5 Pictures...

WTF !!

That was the first time I said because I was shocked ...

Apparently only the lights went out ..

while waiting for the lights to come back on ..

I'm trying to find a candle in the living room cabinet drawer ...

It turns out that the stock runs out (--_____--), finally the lighting is limited to the light of the handphone only ..

Approximately 30 minutes finally the lights came back on .. I'm grateful ..

I'll go back to the previous process, start the laptop ...

Open history, click on the last site I open ...

It turns out that the draft still exists ..

So I only have to pick

I Yes I No I

I click YES without laughing, because the mood is starting to swing … and then..

DUARRRRRRR (sound: like thunder)

WTF !!

My laptop exploded with smoke (--_____--) (I thought: what was my dream last night jeezzzzzz)

Finally I pulled out the laptop adapter charger ..

But I see something strange, why is this laptop on again and an additional silver dialog box appears with a sky blue background:

Laptop: "Congratulations, your CV has been reviewed and approved. The next step, please choose one of the images that appear on the screen below!"

(I thought: what is this actually?)

Then 5 pictures with different shapes appear.

1. Star (Red)

2. Triangles (Green)

3. Hexagons (Brown)

4. Cube (Blue)

5. Semi-Circle Ball (White Color)

(I thought: weird, it's getting weird)

Laptop: "Please select the picture within 5 minutes"

(I thought: it's weird and creepy, better for me to turn off the laptop)

Seeing the strangeness that happened of course I did not immediately make a decision, because I thought maybe the laptop was hacked by someone else.

I tried to turn off the laptop from the power button directly, but it didn't turn off ..

I tried to pull out the battery, but the laptop still turns on (--_____--) .

Instead something comes up....

Laptop: "Warning! You have 3 minutes left"

Laptop: "Failure to vote will result in your qualification failing, declining = OFF!"

WTF !!!

Me: "What do you mean by threatening me ?!"

Laptop: "Hold your neck!"

Me: "huh?"

Here I try to hold the neck and there is sticky liquid around the neck, when I see it turns out blood .. Here I panic with a pale face ...

Me: "ooo .. o okay, I choose number 5" ... (I thought: while a white is my favorite color other than black, I hope this will be my lucky charm and survived)

Then I click picture number 5

Laptop: "Complete procedure, program execution will then begin"

Laptop: "Countdown Begin in: 5 ... 4 ... 3 ... 2 ... 1"

That's the last thing I heard before Drowsiness bring my thought drift away last night…

If you want donate please donate to:

Paypal: paypal.me/Aurizzy




(BCA=Bank Central Asia)


Native language:


itu yang pertama kali gue ucapkan karena kaget..

ternyata hanya mati lampu..

oke, sambil nunggu lampu kembali nyala..

gue coba cari lilin di laci lemari ruang tengah..

ternyata stok nya habis (--_____--), akhirnya penerangan sebatas dari cahaya handphone saja..

Kurang lebih 30 menit akhirnya lampu kembali menyala.. Gue bersyukur..

gue ulang kembali dong proses yang tadi, nyalain laptop..

buka history, klik situs terakhir gue buka..

ternyata draftnya masih ada..

jadi hanya tinggal klik

I Yes I No I

gue klik YES tanpa tertawa, karena mood udah mulai swing...

DUARRRRRRR (sound: like thunder)


Laptop gue meledak mengeluarkan asap (--_____--) (fikirku: mimpi apa gue semalam zzzzzz)

Akhirnya gue cabut charger adaptor laptopnya..

Tapi gue melihat ada hal yang aneh, kenapa di laptop ini nyala lagi dan muncul kotak dialog tambahan berwarna silver dengan background biru langit:

Laptop: "Selamat, CV anda telah di review dan mendapatkan persetujuan. Langkah selanjutnya silahkan pilih salah satu dari gambar yang muncul di layar bawah ini!"

(fikirku: ada apa ini sebenarnya?)

Kemudian muncul 5 gambar dengan bentuk berbeda..

1. Bintang (Warna Merah)

2. Segitiga (Warna Hijau)

3. Segi Enam (Warna Coklat)

4. Kubus (Warna Biru)

5. Bola Stengah Lingkaran (Warna Putih)

(fikirku: aneh semakin aneh)

Laptop: "Silahkan memilih gambar tersebut dalam waktu 5 menit"

(fikirku: wah seram nih, lebih baik gue matikan aja nih laptopnya)

Melihat keanehan yang terjadi tentunya gue tidak langsung ambil keputusan, karena gue berfikir mungkin laptop di hack orang lain

gue coba matikan laptop dari tombol powernya langsung, tapi tidak mati..

gue coba cabut baterainya, tapi masih menyala tuh laptop (--_____--)

Malah muncul: "Peringatan! waktu yang tersisa tinggal 3 Menit"

Laptop: "Bila tidak memilih akan mengakibatkan qualifikasi anda gugur, gugur=MATI!"


Gue: "Maksud Lu apa mengancam gue?!"

Laptop: "Pegang leher kamu!"

Gue: "huh?"

Disini gue coba pegang leher dan ada cairan lengket di sekeliling leher, pas gue liat ternyata darah.. Disini gue panik dengan wajah pucat…

Gue: "ooo.. o oke, gue pilih nomor 5 "… (fikirku:putih warna kesukaan gue selain hitam semoga gue selamat)

Kemudian gue klik gambar nomor 5

Laptop: "Prosedur lengkap, selanjutnya akan dimulai proses eksekusi program"

Laptop: "Countdown Begin in: 5…4…3…2…1"

Itu hal terakhir yang gue dengar sebelum rasa ngantuk membawa pikiran gue melayang tadi malam..

If you want donate please donate to:

Paypal: paypal.me/Aurizzy




(BCA=Bank Central Asia)