[Monday, Registration]
The first day at school is always the worst, with people constantly chatting about what they got up to over the summer, I don't care what people did over the summer, I just want the year to end already so I can enter my endless sleep cycle and hibernate until I die.
"Hey, Owen? What did you do over the summer?" Ethan asked as he took his seat beside me.
"Well, Ethan. The usual, I went fishing with the fam, scaled a mountain, jumped out of a plane, swam in the sea, got eaten by a shark, fought the devil for my body, returned to earth, slept and now I'm here. Just an average day for me."
Ethan stared at me blankly, looking at me as if I thought he was an idiot.
"... Really? That's awesome, dude. What I wouldn't give to live a life like that."
Wait? He didn't really believe me, did he?
"What about you what did you do?" I asked.
"I slept, studied, and played games. The usual." Ethan's day sounds tame compared to my lie.
There were only a few minutes left until registration started, in a few minutes anyone who entered was late, and we had no idea where Sean was or what he was.
As if by magic, I don't even finish talking and an OET (Overly Energetic Twat) comes out of nowhere. What a world we live in, eh? If I say his name too many times will he come and kill me?
"Sorry I'm late, overslept, don't worry! It won't happen again!"
'Don't worry! It will happen again!' That is what he meant to say.
The three of us together shared a strong bond, A bond made of glue, but not the cheap stick stuff that schools have. We are bound by the strongest glue. A glue that could repair any wound and fix any building. We are a building made of glue, super strong and definitely not weak to the slightest amount of wind.
It may sound like I don't like these people but I care about them a lot.
"Hey, Owen? What did you do over the summer?" Sean asked.
"Well Sean, you know me, just got up to the usual. Woke up every day to find myself lost inside the Amazon rainforest, only to have to navigate my way to the arctic where I meet a penguin that challenged me to a duel if I won I got to return to earth and he would return my body to me. Lucky for me the penguin had a strange gambling addiction so whilst he went to the penguin casino I stole back my body from his little baby penguin son that was tasked with guarding it. So the usual for me."
"Wait. That doesn't sound right?"
Sean was clearly suspicious of my obviously truthful summer. I can hear the gears turning inside his head as he tries to break apart my lie. If he uses his brain any more sparks will fly out and set this building on fire.
"That isn't true, why would there be a casino in the artic?"
"Well, I don't know, Sean. Maybe some rich business penguin wanted to open up a nice little casino to earn a living?" I said in a snarky tone.
"I see. It seems possible." Sean stopped and thought carefully about what I said. I was worried the gears in his head would break. But it seemed that there was just a bit of gum that was stopping them from turning.