[Monday, Lesson 1 - English]
One thing I never understood about English, is why is it called 'English'. It's a lesson where you study and talk about poems or books and how to write articles. So why not call it something cooler sounding like 'The Hardcore Past of British Writers and how to stay awake for an hour.' The name just rolls off the tongue don't you think?
"Hey, Owen, can I ask you a question"
This was how English always went, and I enjoyed it greatly. Ethan would start the lesson by asking me some weird scenario and we'd talk about it for the remainder of the lesson. It didn't matter about the actual lesson. We could just write whatever we thought the author meant and were probably right.
"Go for it."
"Ok. What would you do if you came home one day and saw your family dead on the floor?"
"Hmmm. I'd report you to the police."
"YOU IDIOT, IM NOT GOING TO BE THE ONE TO KILL THEM. hahaha," He laughed but then suddenly stopped and looked at me blankly; like a switch had been flicked in his head.
"Oh ok. Then I'll report Sean to the police."
"You have no trust in us, huh?" he kept his stare, and I could feel my soul slowly tighten. His hands were wrapped around it.
The question that he asked was an interesting one, surprisingly tame compared to the usual ones.
"Well, to give you an actual answer, I'd probably try and avenge them, find out where they live, hunt them down, make them wish they were never born, and then once I was done breaking every bone in their body, I will kill them."
"Jesus Christ. what is this a Horror Story? Haha." Ethan was acting weird, almost as if he had actually killed my family and was now regretting it. His laughter was monotone and he hadn't stopped staring at me. I wasn't sure if he had blinked yet, but I couldn't keep looking for long myself. He was just so ugly.
"What about you then Ethan, What would you do."
I turned to look at Ethan, his expression was plain as he stared passed his worksheet and into the void. It was like looking at a stone statue, there was no expression and only a lifeless shell on the outside.
"Well, I thought about it long and hard, and I would thank them."
What a nice guy, thanking the person who killed the ones close to him. I can't tell if he is an idiot or just hates his family, maybe both?
"Haha, Don't worry, Don't Worry, I was only joking." Ethan said "Of course, I wouldn't thank the killer. Why would I need to thank myself…" he muttered.
I'll just ignore the last part.
At this point, Ethan's eyes were dead. Staring into my soul and all I could do was avoid eye contact whilst I laughed it off awkwardly and hope that he says it was a joke.
There were another 40 minutes until the end of the lesson.
The clock wasn't moving. My leg was tapping as I checked my escape route. Out the window or out the door. The window was closer.
Please say it's a joke.