[Friday, Lesson 3 - PE]
Thank god Friday was finally here. I just have to get through today and then I can sleep for the whole of the weekend. I'm never going to leave my bed. I'm just going to die and pass out into a sea of dreams.
However, before I could embrace my death I had to deal with death on a physical level first.
Physical Education or as it was known PE.
PE is a subject involved around sports and staying active. Most people don't even get a qualification out of it. For most, it's just a lesson to be forced into doing a sport you don't like and be bullied by those that take the sport seriously. Everyone has a sport they hate, as well as a sport they like.
For me, the one I hate is football, or soccer for you American folks at home. Football sucked, running around and kicking a ball into a goal. It was just a time for the good-looking people in the class to show off to the girls who were at the other end of the field doing something better. Usually, cricket or distance running.
My method of playing football involved standing around and acting like I was playing whilst secretly doing nothing but praying that the ball came nowhere near me.
Just like me was Ethan. We both sucked at football, we are the typical kids that always get picked last and we never ended up on the same team. When our teams went against each other we would just talk about how much we hated football and not play at all.
Then the complete opposite of us was Sean. Since he was in the school's football team he was often the team captain. He took it seriously enough to the point where he didn't want me or Ethan on his team cause he knows we will do nothing.
When it comes to picking the teams the teacher decides who the team captains are by who can suck them off the fastest. Basically, people that were good at sport. Someone like me or Ethan would never be a team captain because we didn't care.
The team captains took turns picking one person until there was no one left. Basically a popularity contest.
Either the good-looking guys or footballers were picked first, with people like me and Ethan who was neither to be left for last.
As I said before typically at the other side of the field were the girls doing their PE class. Sometimes there would be a mixed class but usually, the classes are separate. Since the girls could see us at all times it became a contest of flexing. A bunch of 15/16-year-olds trying to impress the girls by kicking a ball into a net and screaming their heads off; if that doesn't get you a girlfriend then I don't know what will.
The flexers in our class wait until their crush is looking in their general direction then try their best to score. Except they are most likely looking at Sean. Football is the only thing Sean has going for him really. Everyone in the class agrees he is the best at football which is why he is part of the football team. I've never watched a match of football in my life but I can tell he could go pro, because of this the class tries their best to make sure Sean's team loses, except they never do. Sean is like a one-man army crushing any team he goes against. No one stands a chance, the only way to take out Sean is to hope he is sick or break his leg and make sure he never walks again. I would offer to break Sean's legs so he can't play if they were to pay me the right price.
"Hey… You….."
A quiet mouse-like noise came shuffling over from the other team like some shady drug deal in the middle of the day. Ethan was trying to hide his 'presence'. Since he was on the other team, he had to walk all the way over to our side. He was very far offside.
"What's your plan for the weekend?"
"Not much, if anything I'll probably just do nothing all week and feel really guilty about doing nothing like usual. What about you?"
"I have something special planned!" Ethan said triumphantly.
Chances are his family is forcing him to go somewhere.
"Let me guess, you have to go somewhere with your family against your will?"
"It's just my sister actually. She wants me to go shopping with her."
Yikes, Ethan's sister wasn't that bad. She was slightly obsessed with him, but only slightly. She is two years younger than us and often stares at Ethan whenever he is near. If Ethan had a girlfriend she would definitely be killed by his sister.
I remember once she tried to cut Ethan's hair whilst he slept so no girls would go near him. According to her, she thinks Ethan is extremely popular and has multiple girlfriends at once. If only she knew the truth she would realise he is actually the least popular kid in the class. I'm second last of course.
"Why not just tell her that you're busy?"
"Because she knows when I lie. She can read me like a book. And if I lie to her she gets upset and cries until our parents blame more for never doing what she wants. I wish they would just put her up for adoption already."
What a nice thing to say to your sister.
The sound of a whistle could be heard in the distance, the current matches were up and it meant that the teams were changing.
"Well Ethan, Have fun with your sister. Make sure you tell her I said hello. Good luck with the next match!"