[Monday, Registration]
At around the age of 15, you start to think about a lot of different things. Not only do we have to focus on our exams, but the main thing for a lot of people is, love. Everyone wants to fall in love at some point. It's the reason we exist, so we can continue our bloodline… but I guess when you word it like that it does sound kinda creepy.
I've been in the same class as some of these people for years now and I've gotten to know a bit about everyone. Most of the girls go for the 'sporty' type, not interested in a guy like me who sits around and plays games all day. But that's fine. I'm happy that I can be left alone. I'm definitely not sad one bit. I don't keep bringing it up out of bitterness. I'm perfectly happy, ok?
Ah, That reminds me, I haven't introduced myself.
My name is Owen. I'm currently 15 years old turning 16 in July. I'm your average-looking person, with typical bed hair, my defining feature if I do so say myself. My glasses make me seem nerdy and smart but I'm probably neither of those things.
It's currently September which means school has started up again with a new term. We have just begun our journey into Year 11 at school. That's right, British School. A bit different from your typical school life story.
I'm a lovely person (not really) who cares greatly about everyone (another lie) and is always positive about my life and future (is very depressed inside). I also always tell the truth (clearly). Honestly, I just want to sleep (this one is true). My special skill is imagining myself being killed or attacked during embarrassing situations. Whenever something embarrassing happens to me I just imagine myself getting hit by a car, a hitman, or a sudden heart attack, you name it I've imagined myself dying that way. They can't laugh at me if I'm dead...
I wouldn't exactly call myself popular. I'm what you would describe as socially awkward, but luckily for my self-esteem; I'm not alone.
One of my best friends is called Ethan. Just like me, he enjoys video games and nerdy things. That's probably why we get along. He ain't that great looking though; I'd say he is about a 5 out of 10 on a good day. Today he looks like a 3 out of 10 maybe you could push it up to a 4 if you aren't wearing your glasses.
Ethan is really smart, like the top-of-the-class smart. He isn't too bad when it comes to talking to girls, he just doesn't know how to deal with them and often finds himself embarrassed about things he has said. He can get really sad easily and broods a lot. I remember making him cry a few times in the past but recently I stopped caring and just started saying what was on my mind. It's not like it matters to me if he cries.
The other friend I got is called Sean. He isn't that good-looking either but he has potential. He is part of the school's football team and also enjoys watching documentaries (Strangely doesn't help his grades). Ticks a lot of boxes for some girls somewhere.
He is overwhelmingly positive which makes me puke, and will always take a risk.
I admire him cause he has asked girls out before. But the issue is what he says, saying "Are you camera cause every time I look at you I smile" only makes people cringe and call him creepy. He has had a few people confess to him because of his football skills, but maybe they were just asking for directions... who knows?
Overall he is just an idiot.
The three of us together are the 'Weird Group'. Everyone in our class calls us that and we are used to it. The teachers even started sitting us all at the same table cause people would refuse to talk to us, but that's how it should be. Or at least, that's how I see it all. The three amigos. The three musketeers. The three stooges. The three... three... threeeee..... Damn, I've run out of three's. I wish I listened to my English teachers about the Rule of Three. Whatever that is.
Hmm, something doesn't seem right, almost as if I'm forgetting to mention something.
I thought I covered the basics of it all.
Let's see… School, Year 11, Girls, Lame Friends, More Girls…. Did I talk about how cool I am? What about how I don't really enjoy school? Or that I'm depressing to be around and people like to joke about it to make themselves feel good...
Ah, oh well, if not I'm sure I can mention it at a later date. I'm sure there will be plenty of opportunity for my totally unbiased narration.