Chapter 3

Gouenji's POV

'Grr.. That girl! She's getting into my nerves. How could she do that kind of things to me? Sigh, maybe I just let her go for now. She must've gone through a lot.'

After that freakin encounter with Yurana, I headed back into the school and prepared myself. I headed immidiately in our new soccer club room.

When I was able to open the door, I heard them talking about Yurana.

"Please try to understand Yurana. She has gone through mental and physical suffering. And now, I was the only one she can rely on and I hope you guys are able to do that too. She was abandoned by her parents and her brother so I hope you understand." Kidou begged for them

"Onii-chan..." Haruna whispered

'It was my first time seeing Kidou begged for something. Is there really something between them with Yurana? Argh, why do I care!'

"It's okay for us!" Endou replied

"It's okay for me too" added Someoka

"Me too" said Kazemaru

"We all agreed, Kidou" they said in chorus

"Thank you, everyone." Kidou smiled and replied

"How about you, Gouenji?"

I was shocked and already forgot that I was opening the door.

'What should I say?'

"You all agreed so what's the point of insisting?" I replied

'That's great, Gouenji!'

"Thank you very much" Kidou said to me

"I hope Natsumi-san and her get along well." said Endou while scratching his nape

"You're right, they were just like a dinosaur and a dragon" said Max

"Oh my god, I'm imagining it!" yelled Kabeyama

Yurana's POV


Me and Natsumi both sneeze in the same time.

"Are we both sick?" asked Natsumi

"Nah, I think it's just the dust." I replied

We're both here in the principal office to discuss about my transferee stuffs.

"So tell me, Yurana. Why are you here in Inazuma? You are in America last time when I asked about you. Did something happened?" Natsumi asked

"Well... Uhmm" I scratch my bangs

Natsumi look closer to me and raise one of her eyebrows.

"I heard that you ambushed Raimon." she teased

She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms to me.

"You haven't changed a bit." she added

"What the heck you want to imply? That I'm a villain? No, I just don't use my mind that time." I insisted

"Calm down, I understand. So what happened? Why are you here now?" she asked

"You know.. I found my freedom at last." I said while looking at my imaginary chain in my hands being crashed down

"What do you mean freedom?" questioned Natsumi

"I was here because someone helped me. I was being hit and enslave back then in America. When I had the chance to ran away, I quickly moved my ass out there and find a place to settle in. It was dark, I was in a completely unknown place. Then suddenly, a man showed up and gave me a hand. He adopted me and even enrolled me to a ballet school."

I saw the confusion is Natsumi's eyes and she doesn't move a bit when I started to spill up.

"He has a son who was good in soccer so I had a time to practice soccer with him. I begged him to give me a permission to go back in Japan but he insisted. He told me that I'm not safe in being with Kageyama and the others and I might not come back again in America. It seems like he gain a lot of love of me ever since he decided to adopt me. No wonder that he will do everything for me to stay by his side 'cause I really showed my obedience and love in him. So I decided to mark my time in Japan. I said that I have only one year here and I will go back in America. I made a contract by then and he gave me this bracelet. This bracelet was strong as hell and will never be untangled off my hand unless you cut my hand. It has a tracker inside and he will might find me even in the farthest area I will hiding off." I continued

"That's terrible." Natsumi gasped

"Well yeah, but I'm fine. Since I was got here, all I wanted to be with was my brother. But suddenly.." I clentch my fist on my lap and my tears suddenly appears in my eyes "he abandoned me too."

"Y-Your brother? But why? " Natsumi enlarged her eyes in shock

"Natsumi, what did I do wrong? Why does many people hates me? I once was a kind girl since I'm little and many kids bullied me and said that was irritating and now that I'm matured and has a stone heart people hates me. What should I do? Natsumi, please answer me." I cried

Natsumi stood up in her chair and hugged me from my right side. She keeps patting and patting my back gently and comforted me.

"It's okay, Yurana. You've gone a lot now. You should rest. We had a soft couch on side of this office so I won't bother if you take a nap there." she said and help me to stand

"T-Thank you, Natsumi." I said and hugged her

She held my hand and directs me to the couch. She helped me to lay there and grab something to wrap myself.

"Rest assured, I'll handle your transfer stuffs" Natsumi stated and later on sat on her office

I silently chuckled and closed my eyes.

'It's so nice to have such a kind friend.'

Natsumi's POV

'Argh, what a long journey to begin with. I should have some time to manage to go to the team's practice. Besides, I'm one of the managers. Sigh'

I looked at Yurana's direction and felt relieved.

'Yurana's sure suffered a lot. I've never seen her eyes like that before. I known her for only a month but I already adapt her personality because she never changed. The cold girl with some guts to play with boys.'


I was walking alone in this Cram School 'cause my father forced me to attend here. I have my little map here and I shouldn't rely on others in this kind of situation.

'Gosh, why am I suffering this much?' I complained to myself

While I am walking, I saw a bunch of scary boys playing soccer in harsh way. They seemed to attack that little cat trapped in the corner.

'Is this really a Cram School?'

