Choosing a Wife (3)

"노! 몸! 5 모레 미누텟!" Kexin yelled, she was speaking in Korean so nobody knew what she was saying, they all probably thought she was crazy.. "몸 ㅣㅁ티렏!" She yelled in Korean again

"What the hell are you saying?" Shenzhen entered her room, without thinking twice.. "GET.. OUT.. OR SUFFER THE CONSEQUENCES!!!!!!!!", listen here kids, never enter a womans room without knocking

{PA!} <( + + )-• ( }- •)

"Help! Ah! Someone stop this mad- wah! Woman! Oh! Uu! Plea-ah-se!" Getting hit intensely by a woman was indeed quite a feat for her but if that man was a prince, not.. such a feat for her

"Please stop! Elder sister! Princess! Empress! Goddess! Have mercy o' great goddess!" "I told you to.. get out...." Kexin yawned, she was still tired, as it was morning

"When did the banquet start? Oh.. oh...담ㄴ.." It started one day ago, poor them, "Quickly! Switch out timing, and say that it was too late and you usually go to sleep at that time! And yeah! 고!"

"Yes queen!" Shenzhen then dashed off to the emperors quarters, to inform him, and then apologize about the mishap "Good grief.." Kexin sighed, she was fully awake from the pain of hitting too much

"Levi.." Kexin snapped and Levi suddenly appeared out of know where that even the creator doesn't know where


"Can you massage my hands, please?" She looked at him sincerely and smiled, as a male, and a man, he did as told LIKE A MALE SHOULD DO.


Levi said joyfully, walking towards Kexin holding his hand out, she put her hand in Levis, it was the same size, and he started working his magic, he had fiddled with things recently and, that improved his massage skills


"What is it Levi? Did Shenzhen come back?" Kexin asked looking at the door


"I suppose that is a yes, so, when is the banquet starting?" Kexin asked, directing the question at Shenzhen, who was hiding behind the door, "A shichen later.." Shenzhen replied

"Un." Kexin said lazily as she yawned, the dress she had came in had been messed up because, Kexin was always rowdy in her sleep, rolling and kicking everywhere

"Sigh.. what a mess I am, I am going to change, Vivan?" Kexin looked at the ceiling then to her left, Vivan appeared and said, "Yess.." "Good." Kexin stepped into the storage and changed,

She changed into a beautiful light blue dress, with a scarf around her arms, like the previous one, a little darker, a cross-over top, with a belt on her tiny waist, a medium-sized skirt that was a little puffy, an beautiful shoes, a more plain dudou

Like last time, her hair was as plain as usual, no accessories or whatnot, "Done!" She exited the storage and layed on her bed, trying to think of ways to entertain herself, might as well call Shenzhen,

"Shenzhen!" Kexin yelled, "Im booored, you are the prince, do you have any games to play?" Shenzhen walked in on a beautiful maiden, with a beautiful silk dress on, pale skin and— "Really?"

"You literally called me, the prince, because you were bored?" Kexin looked at her nails "The bottom of the list, least likely to become the next emperor prince? Yeah." Vivan snickered and put his hand on his mouth

"I have GO?" Shenzhen said, and asked? Whatever.. "Sure.." Kexin said, then Shenzhen called a servant to go get the GO board, they played a few rounds until it was time for the banquet

"You suck at GO.. I won all the rounds hands down man.." She pointed at Shenzhen frowning and pouting, "But you suck at romance." "Want me to teach you?"

Shenzhen walked towards her and got ka-be-don'ed by her, "But do I?" Kexin looked into Shenzhens deep eyes and her face, only just noticing his handsomeness turned a little pink

"Hmm.. a 6 for ka-be-don.." He lightly kissed her soft peach lips, "You are so cute you make me want to eat you up.." He said seductively, she blushed "Get out.."

"Fine fine!" He started walking to the door "I will come back.." he said, turning a corner,