[Monday, Lesson 5 - L4L]
If there was ever one completely pointless subject, it would be Learning 4 Life. it goes by many names depending on where you came from. A subject about common sense and how to survive in the real world. Lucky for us this was a subject where we were back as a form group. Meaning 'the weird group' is back in business. however as useless as it was there is an exam at the end of it, so we should be paying attention right now.
"So guys, Let's get down to the usual…"
Sean leads the weekly meetings, this was an important time for us. We always looked forward to this every week, the topic of discussion is decided at the end of the previous session, but because of summer, we had to have a 6 week-long break without a topic. This brings us to today's topic, as picked by Ethan to start the new school year.
There was a lot of pressure during this time. The topic of discussion is sacred, the first rule is everyone must respect the chosen topic.
"Ok… Everyone… I've been thinking about this for the whole of summer. And I've got today's topic."
This was it, the moment we had all waited our whole lives for. Both Sean and I were sitting up, eyes wide open ready to engage in this potential battle to the death. What did Ethan pick? Was it something we all agreed on? Or would this be the last time we talk to each other…
"Today, we will be discussing…"
Here it comes. Brace yourselves, this could get weird.
"Why can't I get a girlfriend?"
Sean and I both slumped back into our tables with our hands resting against our chins, this was the topic and we had to take it seriously, he could be upset about this so we had to make sure not to set off any landmines.
We need to amend rule one.
"Maybe it's because..."
Sean steps up to bat.
"You have a bad personality?"
Sean completely missed the ball. The audience isn't surprised. This will happen again.
"Do you think I'll ever get a girlfriend?"
Ethan leads with a follow-up question. My turn to bat. My eyes are on the ball.
"Sure, rumour has it there is a girl in this class that likes you."
I strike it right out of the park, what an amazing shot. No one can believe such an amazing man exists. No one else but the great Owen could have possibly done this, Ethan's self-esteem was about to break through the roof and land on the moon, thanks to my greatness.
"HUH! WHO IS IT? ARE THEY CUTE? IS IT HER?? DO I HAVE A CHANCE?" Ethan leapt out of his chair, running us down for the answer with crazed eyes.
"Of course. All you've got to do is get suddenly become funny."
He should have been out from the moment he opened his mouth. Are we reusing players?
"Don't listen to Sean, if he was right about these types of things he would have a girlfriend himself. Take it from me, A love expert."
Of course, I was a love expert, I've read tons of romance books and watched tons of films that have made me cry into a giant tub of ice cream.
I stink of romance, girls don't come near me cause they know they'll fall in love if I speak to them.
"Well, none of us have girlfriends but at least we got each other."
Why does Sean keep talking? We don't want any of that sappy 'at least we got each other' shit here.
"The way I see it, Ethan, You have the best chances of getting a girlfriend, I mean Owen ain't that good-looking, plus everyone calls him lazy and depressing."
Ah... He just took down his teammate like It was nothing. But I suppose I can let him off this once if it means he redeems himself.
"Don't get me wrong Owen, you ain't that bad looking, just could do with some changes to your hair, face, clothes and all."
Why are you suddenly attacking me, Sean? What happened to Ethan? I thought we were friends.
"Ethan, you could also do with growing up a bit. You're creepy sometimes. Also, I've never heard about the rumour Owen was talking about, he probably lied to make you feel better."
The discussion ended just like that. Ethan and I sat the remainder of the lesson in a pit of depression trying to hold back the tears and sniffles while I looked on my phone to see where I could buy a tub of ice cream. Sean got back to work having no idea what he just said. Just like how most of these discussions end. Ethan and I have become heartbroken...but at least we have each other.