[Friday, Lesson 5 - English]
"If you could travel to the past, ANY TIME IN THE PAST, where would you go?"
Back in English and Ethan was asking me a good question that everyone has their own opinion of.
"I don't think I would go back and stop some sort of tragedy, don't know what that would do to the timeline. Plus I don't want to be famous." I said.
"I get you, I get you. But let's say that no matter what you do the current you will always exist. So, even if you killed your parents when they were younger you will still exist."
"Well, that doesn't really change much. I would have to go back in time to when no one knows me. Do I also get to pick a location or do I have to make my own way to where I want to go?"
"You can go to any location at any time, as long as it is in the past and not the future."
This is a tricky question, there are a lot of choices. A lot of opportunities to see things I'd never get to see as well as things I wouldn't normally experience.
"Maybe I'd go somewhere and see the dinosaurs or something. Wait, I will be able to return right?"
"Sure! Let's say it's an app on your phone, as long as your phone isn't out of battery or destroyed you can use it."
"And about this no future rule? Can I return to my own time?"
"Hmmm… Yup. you can return to the exact time you left only, if it hasn't happened yet you can't go there."
Right, now the rules are more in place I need to think more.
"What would you do?" I asked.
I'll gather some information and see if he has an answer.
"Me? I'd look at all the winning lottery tickets and go back in time, win billions and never work."
Typical. I guess I'd expect that from him, he is lazy from time to time.
"I guess there is only one true answer to what I would do then, out of every possibility, in all the years the Earth has been around. There is only one thing I would want to do."
"What's that?" asked Ethan.
"Stop you from being born so I don't have to sit through this conversation."
"Ah, but you would still have all the memories of me. Even if I wasn't born you would remember who I was and the times we spent together. I'll always be a part of you. You can't get rid of me."
Why did he word it like that?
"Whatever, as long as I get to kill you I'm fine with it," I said as I went back to writing and doing my work for the class.
"Well, maybe I'll go back in time and stop you from being born, that way we both kill each other."
"Wait, how would that work? You are older than me so if I could kill you first would you still be able to go back in time and stop me from being born?"
Both me and Ethan were completely confused, staring at each other trying to work out if we were both idiots or if there would be a way for us to kill each other.
"So. You want to go back in time and kill me. on July 1st. and if I go to July 20th to kill you. Can I kill you?" Ethan questioned.
We both looked at each other in utter confusion.
"Wait a minute let me get some paper out," Ethan said, reaching into his bag.
"Ok… if you killed me on July 1st I won't be born to kill you, however, if we both were to leave from this exact time and go to each other's births to kill one another. Because you would be killing me first, I won't be born. But if I was never born you would never want to go back to kill me in the first place resulting in me being born. And if I were to kill you on July 20th at your birth, then you wouldn't be born so you wouldn't kill me. But if you kill me I can't kill you….And with the rule of 'no matter what you will still exist'... I feel like I'm repeating things I've already said…."
Ethan was trying his hardest to understand this. I guess it was just one of those paradoxes.
His head was exploding as he started to create a diagram. Various doodles and drawings of us acting out our actions. There was a crude drawing of a baby getting strangled. I assume that was Ethan killing me.
"Don't worry Ethan. Don't try to hurt your little head over this. There are people out there much smarter than us for this."