On their way to their first mission

As a team they had all practiced and had gotten experience fighting together as a team. Mark and Jolin were becoming best friends but he was still close with grace. Grace would increasingly hang out with Mal and Navenia more.

Meanwhile Liam seemed to be the odd man out who would sometimes still Mal from Grace's side by making excuses of wanting to discuss tactics. Because Liam and Mal often had the most similar abilities it was only natural for him to want to seek advice from her and practice their teamwork since they were usually operating together during battles.

If someone else looked at this, they may even wonder what the deal with Liam was. He was still fine with everyone though, it was just taking longer for him to integrate into the team. However the air around him seemed to thaw a bit when we he was practicing with Mal.

As arduous and hard as the training was, they were all advancing. Just like that, they had even gone to visit home a couple of times. They had gotten to the portion of going to mission with an instructor keeping an eye on them.

Thus the six members were gathered in their living room listening to their leader, one of the instructors.

"You will have two days to prepare, we will allow you to attend a clean and clear waterfall containing warm and rejuvenating water. We hope you take advantage of this opportunity to go splash there to regain your strength before you go on your first rea dangerous mission outside our control. I will try my best to guide it.

It is through real sacrifice and struggle that you will be more in tune with each other and unleash your qualities and powers. Nothing like putting your life's at risk to really see the fruits of these month long training.

Remember this is a real life mission. While we think you should be fine, we don't know every single piece of information and therefore sometimes accidents arise. That is why you cannot take this lightly. It is my hope that you come out starting to be forged into a real team from this even though you think you really are.

That is why, please enjoy this two days before you leave and prepare everything and for anything. Good luck and see you in two days times."

As the instructor left after his speech, everyone was left speechless.

Mark: " Did he just let us on vacation before we potentially lose our lives? Wow no wonder he gave us permission to use the strength waterfall!"

Jolim: "I don't know what to be more excited for. To finally prove our training has been working, that we get to bath in that water, that we get to have a real taste of using our abilities in real scenarios, or that an actually concern for the difficulty of this that could arise."

Navenia: " Well i don't know about you guys. But I have been wanting to be granted permission to bath there. I heard it makes your skin grate. Not that you care but I am after all, a bit older than you all... anyways me and grace call dibs on it first."

Jolin: "Hey it's for the whole team!"

Grace: " So you guys can marvel out or great figures! No thanks. We get to go first!"

Navenia and grace then both ran into their rooms and started to pack excitedly. Mark and Jolin did the same. Only Mal and Liam stayed silently without moving.

Of course this was like a nightmare for Mal so had a secret to hide. She was not about to bath with the guys, sigh. Liam just didn't care as much but was curious why Mal wasn't too excited. They finally both got up at the same time and left to pack.

Soon they all gather and made their way to that special place wheee you had to get permission from instructors to bath at. It was sort of their resort at their training camp and it was a couple miles out of camp.

They got there in less than an hour and went to place their things on the cabins, which was more like a huge wooden hall and double the size of theirs.

The size of these was 12 rooms in the cabin. With 4 additional rooms dedicated to showers and restrooms and one big was was the kitchen and living room. They were glad the kitchen wasn't outside. Each room had two beds inside.

Even though they had the "hotel cabin" for themselves, Jolin and mark decided to sleep in the same room. Grace and Navenia did the same. Mal went to the room next to the girls. Liam got the room next to Mals but in between her and Jolin's rooms. Mal wasn't about to suggest also sharing a room and just glared and Liam and threw her stuff on the empty bed. Not allowing Liam to even suggest.

Soon the girls left and Mal stayed behind keeping an eye on the guys. The guys turn came but notice Mal wasn't getting up to leave with them.

Mark: "Hey Mal, aren't you coming?"

Mal: "Nope, later I really have to do something first. Place I would rather go a bit later and enjoy it by myself."

Jolin: "Ok fine, we already know how you are, we won't bother you anymore."

They dragged Liam with them and left. Soon they were all back in the caving, trying to process and absorb the feelings they got from that special place.

Mal too her chance and left. Grace left the sleeping Navenia and followed Mal to the waterfall. She wasn't about to leave a friend by herself, she also wanted to feel more if that strange feeling of the water.

Liam who discovered grace following Mal outside. And discovered that they were going to go together to the waterfall. He only furrowed is brows.

Mark came then and realized two shoes were moving and the direction of Liam gaze.

Mark: " No wayyy, did Grace just leave with Mal! Are they actually not just friends and are together! Ahhh come on. Am so jealous! How dare they!"

In that instant Jolin came into the living room having heard mark.

Jolin: "Calm down mark, am sure grace just went to keep him company so he wouldn't be alone. It's getting late after all...probably didn't want to bother us. I know her better than anyone and I am telling you they really are just close friends likens and her."

Mark: "Uff, I was about to have a heart attack. Thanks you are right. Grace can seem scary but she really does care for us all. Maybe we should go make Mal some company as well."

Liam tried to rejected but they dragged him with them.