"Meow" exclaimed the cat

"Argh, I almost hit it!" said the boy

"Such a weakling, I'll do it!" insisted a big young boy. He must be the leader.

The soccer ball was passed into the leader and he smirked at the cat. The cat was scared and started to meow louder.

"Oh, you're so loud kitty cat! It's time for you to shut up." he said

He was about to kick the ball to the cat.

'I must do something or that poor little thing will die! I know that it has nothing to do with me but I have to save that cat no matter what.'

He kicked the ball to the cat but I ran forward and dodged the ball with my back.

"Aww, it hurts" I complained

"Hey, girlie! Don't you mess up with the things I wanted to do, do you understand?" the leader yelled

"You bunch of jerks! How could you do this to a poor cat?" I slowly stood up and raised my hands sidewards "Don't you dare to hurt this cat when I'm here."

They laughed at me and looked at me underestimated.

"You girl, if you don't want to get hurt, don't go in our way. I'll give you time to run so run now." he said

"I won't" I said with bravery

"What did you say?" he asked

"I said, I won't let give a chance! Learn how to matured!" I yelled

"You asked for it" he smirked and kick the ball to me

It hits my chest and I blew away.

"Argh!" I yelled in pain

'No matter what, I have to endure it!'

I slowly stood up and looked at them.

"You're really a tough one, huh?" he kick the ball to my legs and I fell


'No, I must.. I must.. I must protect the cat no matter what!'

I stood up and they were shocked that I am still standing.

"Tsk, you are really a stubborn one. You will pay for humilia-----"

Suddenly, a ball from afar hit the leader on his face. He fell to the ground by the harsh impact.

"Argh, who the hell did that?" He said while holding the right side of his face

"You surely don't really know how to stop bullying someone who was weaker than you, huh? How pathetic" said by someone

We all looked at the top of the land beside a tree. A silhouete becomes a little girl who was the age as mine showed up.

'Who is she? Why did she helped me?'

"Y-You again?!" he yelled

"Oh, you remembered me. How nice of it." She said sarcastically

"You.. The four of you, go get her!" the leader shouted

Then the four of this guys run into the girls direction but the girl stand still there. She act like she wasn't in trouble afterall. How strong is she?


"Oh, the little cat!" I grab her gently and carry her in my arms "You're safe now, little kitty."

I looked at the girls direction. She got a ball in her feet.

"You asked for it so don't regret to pay a price for it!" she said and made an attack

She kicked the ball above and jumped. She posed like a ballerina and kick the ball.

"Sway Shot!" she yelled and the ball she kicked become yellowish-orange and blown away those five who ran after her including the leader.

"Strike!" she yelled as is its a bowling game

'W-What the hell was that? Why is she so strong?'

She walked into our direction.

"W-Who are you? Why are you this strong? You're just a girl!" the leader said while he was lying on the floor and in pain

She looked in the boy's direction and laughed.

"What a pathetic excuse! Don't you think I can't beat you because I'm a woman? Now, remember the name of the girl who beat you two times, my name is.. Yurana Kageyama" she stated

"K-Kageyama Yurana?" they said in chorus

'What's up with these guys? And who the heck is this girl? She must not just an ordinary girl.'

"You are the sister of Kageyama Yurano?"

"Yes, I am" she stated

"H-How come?"

"He was the most vicious soccer player in elementary! His plays are hell!"

'Hell? So she was the sister of that infamous guy who was the news of my school this entire day. So scary!'

"I bet you didn't see my brother face to face that's why you don't know me." she uttered

"Y-Yeah, how did know?"

"We wouldn't dare to see him face to face!"

She laugh again

"Idiots! If you encountered me, you are just like encountering him face to face already."

"Did you mean?"

"Yes, 'cause I'm his twin sister." she stated

"Wahh! Mommy, get me out of here!" They cried

They ran away as quickly as possible. Those guys were such a crybabies.

"Hump! So long mama's boys!" she yelled

She looked upon me and gave me a hand.

"Are you alright?" she said and smiled

'Is she was the girl I saw recently? Her aura now was so different than before!'

I take her hand and smile back.

"I'm fine" I replied

"You should be careful when you are around here. There are more morons like them in this school."

"I was saving this poor cat from them. The cat was pretty scared back then."

"Oh, I see."

I gently freed the cat to my arms.

"Take care little kitty. You must go find your mother now." I said

The cat ran away immidiately.

"I hope she finds her mother or relatives. She must be lonely." I uttered

"Yeah, I hoped so." she said sadly

"Oh, is there a problem?" I asked

"Oh no, nothing. By the way, I am Yurana Kageyama. Call me Yurana, what's yours?"

"I'm Natsumi Raimon. Call me Natsumi."

"You must be new here, right? From what class are you in?"

"Class A-1"

"Oh great, were classmates!"

"Really? That's a good thing!"

"Come on, I'll show you where are our rooms is!"

*End of Flashbacks*

'Since then Yurana and I become bestfriends and we are just like a partner in crime.'

I'm still looking at her direction and saw her in closed eyes.

'She must be asleep from now. Yurana, I hope that you are okay. I will protect you and make you happy no matter what. Just like what you did to me when we were children.'