broken house

  The beautiful woman couldn't help but imagine that Shi Hao would actually answer herself.

    She is too confident in her charm. Which man has seen her is not fascinating. Even if some people are serious, they will still be unable to conceal the wretchedness of their manners.

    However, this boy is really indifferent, and, too good, so that she is somewhat fascinated.

    Hey, what kind of person is she Ruan Jiaoyu, actually fascinated by a teenager?

    At this time, the red girl also moved in a wooden box, which was a bit heavy, which made her show a hard-working color.

    Shi Hao walked over to take the handle and put the wooden box on the table, which naturally won him the good feelings of the women, especially the red girl, the eyes are blurred.

    "please."Ruan Jiaoyu said.

    Shi Hao began to look like these rough stones are really pure, although not crystal clear without a trace of impurities, but compared to the previous ones, the quality improvement is not a star and a half.

    "Is there any more pure?"he said.

    "Not available for the time being."Ruan Jiaoyu replied, "If you are willing to wait a few more months, I can give you some goods."

    "That's it."Shi Hao shook his head and he was going to the county town a month later.

    He picked a few pieces and then asked Ruan Jiaoyu: "How much is it?"

    "Seven hundred and sixty-five , but look at your good looks, and erase it."Ruan Jiaoyu laughed.

    "Seven hundred two?"Shi Hao asked.

    "Seven hundred and sixty !"

    Shi Hao didn't care too much. He took out the silver ticket and paid the money. The silver ticket was issued by the Orchid Flower Country royal family. In which money house can be exchanged for real money and silver, it is convenient to carry.

    Watching Shi Hao leave, several female clerk are obsessed with their eyes, and I can't wait for people to send them out.

    Ruan Jiaoyu twisted the waist and turned back upstairs. This is an elegant room.

    She went to the window and looked down the street downstairs, and Shi Hao was drifting away.

    "Do not pick the color of the product, as long as it is pure, is this not a requirement for making array?"She murmured, her face had a strange color. "But, in such a backcountry, someone knows how to make a trip?"

    "I have to stare at it. If the boy really understands the array, maybe it is directed at the Princess of the Princess. It must be prevented."

    She figured out a paper bird and threw it into the air. A strange scene appeared. The paper bird flew up and chased Shi Hao.


    Shi Hao didn't find a paper bird on his head. He returned to the dormitory and immediately set about making an array.

    He portrays the lines on the jade stone. This is called the formation, the key to manipulating the energy of the heavens and the earth, and the power of Soul is also involved in the process of depicting. This is also very important, as if giving life to the array.

    When Shi Hao described all 36 jade stones, his Soul power was also clean.

    Yes, he can't cultivate today.

    No problem, as long as the array is made, that day can make up for this loss, and the rest are earned.

    The production of the base is completed, and the next step is to arrange it.

    It is not possible to lay out the array anywhere, the world is strong, the array is just a borrowing, and can not be created out of thin air, Shi Hao found a circle in the Academy, so I did not find a suitable place.


    He suddenly thought that when he was out of town, he had been observing the terrain, but he found a place suitable for deployment.

    He immediately left the Academy and returned to the city.

    Star Wind Academy's management of students has always been loose. Anyway, you have developed an exercise plan. If you don't train yourself, it is your own problem. If you can't pass the annual test, you have to go out.

    Shi Hao came to that place, Soul Tentacle opened, although he could not absorb the energy of the heavens and the earth, he could observe the energy situation nearby.

    Not bad.

    He nodded. It seems to be a concave land of heaven and earth energy. Therefore, the energy gathers far beyond other places, and the prosperity of flowers and trees is also evident here.

    Shi Hao knocked on the door and soon an old man opened the door.

    "you are?"The old man's face is full of doubts.

    Shi Hao Yixiao: "Grandpa, is this house yours?"

    "Yes, you think -"

    "I want to buy it."Shi Hao showed a sincere smile.

    The old man stunned and did not expect anyone to want to buy his house.

    According to the conscience, the house in his house was very broken, and the foundation was somewhat damaged – mainly because the trees grew too fast, and the roots of the knots destroyed the ground.

    "two hundred taels of silver, how?"Shi Hao smiled, he took out the silver ticket. "Grandpa, if you can trust me, you can find someone who knows how to come and check the authenticity of this silver ticket."

    He doesn't mind raising the price a bit, but he only has so much money left.

    Two hundred taels of silver !

    This made the uncle unable to help but be surprised and happy. Is this broken house so valuable?

    However, he was also afraid of encountering a liar. He really went to a neighborhood to come. The man was a businessman and he often contacted the silver ticket.

    After verifying the authenticity, the grandfather readily agreed.

    Shi Hao gave him the silver ticket on the spot, and the old man signed a contract for the transfer and pressed the fingerprint. Because it is too late, he has to wait for the genius to go to the City Lord Mansion. .

    The old man moved away that night and left all the furniture and the like to Shi Hao. Anyway, it was not worth the money.

    Shi Hao immediately began to arrange and buried the jade stone in the yard.

    When he buried the last piece, the array was established, and the energy of the heavens and the earth gathered to raise the energy intensity of the original richness to a higher level.

    Shi Hao showed a satisfied smile. After eating dinner, he slept beautifully.

    Early the next morning, he found that the grass trees in the yard seemed to be taller than yesterday.

    The effect of array is immediate.

    After he had had breakfast, he went to the medicinal bath and began to practice the Tyrant Body Technique, screaming himself.

    In the afternoon, after the soul was restored, Shi Hao began to practice Nine Revolutions Plundering Heaven Scripture.

    One turn, two turns…When it was five turns, Shi Hao found that he touched the limit, one thousand five"1.

    This should be the limit of the primary Martial Master. After breaking, you can step into the Intermediate Martial Master, but now only Shi Hao enters the limit of High Level Martial Apprentice.

    Hey, Nine Revolutions Plundering Heaven Scripture Just a push, the limit breaks open, and it's easy to drink.

    Six turns, seven turns…Nine Revolutions.

    Shi Hao stopped practicing and estimated that his strength has reached 16,000 kilograms.

    Raised two thousand pounds!

    Practice here, twice as efficient as normal.

    Looking at the Start of Spring City, the City Lord has entered the Intermediate Martial Master, with a strength of between 15,000 and 25,000 kilograms. How much, it must be known only by the City Lord himself.

    Even if City Lord Chen Zihao reaches the limit of 25,000 kilograms, Shi Hao can only catch up with even surpassing in about five days.

    Hey, at this time, the door suddenly rang, and it was rushing and screaming, as if it were dead.

    Shi Hao's brow wrinkled, and his heart was already unhappy, and walked over to open the door.

    At the door stood a young man in his twenties, with a rogue color on his face, flowing in the air.

    "I am the master of this house. I heard that you want to buy a house?"The young man immediately said when he saw Shi Hao.