Romeo and Juliet

[Thursday, Lesson 3 - Drama]

"OH ROMEO, ROMEO, WHERE ARE YOU, MY DUDE?" Ethan exclaimed at the top of his lungs which was shortly followed by him falling to the ground and dying of laughter at his own joke.

"Yeah. I'm pretty sure you read the script wrong. Well, it was kinda funny." I said, slapping the script down on him.

After taking some time to catch his breath and regain his senses Ethan stood back up after wiping away the tears in his eyes.

"Why do I have to be Juliet? Ruby is in our group why can't she be Juliet?" Ethan quickly reverted back to his original self. His joke could only help him escape from reality for a few seconds.

"Because somehow Ruby is more masculine compared to you. Don't take it personally but Ruby doesn't seem like a Juliet to me."

"And who are you playing again?" Ethan Asked.

"Are you an idiot? I'm Romeo, you better be ready for the kiss scene."

"I'd rather die."

"Right losers listen up." Ruby the dictator was directing us from her high chair. She stole a blank baseball cap from the props room and took a megaphone as well. "As much as I would like to see you two kiss that ain't happening."

"Aw, why not?" I said trying to sound as disappointed as possible.

"The teacher told us he didn't want to see you guys kiss. It seems the pervert only cares about the girls kissing."

"Thank god! Thank you Mr teacher!" Ethan shouted with relief as he fell to his knees. Ruby looked at him in disgust. I didn't think she could think any less of him.

"Anyway, ignoring that idiot's comment. We are doing the death scenes. So, Owen, look dead."


But I didn't even do anything.

"But I-"

"Shhhh. Dead bodies don't talk." Her eyes opened wide as they stared at me. I could feel her hand around my soul. Moving was a bad idea.

"Ethan your turn. Play dead!"

"Ah perfect, silence, just how I like it."

This wasn't the first time Ruby was director, somehow it always ends up like this. I forgot how annoying Ruby becomes when she is dictating.

"Okay! Well done everyone, let's take a break and get back at it soon. Man, I'm such a good person. Take that, Owen."

What did I do?

"Make sure you learn your lines, people. I wanna see some great acting, like nothing I've ever seen before. I'm talking real tears like I want to see waterfalls in here, the audience shouldn't be able to breathe because they are crying so much. But don't make it an uncomfortable cry. Owen, I'm looking at you; just because Juliet is dead doesn't mean you have to make them also wish they were dead."

This is why Ruby isn't allowed to take charge. The next time the teacher makes Ruby the director is the day I go on strike.