Chapter 2: Yurana's Story

Yurana's POV

"I was looking for you this whole time, and the team.." I said while my arms wrapped around him

He leaned his lips to my forehead while supporting my hug to him.

"I'm here now, don't worry. It'll be fine" Kidou said with a gentle voice

He really was a nice guy, ever since I met him in the orphanage. He was the only one that I can rely on right now.

"Thank you" I said

As I open my eyes, I saw the logo of Raimon in his shirt.

'N-No way! He was in Raimon now?'

In shock, I quickly pull out myself to his embrace.

"A-Are you in Raimon team now?" I ask with hesitation

"Uhmm. Yeah, really" he said while scratching his head

'What happened?'

"I mean, I am now part of the Raimon team" he said

"W-What?!" I yelled

'Oh no! What have I done?!'

"If you're now a part of Raimon team it means.. that.." I looked at Endou's direction


"None of my sweat came out when I earn a goal. Is this really the soccer of Raimon? How pathetic. We earn a point with just a single strike and I think we can do that in the same point. Hmmm."

"It looks like no matter how hard you try, you will never beat us. Such a weaklings"

"They said God Hand was pretty amazing cause it blocked the 'Death Zone' but I don't think it was. God Hand was a trash now. It can't block anything"

"Raimon was weak so how could they possibly win agaisnt Teikoku? I don't get it. Hmmm.."

*End of Flashback*

'All the insult.. The sharp words that I have said. Yurana! You are such an idiot! Go and apologize to Endou, right now!'

"Are you alright, Yurana?" I ignored Kidou's question and ran into Endou's direction

I kneel down and bow my head.

"I'm so sorry, captain! I'm so sorry for my impudence. Please forgive me" I pleaded

"Ahh-ehh?" Endou responded

"Yurana, you don't need to do that" Kidou said and help me to get up

"Yeah, you don't have to do something like that." Endou added

"B-But.." I responded

"It's okay. Knowing that you were a girl, I must respect you as my duty as a man." He giggled

I chuckled.

"Thank you very much" I said

"I think you should apologize to Gouenji too" Endou said

"I think it was the best way, besides, I saw him walking away" Kidou said

'What a pain! That white hair idiot ruin my fake identity, why should I apologize to him? Hmmp! Such a crybaby'

"Is there a problem, Yurana?" Kidou asked

"N-Nothing.. Uhmm, Kidou" I replied

"What?" he responded

"Can I have a moment with you?" I asked

"Sure. Uhm, Endou, can I have a moment with Yurana. I know there's a reason why she was here" pleaded Kidou

Endou form a big smile on his face.

"Alright. Guys, let's practice!" Endou commanded

After meeting the team of Raimon, we decided to go in the bridge near the school.

The warm of the air embraces me and we both looked at the beautiful scenery behind us.

"Tell me, Yurana. Why did you come here?" asked Kidou

"Oh yeah, I came here because I want to avenge you" I answered

"Avenge?" he said in shock

Gouenji's POV

Stupid black hair girl! She even think of me as her toy? Hey, why am I acting like this now? Argh!

I am now in the back of a tree near in the bridge. I was leaning on this tree and lifted up my head to see the refraction of the light in the leaves of the tree.

"You look like a young man now" someone giggled

"You really think so?" replied a boy

'Hey, I know that voice!'

I quickly turned and hide from the tree. I glance a little at the back of the tree and saw Kidou and Yurana talking in the bridge.

'What are they doing here? Are they dating?'

'Well, why do I care? They have their own lives though. I have my sister too.'

"Tell me, Yurana. Why did you come here?" asked Kidou

"Oh yeah, I came here because I want to avenge you" Yurana said

'Avenge Kidou? But, why? Maybe Kidou was also a spy sent by Kageyama. I have to figure out.'

"Avenge?" he said in shock

"Well, when I came back in Japan I heard that Raimon beats the Teikoku team. I went to Teikoku and ask for the members of it but they said they were all in the hospital. I don't get myself in that time 'cause of my anger so I immidiately come to Raimon with Mazumi to get a revenge to them. I thought you were also in the hospital and I didn't expect you here." she said sincerely

"So that's the reason. Why would you do something like that?" he asked

'Yeah, it's not worthy of an avenge. Ugh, such an immature'

"That's because.." she paused a minute

"Why Yurana? Is there anything happens?"

She faced Kidou and bowed down.

"Because I only have you, Kidou.." she said and bursts into tears

Kidou was shocked in instance and I think he doesn't know what's happening.

