Venturing Into The Outside World (1) | Brothel Dancer

"Fresh.. air!" Kexin yelled as she stretched,

The first things she saw outside was a beautiful field of grass and flowers, no dirt in sight, just a beautiful meadow in the middle of everything, Kexins first reaction was, "How beautiful!"

She noticed a tree in the center of the meadow and walked towards it too see what was lying behind it, only to see a wild 'Stupid Shenzhen' on the loose, he had walked out here in the morning everyday

"..." 'Heehee!' Kexin thought as she looked at his handsome face, a soft-looking lips that were the pinnacle of perfection, long lashes fluttered across his face as he blinked from the coming sunlight,

Arched-brows with a hint of softness coming from them, beautiful un-spun silk that glittered in the sunlight as clouds from then and here passed, a pointed nose not too long nor short, his jawline was strong and his skin was flawless

"B-" "Bahk!!!" Shenzhen screamed in fear and shuffled up onto his feet, "Hey Shen'er!" Kexin blew a kiss at him, unconsciously flaunting her small, dainty figure that would make the guardian of everyone rise

"Bahk! Bahk bahk bahk!" Kexin laughed, she looked like a little fairy in a flower field, which would bewitch the men into giving her their nectar.. "Hii.." Shenzhen said, continuing to back away

"Where are you going?" He suddenly said, wishing to protect the little fairy "Teehee!" She giggled, her voice was like bells trying to catch everyones attention "Kuh!" He had let his guard down

"Bye bye! Stupid Shen!" He suddenly realized that the mischievous fairy had flown away into the wilderness with her fearsome friends that radiated a fearful aura and protected Kexin from evil-doers

[Meeeww meeeeeeeewwwwww!]

Master, I don't like this place lets leave!

"What do you mean? There is delicious food everywhere, food galore!" Kexin argued, waving at a kebab, or Riishu stand "Woah! That's a broth-"


[Meow meow! Maaaaowww?]

Master, Levi says you shouldn't go in there! Are you?

"Of course I am, there are courtesans that only dance and don't take private customers!" Kexin said, "And ballet, looks like it, is one of the arts!" 'I studied for around 6 years in ballet, and am a pointe dancer!' (1)

"Don't underestimate me!" Kexin said prowdly walking into the brothel, the men stared and her not even hiding the lust in their eyes, but Levi growled at them and Vivan released his intimidating aura

"Hey miss! I want to be a dancer in this brothel!" Kexin yelled smiling, "En, but on-" "Yes, yes, only what? I am 15 for Your information!" Kexin yelled slamming the table

"Oh.. okay.. get dressed the show starts in half a shichen, it's the room on the left if you turn the corner?" The receptionist said and showed her the way to the dressing room

"Woah! Such elegant dresses!" Kexin whispered to herself looking at the smaller ones that would suit her body shape, in all, she had a chest but Shenzhen just didn't want to admit it!

It was about a C cup, but only barely! 'He should've been declared as blind!' Kexin thought, looking at a beautiful blue dress, it was highlighted in gold with beautiful flexible shoes!

"Miss! I want this one!" Kexin yelled too enthralled with her excitement "O-okay?" The receptionist sighed and thought, 'She is just a little kid, what good could she do dancing?'

She looked like a mini-goddess in the dress, her long legs, and her cute-sexy face, soft, small hands, it just raised the passion in their hearts "Pretty! Get out there and slay!"

"Thanks, miss!" Kexin yelled back running to the stage "Wha! A little girl?" A man in the crowd yelled, "She's just a child, Jin, she is still very naive!" Another yelled, they were murmurs in the crowd

"K-kyah!" The girl on the stage screamed, she was a good dancer, but a bad one in Kexin's heart, "How could the little lady! She was such a good dancer!" A man screamed

"Hm? The ladies dancin' now?" A beautiful chime sound went off, silencing the crowd "Ta, ta, ta, 'flute'(2)" Kexin started dancing, at first her moves were soft and slow, pleasing to the eye

But then, "'Flute getting faster and more intense'" her moves got faster, and sharper, the crowd was surprised and ashamed, that they shamed this little lady, and that she danced amazingly


"Yo, Shen! I heard th-" Shenming stopped suddenly, Shenzhen held his brothers lips tight with anger, "," Shenzhen looked at the photo in his hand and saw that it was Kexin

"Why do you have my wife's picture?" Shenzhen asked anger and intimidation included with his fearsome aura "Eh? This was the new dancer at the brothel though?"

"That fierce kitten.. always wandering into strange places without my permission.." Shenzhen then went outside, eyes allover him, wandering into the brothel "Kexin!"

Kexin turned her head and sighed, "Longxian Shenzhen! What are you doing here?" She stopped dancing and got off stage to see him away with crossed-arms

"What am I doing here ah!? Here to pick you up!" He said with a smile that wasn't smiling "No! I haven't gotten my paycheck! I want to stay!" Kexin yelled pouting and pointing at the stage

"Hey, hey, it was a good show man, is she yours?" A man from the crowd asked, moving to the front "Will 10,000 taels do?" He asked hesitantly, pulling out a heavy-looking bag "No."

Shenzhen refused, "She is mine, I will never sell her just for a bit of money." He said trying to leave the place with a sexy-version of Kexin

"Nooo! Miss! Miss! Can you give me the money that i've earned for the brothel?! Only 50%, please?" She asked before leaving, the receptionist was reluctant but agreed because her earnings were 10,000 taels

"Thank you!" Kexin said, smiling a big smile, and also melting the others hearts into ashes, dust, and cinders, the receptionist smiled a little bit, and said "Here you go, come back soon..."

"Kexin, my name is Kexin!" Kexin said enthusiastically "En, I— and everybody else here, will remember you!" The receptionist hugged Kexin and sent her off with a bit of money, 5,000 taels exactly.

(1) I made that up ok dont judge me i just didnt want Kexin to get private customers and accidentally kill them

(2) flute noised if u didnt understand my dumb language