the boss of his boss


    Shi Hao remembers that the name on the deed was Jiang Ping, and Jiang Ping was indeed the name of the old man yesterday – unless neighbors are hiding their identity for him, but the possibility is small.

    "Jiang Ping is my sister, my name is Jiang Sanli!"The young man added another sentence.

    Oh I got it.

    Shi Hao just looked at him and didn't speak.

    Jiang Sanli glanced at Shi Hao, and his heart was soaring. It looked so good. If he had such a good seller, he wouldn't be a twenty-five-year-old, but he wouldn't even have a wife.

    However, it is rare to encounter such a fat sheep, and it is necessary to kill it.

    "This is the ancestral home of my family. The feng shui is very prosperous. The last time someone had five hundred and two silver coins, I didn't sell them."Jiang Sanli said, "You want to buy it with two hundred taels of silver. I tell you, no way!"

    He is going to squeeze into the door, as long as Shi Hao does not give him a satisfactory price, he will not leave here.

    However, he could not squeeze in.

    Shi Hao simply stretched his arm and it was like a mountain in front of him, and he couldn't break through.

    "Fuck off!"Shi Hao waved Jiang Sanli with a wave of his hand.

    Hey, Jiang Sanli was sturdy, and before he got up, Shi Hao had closed the door.

    He hurts his teeth, but he also knows clearly that the boy is not only good-looking, but also has great strength.

    "You are strong, you can fight Brother Ma!"He snorted and immediately got an idea.

    Jiang Sanli slowed down and got up and ran to a place.

    Hailing gambling house, one of the industries under the Sea Tomb Martial Hall.

    "Brother Ma! Brother Ma! "He found a middle-aged man with a big braid. This man surnamed Ma is the boss of this gambling house. He is called Brother Ma.

    "Yeah?"Brother Ma is playing cards and caresslessly.

    Jiang Sanli looked at him with awe. This person is a primary Martial Apprentice with more than 2,000 kilograms of power. In his eyes, this is too strong to describe.

    Moreover, this person is also the number one of Sea Tomb Martial Hall's second-born Iron King!

    "Brother Ma, I have a good business!"Jiang Sanli said flatteringly.

    "What good business can you have?"Brother Ma laughed and laughed at the other people who were playing cards.

    Who doesn't know, this Jiang Sanli has nothing to do with eating and drinking, and has lost the original home that is still quite good. This kind of unsuccessful person actually said that he wants to introduce business, and the ghost believes.

    ReallyJiang Sanli quickly said, "There was a fool who bought my old house and got this number!"

    He has two fingers.

    "Twenty two?"Brother Ma casually guessed that their valuable things were sold almost by Jiang Sanli. It was just a family of four, so it was good to sell twenty-two dollars.

    – Start of Spring City is just a small city, and the land is not worth the money.

    "Two hundred two!"Jiang Sanli said heavily, but also licked his fingers to emphasize.


    Brother Ma really had an interest. He put the cards on the table and said, "You won't lie to me?"

    He showed a dangerous expression and was terrified.

    Jiang Sanli trembled, but immediately said: "How dare I cheat Brother Ma? Really, I just wanted to knock on the kid. I didn't expect the kid to have two brushes. I can't beat him. "

    "However, as long as Brother Ma is on your shot, it will definitely be easy."

    Seeing Brother Ma's hesitant color, he hit the iron hot again: "The house has not yet been transferred, and the title is still my name and fingerprint."

    As such, Brother Ma is no longer hesitant.

    He looked at Jiang Sanli and said, "How are you going to divide the money?"

    Jiang Sanli thought for a moment and said, "Let's knock him a thousand and two silver, I only need to take three hundred and two, and the rest, all belong to Brother Ma."

    Brother Ma is very excited. Although he is the boss of this gambling house, he can earn money and he dare not take a point into his pocket. He has to turn it in honestly. Otherwise, his body will be the next morning. It will appear in the moat.

    Therefore, he often does some private work and earns extra money.

    Seven hundred and two silver, that is also a big number for him, you can go to Guihuafang for a few times.

    But he frowned and said: "Since it is a young boy, can you get a thousand dollars?"

    "Absolutely."Jiang Sanli swears, "The silly boy is the price he opened, two hundred taels of silver, using the silver ticket, paying directly. Brother Ma, the kid is so generous, the money in his pocket is definitely more than that. "

    This makes a lot of sense. Brother Ma nodded and smiled. "Well, in order not to let this stupid kid let others cheat, we have to keep the property for him."

    "Ha ha ha ha."Brother Ma's men are laughing.

    "Let's go..."

    Brother Ma is also not interested in playing cards. Immediately call the younger brothers and let Jiang Sanli lead the way and make money!

    Hailing Casino is not far from Shi Hao's residence, so it's just a while, and everyone came to the place.

    Jiang Sanli immediately took the front door, oh, hurried and loud, like a dead person.

    Hey, the courtyard door opened, Shi Hao came out, and when he saw Jiang Sanli, he finally showed his anger.

    Is he too polite?

    "Kid, you can't think of buying and selling, I tell you, this is my homeland. You don't give me a thousand dollars, I don't want to take the house away!"Jiang Sanli said out loud.


    Shi Hao kicked out and Jiang Sanli suddenly turned into a gourd and rolled back and forth.

    "Oh!"Jiang Sanli repeatedly screamed and struggled to climb up and yelled at Brother Ma. "Brother Ma, look, you see, this guy doesn't give you face at all, dare to beat me in front of you!"

    "Brother Ma, you must be the master of me!"

    He only looked at the bitterness, but did not see it, and Brother Ma's face was full of fear.

    Brother Ma just returned to Martial Hall the day before yesterday and reported to the boss about the profitability of the casino these days. This is exactly the same. He saw Shi Hao killing Zhao Cheng and defeating Iron King and Wu Laoda.

    The horror-like picture of the demon god, these two days have been haunting in his mind, and even night dreams of dreams, scared a cold sweat.

    How could he think that he would meet Shi Hao, the boss of his boss!

    After playing a spirit, he suddenly felt cold sweat, and looking at Jiang Sanli's eyes seemed to kill.

    Are you, Madd, harming me?

    "Kid, I met our Brother Ma, not too fast Kneel down!"Brother Ma's men are still supporting him.

    "fart !"Brother Ma is about to faint, rushing past, punching and kicking the man next.

    This makes everyone stunned. What is the situation, why should Brother Ma be a good person?

    "Brother Ma -" Jiang Sanli is weak and weak, are you a cross-eyed, don't know if you are the wrong person?

    "Ma your sister's brother!"Brother Ma rushed over and kicked Jiang Sanli to the ground.