"I-I don't understand, why are you acting like this. Where's your brother?" Kidou gushed

He seemed to be pissed off when he saw Yurana crying.

"My brother.. abandoned me" she sobbed

My heart went shocked at the momment together with Kidou who heared this.

'Abandoned? How could a brother abandoned his sister? I am a brother too and I'm going to protect my sister and never leave or forsake her. But his brother...'

I clentched my fists.

'Is he out of his mind?'

"How could he do that? He was supposed to be protecting you! How about Kageyama?" Kidou asked with a fierced tone

Yurana shakes her head.

"Kageyama doesn't count me as a family at all. You always thought that he does something special to me but no.." she mumbled

A silence occur and the cold wind passed it's way in our direction.

"It was my brother who forced Kageyama to keep me at his side.." she continued

Yurana's POV


"I want you, Yurano. Be my son and fulfill my dreams in conquering soccer!" said Kageyama-san

'Brother was really good at soccer even though he was only a child. I was so proud that I had him. When our parents abandoned us, he was the most precious to me. I can't lose him'

My brother looked at him with great determination.

"I have a sister who was good at soccer too. Maybe you should keep her, she may have a contribution as well" my brother said

'Onii-san.. You really want me to join you, did you?'

I was hiding here in a tree because I want to hear what is my brother's planned to do and it's flutters my heart to know that he don't wanted me to be separated to him.

Kageyama-san laughs at my brother.

'W-Why did he laughs?'

"Yurano, I only need you. Nothing else, I wanted only to be my heir. When I see you playing soccer, I know you had a good future in my hands." Kageyama-san replied

'Oh no, what will my brother do? How will he response? Is it okay if he chooses to be with him? If he chooses him, he will loose me but he will have a good future but if not, we will both suffer in this orphanage. How can I let myself be selfish?'

I sadly looked at my brothers direction.

'If he chooses him, I should support him. Yes, that's it!'

"Well, if you don't want my proposal then find someone who will accept it. I'm not going out to this place without my sister, understand?" replied my brother


"Great, what a smart kid! You have me. If I were adopt both of you then you promised to trained with me and conquer soccer, deal?" Kageyama chuckled

"Deal. I'll assure to you that my sister was a good soccer player too. Maybe she was better than me, who knows?" brother shrugged

"Then let me know" Kageyama chuckled

"That's a good idea!" brother stated

'Wow! Brother really acted like a mature guy right now. I'm proud of my brother!'

My brother looked at my direction and smirked.

'D-Does he knew that I was here from the start? How embarassing!'

"You can go out now, Yurana." he said

I gulped and finally get out of hiding on that tree. Brother took the ball near to him and gradually kicked the ball to me.

"Now, show him what you got!" my brother yelled

The ball was rushing towards my direction.

'My brother had a trust in me so I can' t let him down!'

I took a breath and open my eyes. I spin a tornado and catch the ball neatly. I kicked the ball upwards and jumped. I spin again and kicked the ball with great force towards my brother direction but suddenly, the ball rushed itself to Kageyama's but surprisingly, he was able to catch it.

My brother nodded and smirk.

"So that's what I said 'better' than me" my brother gushed

'I did it!'

"Nii-san, I did it!" I yelled and jumped in excitement

I cheerfully hugged my brother. He looked at me in happy eyes and smile.

"I already told you that she had a promising skills. I'm looking forward to your adoption." my brother said

'My brother was so brave! I wish I was like him.'

"Sure you would, my son." Kageyama-san said with a smile

But at that time when he looked at my eyes, I feel scared.

"Don't worry, Yurana. I got you this time." He said while smiling. He rubbed his hands to my head and start teasing me.

*End of Flashback*

"It was a good memory since back then." I said while wiping away my tears

"You said that your brother manages to stay with your side and that's great. Yurano is a brave person since then and I can't do what he have done so me and my sister got separated. I wonder why he abandoned you" Kidou said

"Eversince I was adopted by Kageyama, I treated nothing special. My brother got spoiled by him, giving him all the things that he wanted. He even got his special soccer training! And that was the time when my brother don't care about me anymore. And also that time, Kageyama find his way to get me separated from him. He sent me to America.." I discussed

"And what happened? Is it that a great opportunity for you?" Kidou answered

"You don't know that I was in America either, right?" I said with a fake smile

"I know that Kageyama sent you to America for your studies, if I were wrong" he stated

"Oh, he said that?" I tried to chuckled

"So that's what brother's know" I whispered

He didn't dare to reply and looked at me with worried eyes.

