The six

They all gathered back at the cabin.

When they all got back to camp they all got treated. Sure Grace was great but it was always nice having an actual healer treating your wounds.

As they all go brought back to their cabins, Mal offered to help them with things since she was the least injured. In fact she was in the best shape to do everything around the cabin. She helped them to their rooms or move heavy things around. They all just loved being pampered by her. Of course they were technically still kids but she was more mature than them due to what she had to go through in her family.

She even got the last cabin squared away and removed everyone's extra stuff that they had placed there as storage. She got it all cleaned up and ready for the newcomer. She and grace were beaming secretly with joy because a another girl was joining them.

Since they had the day off she had time to do all them and help her teammates. They all would mainly gather in the living room waiting for the new teammate.

Afternoon came and a knock was suddenly heard. Mal suddenly jumped trying her best to hide her excitement.

Liam burrowed his brows.

Navenia: "Hello, am navenia. I hope we can get to know each other a bit more and forget about what happened between us yesterday."

Mark: "Hey,. Why are you guys talking there! Come in. ANDDD what exactly happened between you?"

Mark smirked.

Mal gave him as stare as she walked Navenia inside and led her to her spot.

Mal: " Couch Couch. Look mark. Obviously, we fought against each other and that's all. We are now teammates so we gotta look out for each other ok."

Mark: " Well alriiightt. Like he mentioned. I am mark. Also why did you ex teammates have to go so hard! Am still hurting!"

Navenia: " Well it was your bad luck. Don't worry. I just happen to know a thing or two about taking care of the injured. I noticed you didn't have a proper person in charge."

Jolin: "Nice, but Grace is just fine. I really hope you meant that's your specialty. Cause then she can learn a thing or two about you."

Grace: "Jolin! But yea are you?"

Navenia: " Well since we are suppose to gain trust. I definitely am great at taking care of injuries. "

She then proceeded to give them a wink.

Navenia: " However I would appreciate it if you could keep my miracles a secret or minimize my greatness for now jeje."

Liam: "Reallyyy... anyways I am Liam."

Grace :" Well I for one am ecstatic that a girl joined and is a prodigy at healing. Come, let Mal help you with you stuff. Also Jolin, seeing as she is also a lady, she will be sharing the bathroom with me and Mal. Sorry! "

She then ran with Navenia to her room.

Jolin: "Come back you traitor! Why didn't you book Mal. Ahem, with all due respect Mal."

Grace then poke her head from the room and replied.

Grace: "Sorry but he is prettier and more well kept than you!"

Jolin: "ph that's it! I wanted to be with them manly guys anyways!"

He also just laughed it away. Mal then hurriedly grabbed the stuff and ran towards navenias room feeling awkward there.

Jolin :" So...whose calling dibs? Cause dibs!"

Mark: "Jolin! Don't you have grace already!"

Jolin :" Friends my man, very close friends is all."

He then procede to wink and mess around with mark. Mark just huffed and pissed but he knew Jolin was indeed just a Very close friend. It still didn't mean he wasn't thinking he also could be more.

**Inside the room***

Mal came and carefully placed Mals things inside.

Mal: " Well since it seems you will be our like doctor or whatever. You will either not get to treat me as much or don't get so surprised when you do... I mean, nice meeting you. Sorry about before at the challenge. Now excuse me I need to join the others."

Navenia:" Thank you."

Grace proceeded to help Navenia unpack and get settled. She also started to tell her about her strengths and Navenia told her Hers.

Navenia: " I was very happy to know such a strong warrior woman like you was with this time. It was one of the reason why I also decided to join you guys. It's exhausting being the only girl in the group and also carrying their asses around saving them jeje."

Grace: "Oh, I know what you mean jeje. It's the little things that defeat them."

Navenia: "I wasn't kidding when I said I was special in healing. I know tomorrow is another sort of chill day. We will as a group start discussing special abilities since some of us come from strong backgrounds."

Grace: "Yes I Noticed those rings you have."

Navenia pointed at one of her rings.

Navenia: " it's a secret but this one can even save your life. As for this other one; it is a General house ring. I can discuss the GHR more openly though, especially since I see you guys have those too."

Grace: " So is that one... a... SHR? I ask because I don't know if you notice but.. Mal also has one even though she never specifically told us about it... I figured as much."

Navenia: " is harder to talk about them because they are so precious and rare. If you know about them it means you must know about the special abilities they grant you and the requirements to use them. That being only the rings can choose you. "

Grace: " Anyways lets talk about a few of this things together as a group so we can all understand our combined powers. Instructors said that to protect us, they won't be involved in knowing all our secrets but can guide us if they know the uses of some houses HR since some of those aren't as secret. They can also set scenarios of how some teams have used their abilities. However it is ultimately up to us to deal with the hidden things as a team. Us knowing at least something about our powers can get us closer and we will all have something to lose as well."

Naves: "Ah yea. Anyways let's go get to know them better then."

They then joined the group at the living room and started talking about their families etc.