[Thursday, Registration]
As I was walking into our regular classroom one cold Thursday morning I took one step through the door and, to my surprise, was instantly transported to a forest. The trees were as tall as mountains, and the sun was blocked by the branches whilst slight gaps allowed it to beam through illuminating parts of the ground, and allowing me to see where I was.
"Ah, Owen you're here too."
Ethan appeared from nowhere.
"What's going on, why have we been teleported into a random forest?"
"I don't know, this was Sean's idea, he came up with this campaign."
"Stop breaking the illusion, Ethan." Just like Ethan, Sean magically appeared out of nowhere.
"Oh, you're joining this game, I thought you would just be the Dungeon Master like usual?" I said.
"Normally I would, but it always looks like you guys have a lot of fun during my quests so I thought why not."
To those reading this who are still confused, allow me to explain. In the morning we have around 30 minutes of free time, so what else to do in that free time than a quick campaign of Dungeons and Dragons? Sean usually is the Dungeon Master and is the one that comes up with the quests for us, and if we don't finish the quest today, we carry on another morning. Anyway, I'll stop breaking the 4th wall, and let Sean take us on a journey.
"Hello my fellow friends, just like you I am also lost in these woods and have no idea how I got here. Would you be so kind as to introduce yourself?" Sean tells us.
Ethan explains his character first.
"My name is Nicholas Scott, I'm a bright and very handsome young human from up north, I've been training to be a royal knight for the king and was on my way to see him before ending up here."
I guess I should introduce myself next.
"I go by Drizzker Do'tiz, but you can call me Drizz for short. I am an Elf who has wielded a bow longer than I can remember. I was searching for a new place to call my home after our village was attacked by Orcs. I was sent out as a scout and have now ended up here."
Sean was the last to introduce himself.
"My name is Eden, just like you Nicholas I am also human. I was travelling to find a magic spell that will allow me to resurrect my dead mother."
Wait? Sean is playing a girl. From the character portrait, I assumed it was a guy. Maybe it's a very masculine girl? With shortish hair and a rough-looking face from all the dirt I kinda just assumed it was a guy. Plus she does seem rather 'flat'.
"If you don't mind me asking, Eden?" Nicholas Asked.
"Please go ahead."
"Are you a female?"
It was almost like Nicholas read my mind, we might be able to get along.
"Indeed I am."
"Good, now that all that is cleared up we need to find a way out of this forest."
Eden began to speak.
"I found this map next to where I arrived, it seems to be a bit destroyed but I think we can work it out."
"Give me that." Nicholas snatched the map out of Eden's hands as a true gentleman would.
"Hmm….. Yes…. I see…. Yes….. Ah….. Interesting….. I think….."
"Hurry up, man. I want to get out of this forest." I said.
"I believe we go this way…" Nicholas pointed at a small gap between two trees, it was impossible to see through as there were too many branches wrapped around every possible route. It all looked as though it led to the same darkness.
"Sure. Lead the way then." Eden said.
"Of course, Don't worry. I shall protect you all from any danger my fair maiden."
And so the trio advanced onwards into this world that they had suddenly entered. Who knows what they will discover along the way? Join us next time on The Tales of Drizz and Gang to find out what awaits these adventurers.