[Tuesday, Lesson 2 - Computer Science]
Yesterday's events were a shock to all of us. On the way home from school I treated Ethan to some food at the local fast food joint whilst I listened to him cry into his milkshake.
Luckily for Sean, he didn't have to hear any of it. We both expected Ethan to skip today and just stay at home, but knowing his parents that was going to be impossible.
Instead, sitting between us is a giant pile of depression curled up and morphed to look like a human teen.
"So, why didn't you stay home?" I asked.
"I tried to fake sickness but my sister started to cry about how I was going to die and she was begging to stay home to nurse me."
Some people would love to be nursed back to health by their little sister. I would have loved to be in your situation, mostly because I could sleep.
"She's 14, why can't she just learn to leave me alone?" Ethan said.
"At least she cares for you. I'm sure she wouldn't want to see you all depressed like this."
"If I told her about Kaylee I'm sure she would just stalk her and try to force Simon and Kaylee to break up."
"Don't you want them to break up? If she was single you could go out with her." I suggested.
"It's not that easy. I would be happy they broke up, but deep down I wouldn't want the reason to be me. I would feel bad knowing that I got to where I was because they were forced to break up."
Damn man, that's deep. As a man I respect him, but surely it's ok to be a tiny bit selfish in this situation?
"You know what Ethan." love guru Sean interjects. This can only get worse. "There are around 14 boys in our class, almost all of them tried to go for her on the first day, but only you were the one to still talk to her after registration ended. Up till the end of the day, you were the one she chose to talk to, even if she can't return your feelings you can still be friends with her."
Sean said something really intelligent, this appears to be a common theme recently and I'm worried the world will soon end.
Ethan stayed sitting down, his face buried in his arms, thinking about what he could do.
"I'll pass."
"What? Why?"
"I couldn't stay friends with her after all that, I'd only be hurting myself."
It was a respectable decision, I've never been rejected before but that's because I've never confessed. It doesn't sound easy to stay friends so for him to decide that he wanted to just carry on like normal was a wise decision.
"I'll just talk to her casually if she talks to me, and I will not initiate any conversations. I shall even respond late to her texts."
"Wait? You have her phone number?" I asked.
"Yeah? Don't you have Ruby's?
As I launched from my chair in rage, the whole class stopped and turned to look at me. Their eyes locked onto me awkwardly. Accepting this awkwardness I simply sat down as if nothing had happened and started to contemplate death.
"Alright, no need to get so defensive dude, just joking chill." Ethan said whilst Sean just sat laughing at me.
What is it with these people and saying me and Ruby get along? I'd be lying if I said she wasn't good looking but she's just? Just?? Ah, oh well. I can't seem to figure it out but something about her is weird.
"Did you text at all last night then?" Sean trying to bring the topic back on track.
"Nope, although we have each other's numbers there was no exchanging of messages."
"What if she gave you a fake number?" I asked.
"Ha, like that would have happened. You don't think she gave me a fake number do you?"
"It's possible," Sean replied.
"Definitely possible" I added, nodding my head.
"Oh, God." Ethan flung his hands into his face which proceeded to crash into the table with a loud thud. For the remainder of the lesson, Ethan didn't move his head or speak. He stayed in silence until the end, even then he hardly said anything for the remainder of the day. No teacher was worried about him, they just thought he was being his usual self.