Choosing a Wife (1)

"FuUmyYaAh!.." Kexin yawned, on earth it would be about six-eleven, early, she was the first one to wake up in the group "Wakey wakey, we gonna be late'e!" Kexin yelled


Shut.. up.....




They were all tired, but Kexin forcefully woke them up and shoved a bitter tasting fruit to wake them up officially, "WAKEY.WAKEY.IM MAKIN' EGGS, WITH BAKI'" "Slash bacon." She got up and starting looking for food

"I smell wild pig.." But in truth what she was actually smelling was a thousand years bull-horned boar, she could make pork and rice though, and sell the horns for money

"I smell eggs.." What she was actually smelling was a over-protective hen egg, about 2 feet vertically and 1 foot horizontally "Yum.."

She stalked the hen until she finally got a chance to swoop an egg out of the nest, she successfully, aggravated the hen. Nothing really goes well in these stories

"Shut up, rooster." She yelled, the worst thing possible to way to say to a lady 'You sound like a rooster'



"Oh...I.. sorry bout' that.." Kexin felt bad but she still kept the egg,


Go away!!!!!!!

"Okay.." Then Kexin ran over to the boars area and literally slam dunked it into a sharp, big, stick. Like omg that must be painful R.I.P pls pray for mr. boar



Never aggravate this woman, she will literally burn you, she is a sadistic, psychotic, pyromaniac..

"But it still smells good! It also tastes good, im betting, this is really high quality after all!" She smiled, and sniffed the bacon, damn im hungry.. BUT I DONT HAVE BACONN!!!!! Pls pray

"Okay!!!" She yelled energetically while putting the bacon on a clean piece of bark she chipped off of a tree, she had washed it in a pretty far away river, about 9 minutes travel time

"Lets get crackin'!" She sounded like a hippy girl tryna 'Dumb Dumb' her way to the top of the dance queens, "I can already taste it.." Kexin was drooling eternally inside her mouth



Golden aura!!


Looks like a goddess made it!!!

They were also drooling, Leviathan couldn't contain his saliva so he went away to dig a hole and fill it with dragon saliva(1) he filled a mile deep of it and very carefully buried it so that nobody but he could find it.

"Ahhh!" Kexin stretched and headed towards the bacon and eggs, she then took a bite, and her eyes glittered like she saw the devil, "VIIIIII!" She called out, "Why didn't you call m...."

"ME EARLIER!?!!?!" Vivan stared right at the food and at Kexin "D-did you make this!?!" He asked "What kind of question is that!?!" Kexin protested "But, yes, I did make it! Want some?"

"Do I?!" Vivan rushed towards the bacon and eggs, "Well, I guess you don't." Kexin took the bacon and eggs away and gave it to Pandora and Kurama


Thank you master!!

They dug in, Vivan looked depressed and looked like a wilted tree, used to be full of life but lightning struck it down, "Whyyyy!!!!" He yelled to the sky, "WHYYYYY!!!!!!!"

[Yip yip..]

Hmph, next time you'd better answer master, loser.

[Maow mraow!]

Hehe! Kuu-gege is right! You should answer properly! Dimwit!

"Yeah, idiot, retard, noob, didn't your creators teach you manners ah?" Kexin snickered and bickered in wonder, who where his creators?

"Wuwuwu.. why Kexin!?!" He cried and wailed "I wanted to e-e-eaaat.." Kexin threw a piece of bacon towards him and called "Fetch!" Vivan knew it was shameful but for food made by the gods?

It was totally worth it, even if it was made by a she-devil, it would taste good. "Tank oo Keh xin!" He stopped crying and peacefully ate the bacon, there were no eggs but the bacon was the main part

"You're a man stop crying. Its a disgrace to me, because you're with me they think i'm also a crybaby, and I will be a main target of sexual assault, so go dig a hole and cry in there,"

"I need to maintain a bad reputation so nobody will mess with me." She turned around and made more eggs and bacon, this time, a large batch for Leviathan


Leviathan screeched joyfully, everybody looked at him in despair and jealousy, 'Such a big batch ah.. so jealous..' But they didn't say anything

"Let us go back to capital.. OH GOT I FORGOT!!!! THE BANQUET!!!!!! GO GO RUSH RUSH LEVI!!!!"

Kexin was really in a rush, so she went in the storage, put on a beautiful ancient chinese dress

It was a jade green dress, with a seaweed-colored coat that twisted around her arms and behind her neck, the skirt was a long, fluttering one piece, a transparent layer on the bottom, that was long than the outer layer, which was shorter

The top was a V neck but inside was another layer, a seaweed green, but a little lighter, it was a ^ shape that covered her cleavage, she had no hair accessories so she just put it down, and combed it

She had jet black hair, as dark as the night, shining and shimmering as she walked in the sun, she had used red-paper to make her soft-peach lips a powerful cherry-red she looked like a princess in her dress

I will draw that later, i will tell you my acc on instagram later too, and dont say it is bad i have a natural instinct that i know someone will comment that it is bad..

"Are we here yet?" Kexin asked "Yes.. but there is a bump on the road(2)" Kexin poked her head out of the storage only to see a bunch of guards packet at the front of Leviathan, shaking and trembling in fear

"Is there a problem!?!" Kexin yelled, she used her cultivation to enhance her voice to make it louder, like the previous time "P-please halt... y-you may n..not pass.. with t-that beast.. unless.,"

"Unless what?" Her vice sounded cold, and all the guards shuddered, "UNLESS YOU CAN PROVE THAT THE MONSTER IS NOT DANGEROUS!!!!" A guard blurted out, everyone started at him

"Shut up Frank! We are going to die a miserable death because of you! You are fired and killed!" Their captain yelled at the soldier and sometimes, glancing it Kexin to see is she was mad

"Sorry m'lady, if your beast can shrink itself it may pass." The captain soldier said looking up at the beautiful woman, / Kexin

"Levi?" Kexin looked down at Leviathan and spoke, "Shrink, now." The giant leviathan sized beast transformed into runner again "May I pass?" Kexin walked towards the almost fainted from shock guard

"Yeeeeess! Hiiii!" The trauma'ed guard then quickly opened the gate and let Kexin in, the people near the gate wondered 'Who is this beautiful lady?' Or 'How pretty! I wish I was her'

Soon, after running a mile she reached the palace, only yo be stopped by a guard "Who are you?" "I am here to congratulate the prince on choosing a wife, and only that." Kexin answered

"Invitation?" "I was personally invited by the prince, go call him, or bring me to him." She said in a seductive succubus voice "Okay.." The guard sneered and thought

'Like his highness would never invite such an extra lady..'

(1) dragon saliva is very precious and can heal even the most fatal wounds of a person of any race

(2) a bump on the road, or an interference with someones path smthn like that