"The truth is...." I stated

Gouenji's POV

'That brother of Yurana.. He's so irresponsible, I cannot forgive him!'

"He sent me to America.." she said

"And what happened? Is it that a great opportunity for you?" Kidou answered

"You don't know that I was in America either, right?" she said

She tried to form a smile to her face but it was so obvious that it was fake.

"I know that Kageyama sent you to America for your studies, if I were wrong" he stated

"Oh, he said that?" she said and tried to chuckled

'Now matter how hard she try, she can't hide her true feelings.'

"So that's what brot her's know" she whispered in a sad tone

Kidou looked at her as I was looking on her. Despite of the toughness she showed to me earlier, now I'm having a sympathy on her. Sigh.

"The truth is...." she stated

'My heart suddenly beats fasting knowing that it wasn't a good news. God, why am I acting like this?'

"I-I was suffering in there" she murmured

"W-What?" Kidou's response

He grabbed her arm and looked at her eyes.

"What the hell did they do to you?" asked Kidou

I can see in his eyes the raging aura. It seems that his anger was swallowing him.

"They treated me like an animal. Doing simple errands. Doing all the household chores, if I didn't do it properly, they will beat me. I only eats one meal everyday. No soccer, no objection, no right to speak up... No freedom at all" she sobbed

She turned her back and start to lift up her shirt.

'Hey, why do I keep my eyes from her?'

"W-What are you doing?" Kidou said while blushing

I don't know why, but I'm blushing also.

"Don't worry. No one is around except from us and I will show you something, nothing more." she said

"O-Okay" he replied

I keep my eyes from her because I can't help myself.

'Gouenji, this is embarassing!'

She slowly lift up her shirt in half and I was really shocked at what I saw.

'T-That was terrible!'

Kidou immidiately pull away his sight to Yurana's back.

Yurana has many deep and large scars in her back.

'How could they do that to her?! They are monsters!'

When Yurana was able to fix her shirt, Kidou hugged her so tight.

"Don't worry. You got me now. I will never leaving you." He said while combing her hair

"Tsk, how sweet" I whispered while frowning

'Such a love birds. Why do I even care? Afterall, it was an accident to overheard their conversation.'

"Oh, I forgot. I should catch the practice. Meet me at the gate later. I will take care of you from now on" he waved and ran away to the field

Yurana waved back

'What was he thinking? Leaving het suddenly like that?'

"Kidou, you haven't changed a little" she whispered

'Tsk, what am I doing here? I should go back to the grounds too.'

When I was about to step back, I accidentally stepped out a twig and make a loud noise.

'I'm doomed! And its kinda embarassing. She might thinks that I have been stalking her this whole time'

"You pitty me now right, white hair idiot?" she said in distance

'Crap! She's coming in my direction!'

I quickly took my book out of my bag, sit and pretend reading it.

"So you thinks that I was a crybaby---Oh, what a book you got there!" her teasing voice become a frown

I just ignored her and keep reading the book.

"Stop pretending that you don't heard us" she said

She sat down in front of my and her face went near to my ears.

"Your scent can't lie to me" she whispered to my eyes

'My s-scent?!'

I was paralyzed for a moment.

'This girl.. She never failed to intimidate me. It was my first time to be intimidated!'

"Oh, and also I can read your book from here. Amazing, you really can read book upside down?" she said sarcastically

I looked down at my book.

'Crap! It was really upside down, how embarassing!'

"It's none of your business" I said while acting tough to her

"There's no need to be rude. Look, I'm sorry for what happened earlier. I wasn't in myself that time so hope you could forgive me." she said with a smile

I can say that her smile now is indeed true and not lying. Maybe I can accept her.

"Yeah, I forgive you already" I said

"Really? Wow, thank goodness" she said while standing up

"Can I be your friend?" she asked and offer me a hand

'Is she really inviting me to be her friend? For real?'

Ahem. Why do I care if she asks me to be her friend?

"Sure" that was the word came out to my mouth and lay my hands unto her.

When I lay my hands to her, something liquid burst into my face. I heard Yurana laughing at me.

'Grr.. Did she pranked me? I'm gonna get you, you stupid girl!'

"Hey white hair idiot!" she yelled

I looked at her immidiately. It seems that she was far away to be caught. Nice strategy, Yurana. Tsk.

"Better to wash your face before someone says that you are too early from Halloween, hahahaha" she laughs

She teasingly waved her hands to me while running along.

'Tsk, she was getting in to my nerves! Watch out Yurana, you'll gonna pay back.