Venturing Into The Outside World (3) | We Meet Again, Longxian Linbai

"Six-hundred, eighty-five?!?" The examiners, and the examinees, yelled in shock and surprise, the best this year was one-hundred and thirty-six! Even the world time score...



"But.. a woman shouldn't be able to get this high of a score?" A male student questioned, thus, Kexin got seriously triggered "...Boy, gender isn't a score... a male like you shouldn't even be able to enter!"

"But.. you just... gender does!" He argued, 'Who's parents does he have?' An examiner thought, hand supporting her head, "Just because men are born with more physical strength than women!?"

"Ah? Is that why?" Kexin looked as though she was looking at a fly that landed on her, "You are a disgrace to man kind!" She said, "Without women, everybody would've went extinct!"

Kexin scolded him seriously, and seriously taking this outside also "Well done," A woman above all clapped, she was an elegant beauty, a white lotus, she had an average chest and she was a lolita

Well.. kind of at least, she was a taller than average lolita, and a shorter than average woman, cute would be the perfect word to describe her! "My name is Lifen Lu-lu, nice to meet you!"

The woman said, walking towards Kexin, "En, hi, you can call me.. Kexin, or Xin'er for short, this guy here," Kexin said, pulling Shenzhen towards the bunch "Is called Shenzhen, call him Shen'er for short"

"Okay!" Lifen said "You can call me, Li'er or Fen'er for short..." She said shyly, Kexin was her first female friend, as she was always the rival of many others "Okay Li'er!" Kexin said

Lifen Lu-lu was her first 'official' friend "How old are you.." Kexin subconsciously asked "Oh.. I will tell you this time, I am actually seventeen! People think of me as seven though.." Lifen said

"Oh, well.. I am a two years younger than you! Can i call you elder sis?" Kexin asked hesitantly "Ehh? You look so mature though!" Lifen whispered loudly, "Lifen Lu-lu! Marry me, once again!"

A voice called out to Lifen, rushing towards her lips "No! Never in my life Longxian Linbai!!" Lifen attemped to slap 'Linbai' but failed, as she was only at advanced Qintan (Green) stage!

"Kexin.." Shenzhen walked up to Kexin and whispered in her ear "STOP DOING THAT!" Kexin yelled flustered "Anyways, what Shen'er? And start warming up to Xin'er!" Kexin scolded lightly

"But... whatever, y'know that Longxian dude?" Shenzhen pointed at the courting Linbai and remembered that he was with this bodies' sister when they pushed her "Yes..." Kexin said coldly,

A dark aura, and bloodlust radiating from her, not her.. but.... Lin Kexin, there was still a piece of her soul living in her original body, the evil spirit of herself, a rebellious child and a tough nut

"Ke~ Xin..'er..?" Shenzhen shivered from Kexin's aura, even he hadn't had that much bloodlust, age-wise he barely even knew what bloodlust was! "..." Kexin hadn't spoke since he mentioned Linbai

'Kill.... Lin, bai...' "Argh!" Kexin fell on one knee holding her head, "Kill...." Lin Kexin said, applying more pressure to Kexin "Kexin!" Shenzhen was too shocked and reacted later than usual

"Kexin!" Lifen said, rushing towards Kexin, this reminds me of a certain scene..., "No! Get back here Xiao Lifen Lu-lu" Linbai yelled, tripping on a table corner, slightly, his reputation went down

"Kexin are you okay?!?" Lifen yelled, alerting the back-standers(1) of the crowd "Y-yeah.." Kexin's voice turned more and more hoarse by the moment "Lifen!" Linbai yelled, grabbing Lifens leg

"Ah!" Lifen fell onto the ground, she was startled, and Linbai attempted pulled her onto the ground thus she fell, "Li'er!" Kexin asked worried about, not her, but Lifen trying to escape Linbai's grasp

"Linbai Longxian." Shenzhen said, a distinct pressure in his sentence, "Shen.. Shenzhen!?" Linbai let go of Lifens leg, leaving a red mark on it and scooting back into the edge of the crowd-circle

"Agh!" Linbai cried out in pain, "What's youUur.." Linbai's voice trailed off as Shenzhen threw a menacing look at him "Problem? You are just a rug for me to wipe my shoes on!" Shenzhen said

"Ts.." Linbai looked around to only to see murmurs and snickers in the crowd, he was humiliated, he couldn't allow this. "HEY!" Linbai shook Shenzhens leg off and stood up, "I WANT A DUEL! NOW."

"If its a duel you want.." Shenzhen stopped and looked at Kexin, they nodded at each other "Then you'll get one." Kexin said quietly, making the murmurs in the crowd stop and look at her

"Hah?! Shenzhen are you looking down on me? A woman? All she's good for is laying on her back and spreaAaAAa!" Kexin suddenly appeared in front of him, just like a certain bystander...

"We meet again Longxian Linbai, lets go, now, at the training field, if I win you have to give me one Mingtan fruit." Kexin said coldly, beckoning him to the training field, "Hah! If i win,"

He said sizing up Kexin

"You will be my woman." He said licking his, soon-to-be blood stained, lips "DEAL!" Kexin said eagerly, he needed a beating and Kexin was going to give him one "Let's go..." She said cracking her knuckles

(1) the people that are not in the crowd but at the rim??????