Succu Succu no Mi

Looking at the demonic-looking purple fruit with pink mist floating around its surface, Fukuyama gulped slightly as her demonic lineage was agitated inside her body.

She could vividly feel her body... no... every single cell of her body thirsting for the fruit placed in Zeus's palm.

"Master... is this a devil fruit?"

Seeing her eyes locked onto the fruit with a condensed gaze, he simply chuckled and slowly moved his hand to the left, with her gaze following and her eyes turning in the same direction.

Seeing this, his eyes narrowed and he slowly moved the Fruit to the right and again, her gaze followed his hand while he noticed Fukuyama gulping her saliva.

"Yeah. This one is Succu Succu no Mi. If you eat this, your demonic bloodline will awaken and you will turn into the lowest rank of Succubus.

With that, you will have to find various resources to upgrade your bloodline and cultivation level yourself. Even if I will be able to assist you, don't hold onto the false hope of getting any help from the Empire.


No matter how close Fukuyama gets to Zeus, the fact would remain that she had entered into the ranks of Infernals, making her lose a lot of her rights.

While Zeus's background is enough to keep her safe, it definitely isn't enough to help a demon cultivate in the Holy Continent. For this, Fukuyama and Zeus could only remain on their own.

After consuming the Devil Fruit, many Demonic Cultivators experience Cultivation breakthrough while half-breeds or pure mortals like Fukuyama experience a change in the bloodline.

And of course, the Devil Fruit can also be used as a poison against those of Holy Prayers!

For this very reason, the circulation of the Mystical Devil Fruits is incomparably strict and the market is heavily controlled by the joint effort of the Empire and the Church.

"Alright, stop wasting time. Eat it if you must."

Zeus sighed and gently picked up Bonney and let her sleep on the nearby couch while Fukuyama looked at the Demonic fruit with a determined expression.

Sure, eating this fruit will cause her a lot of troubles but...

She looked at Zeus, who happened to be looking at her, too.

'But if such a sacrifice is necessary to cultivate... to stand behind him... besides him... then I am willing.'

Picking up the fruit, she didn't hesitate any more and quickly took a large bite.


The moment a piece of fruit was ingested, the remaining part of the fruit turned into dust and scattered away while a purplish stream of energy suddenly rotated around Fukuyama's body, making her hair whip in the formless pressure while a dark purple glow covered her naked body.

At the same time, many Cultivators inside the Resort and the whole Harem immediately stood up with a frown as they peered towards the Boa Resort.

Of course, their investigation method was restricted by formations placed around the Resort but it couldn't hide the stink of demonic energy erupting from the place.

Outside the Harem, only the strongest of Cultivators could bypass the formations placed outside the Harem and sense the Infernal Energy erupting from Imperial Consort— Boa Princess' Palace!

Almost immediately, a pure white glow erupted from the Emperor's Might and shrouded the Harem, suppressing the signature of the Infernal energy.

Peering through the Pure white tower, Odin had an amused expression.

"She doesn't ask for any favours and yet... she decided to reward her only son with a demonic maid. How amusing."

He shook his head and recalled the reward asked for Zeus if he managed to succeed in this week's battle.

Thinking of Zeus's increased battle strength, Odin couldn't help but lock his brows.

The situation was quite unusual. Even if Zeus's victory benefitted the grand schemes of the Empire, Odin wouldn't deny the strangeness of his youngest son.

Recalling his recent actions, Zeus did feel quite strange from his other younger offsprings.

"Mature enough to understand the true image of the Kuja Tribe while pacifying his maid calmly... even after going through various sexual activities in the tribe, he remains steadfast and never loses the sight of his goals..."

Unknown to others, Odin actually analysed every single child of his blood. Be it their manner of conversation, their private actions and even their sexual activities!

This was all for a single reason, to know the entirety of the various Princes and Princesses!

As an Emperor, he has always remained vigilant against the world. In fact, he did not even feel awkward when he witnessed his own children's sexual taste and analysed their nature based on their sexual activity.

After all, a person's true nature can only be seen in the matters of life and death and his bedroom activities.

But of course, even after all the investigation methods, he still remained in the dark regarding some of his actions.

Coming back to his training, Odin only thought of two figures.

War Maiden Rebecca and,

Dracule Mihawk aka Hawkeye.

"But he did not use a single weapon and utilised a low-class battle technique Sky Wolf Fang. And that purple mist is a complete mystery."

Odin narrowed his eyes, thinking and analysing the strange technique. He had seen nothing like this before and he still couldn't understand the true use of the technique.

Sure, Zeus was able to increase the female warrior's hormonal activities with this technique but there was something strange about it.

This technique did not conform to the System of Wizardry or Knighthood!

"He doesn't have any other bloodline besides the Tyrant Emperor's, so it cannot be an inherent skill."

The more he thought, the more confused he felt.

Odin has vast and incomparable knowledge of the entire world and most of its mysteries laid bare in front of his eyes. But even after becoming a worldly scholar, Odin felt his knowledge shallow when placed in front of Zeus's technique.

Closing off the holographic recording of his son's action, Odin went back to his meditation and slowly pondered on the possible nature of the technique and its potential.


"Master, what's happening to Fukuyama?"

Bonney asked out anxiously while her little body was wrapped by a blanket. Her round eyes looked at Zeus pitifully while he remained calm.

"Don't worry. Just watch the show."

Zeus spoke lightly with his arms crossed while focusing all his attention onto Fukuyama's body, noticing every change in her body.

Slowly, Fukuyama's body was revealed once again, sending Bonney into a shock and making Zeus pleasantly surprised.

With a pair of small bat wings on the back of her waist and a long black tail emerging from the base of her hips, right below her wings, Fukuyama's naked body was once again revealed.

Her black hair was glossier and her pale white skin had a natural and healthy glow, making her look even more ravishing.

Meanwhile, a pair of spiral goat horns had emerged from the top of her head and a purple inscription-like tattoo could be seen on the area above her chest.

Her black pupils were replaced with purple ones that had a charming and enticing glow in them.

Finally, the Succubus Fukuyama is presented to the world.

With the overflowing demonic energy converted into a low-class Succubus bloodline, the suppressing energy of the Emperor's Might was removed while other agitated warriors had also calmed down.

Emperor's actions were crystal clear and nobody wanted to defy his will for their inherent disgust towards the demonic filth of the continent.