The story goes like this broky.. (broky = my fanbase name),

Right in 2012 according to Mayan / Mayan tribe .. Certainly not super saiyan .. Hehe

The world is said to be doomsday, well we wait until the end of the year but it turns out that's not happen ...

Except, a floods that become disaster for my country every month in some areas until December ..

The following years also had no problems, in 2013 I graduated from college ..

December 2013, I started working until November 2019 ..

But there were no problems globally that threatened human to extinction.

There was a reason I finally resigned, the reason was simple ..

My company seems to be going bankrupt, so many employees are laid off ...

As a result, I started to look for ways how to get a new job ..

Besides that, I am also trying to find a way to get income from trading by myself (if in the game, the term is a merchant)

I tried to sell drinks with very good quality but did not sell well, even though at that time the drinks I sold were in terms of taste, they were already have international taste (promotion hehe)

and I sold it at the time when the dollar exchange rate was equal to $ 0.71 (Rp.10,000), I tried again, I want to sell meatballs using an online application, but for more than 3 months there was no answer or result from aplication online company.

Finally, i try to find a way again by searching on Google, I accidentally found a site with an interesting offer broki ..

The site explained that I don't need to work on the office, just work at home with capital that only mobile phone & laptop.. The payments also quite attractive that $ 5 / hour ..

Tempted, cause in my previous work, I was only paid $ 265 / month (Rp. 3,700,000) ...

My eyes immediately turned green like Mr.Crab in the film Spongebob Squarepant ..

I immediately did the calculation with a calculator, that if I work for 1 hour = $ 5 means that if I work for 16 hours a day = $ 80 / day, which means $ 2,400 / month ... (note: my real working record is 19 hours / day)

OMG, I'm rich broky huahahaa .. I spend a month at most $ 250 ..

The next step I fill out the CV completely .. Upload all requested data ..

And the dialog box appears in the form of a statement ... "Do you intend and ready to apply for this job?"

There are 2 choices

I Yes I No I

I'm sorry YES I DO, Muahahahaaha

Then, When I click with a mouse ...

Everything turns dark ...

WTF !!

If you want donate please donate to:

Paypal: paypal.me/Aurizzy




(BCA=Bank Central Asia)


Native language:

Ceritanya begini broky (broky=my fanbase name),

Kan tahun 2012 menurut suku maya/ mayan.. Yang pasti bukan super saiyan.. Hehe

dunia teh katanya bakalan kiamat, nah kita tunggu sampai akhir tahun ternyata tetap tidak kiamat…

kalau di negara gue sih banjir tiap bulan di beberapa daerah sampai bulan desember..

Tahun-tahun berikutnya juga tidak ada masalah, tahun 2013 gue lulus kuliah..

Desember 2013 gue mulai kerja sampai november 2019..

Di saat itu kondisi aman sih tidak ada masalah secara global yang mengancam kepunahan manusia..

Cuma karena ada suatu alasan aja akhirnya gue resign kerja, alasannya sederhana..

Perusaahaan gue kayaknya mau bangkrut, jadi banyak karyawan yang diberhentikan..

Alhasil, gue mulai cari cara dong bagaimana mendapatkan pekerjaan baru..

Selain itu gue juga coba cari cara bagaimana bisa mendapatkan penghasilan dari berdagang sendiri (kalau dalam game istilahnya merchant)

Gue coba dagang minuman dengan kualitas enak banget tapi tidak laku, padahal waktu itu minuman yang gue jual dari segi rasa sih kelasnya uda internasional (promosi hehe)

dan gue jual waktu itu kalau dalam kurs dollar setara $ 0.71 (Rp.10.000) , gue coba lagi dong mau jualan bakso pakai aplikasi online tapi uda lebih dari 3 bulan pengajuan tidak ada kabar..

Akhirnya coba cari cara lagi dengan searching di Mbah google, gue ga sengaja menemukan situs dengan tawaran menarik broki..

di situs itu gue di jelaskan bahwa gue ga perlu kerja ke kantor, cukup kerja di rumah aja dengan modal handphone & laptoppembayaran juga cukup menarik $ 5/hour..

Tergiur dong, secara gue kerja sebelumnya itu Cuma dibayar $ 265/month (Rp.3.700.000)..

Mata gue langsung berubah hijau mirip Mr.Crab pada film Spongebob Squarepant..

Gue langsung melakukan perhitungan dengan kalkulator, kalau kerja 1 jam= $ 5 berarti kalau sehari gue kerja 16 jam=$ 80/day, yang artinya $ 2.400/month.. (catatan:rekor gue kerja nyata adalah 19 jam/hari)

OMG, gue kaya broky huahahaa.. pengeluaran gue sebulan paling $250..

Langkah selanjutnya gue isilah CV dengan lengkap.. Upload semua data yang diminta..

Dan munculah kotak dialog berupa pernyataan.. "Apakah anda berniat dan sudah siap untuk melamar pekerjaan ini?"

Ada 2 pilihan

I Yes I No I

Aku sih Yes dong hahahaaha

Pas aku Klik dengan mouse..

Semuanya pun berubah menjadi Gelap…


If you want donate please donate to:

Paypal: paypal.me/Aurizzy




(BCA=Bank Central Asia)