soon saw grace grin as she activated her GHR. Mark cursed. Grace was about to give some boost to her endurance. Thus whilst grace was great and could get out of tough positions, marks stamina hit a wall harder than regularly.

Grace seemed to be refreshed at times. It made Mark realize that his stamina or endurance needed to improve anyways. Mark always went full on and against Grace it was twice as evident.

Grace also hated mark's all or nothing fighting style and was constantly on the tip of her shows.

They did eventually ended their fight as a tie to save themselves from further injuries. Whilst many other things happened during their fight, they agreed to talk about it instead.

** BAck on the present**

As mark remembered all of this, he started to remind their members about those fights. Especially after they had all disclosed more details about their abilities. They were getting ready to go to the mission, Mark when over other memories of them fighting against each other to add more input based on the new information he had. He hoped they would keep that in mind and apply it or at least keep it on their minds.