Nanatsu no Seven Problems


After a long time. Leo tried to open his eyes, discovering that he couldn't. He tried to move and when he felt his arms and legs, a sigh of relief escaped from his mouth. As he did so, he felt something sticky enter his mouth and he closed it quickly.

After a few seconds, he tried even harder to open his eyes. At first, it was very difficult but after several attempts, he managed to open them and the only thing he could see was a kind of water that surrounded him.

Discovering what was underwater, he tried to swim. His movements were slow and stiff at first, but even so, he didn't stop and tried to move with all his might. After a few seconds, his advance was stopped by a wall.

After touching the wall he was able to hear a woman's voice.

"Suezo, come quickly. The baby is moving!" The woman said happily.

"Satomi, you don't have to get excited for every time the baby moves" Suezo replied.

"Okay" Satomi replied with a pout.

[Flashback end]

In the few days that I have been conscious, I realized that Genesis reincarnated me as a fetus.

I have heard from my mother (don't ask how) that I have eleven weeks old. In these eleven weeks, I have been constantly with a feeling of swimming. Also, the feeling of being fed by the umbilical cord is rare. Apart from that, everything is good since all I have to do is sleep. So all I have to do is wait a few months to be born.

*A week later

Today after twelve weeks of life, I have faced the greatest crisis of my short existence.

[In the medical consultation]

"Well Satomi-san, don't move" The doctor instructed Satomi while applying the gel to her stomach.

Satomi and Suezo waited impatiently for the doctor's response. Occasionally they looked at the screen, but since they could see nothing but black spots, they could only resign themselves to waiting.

"Congratulations, your baby is in perfect condition" The doctor commented with a big smile while listening to the sounds of a heartbeat.

"Hahahaha, We're going to have a baby!". While Satomi and Suezo celebrated. The sound of several heartbeats began to be heard simultaneously.








Listening to the multiple heartbeats, the doctor's expression filled with amazement and she checked the monitor numerous times. Seeing the doctor's expression, Satomi became curious

"Doctor, what happened? There is something wrong with the baby." As Satomi spoke, she watched the doctor's expression change from amazement to disbelief.

"Well, it looks like they're not going to have a single baby." The doctor explained with a stiff face as she looked at the screen.

"At first I thought it was just one baby, but there is more than one," The doctor said while giving a stiff smile to the duo of husband and wife.

Hearing the doctor's words, Satomi's body tensed and Suezo cannot believe what he is hearing.

"How many," asked Satomi and Suezo in unison.

"Five or maybe six ... Congratulations" The doctor replied with a forced smile.

Satomi: "..." (I'm going to die)

Suezo: "..." (S*it)

Leo: "..."

Leo, hearing the doctor, could not believe it. Wasn't I supposed to be born without problems? How could he forget that the bodies of demons had seven hearts?

Why did this have to happen to me?