[Thursday, Registration]
There was a strange topic floating around the whole classroom this morning. Personally, I think rumours suck, although I do enjoy hearing them. Even though they can be very destructive, they are still fun. I'm personally quite conflicted.
"So…. Did you hear?"
Ethan sat down at his chair initiating the conversation immediately, that's how big this rumour had gotten.
"I've heard ancient whispers but nothing concrete. What do we know?" I replied.
"I heard that guy is coming back."
"That guy?" My eyebrow raised.
"That guy!"
"That guy?"
"That guy!"
Ethan and I stared at each other. The stare was so intense that rumours say a tornado had appeared inside the classroom causing a nationwide evacuation.
"HEY, GUYS!" Sean charged through the door arriving as late as usual.
And here is the tornado; time to evacuate. It's been a good run, don't know if I'll survive.
"So…. Did you hear?"
I'm getting a strange sense of deja vu.
"I've heard ancient whispers but nothing concrete." Ethan stole my line from earlier. I knew it was a good line...
"Pars is coming back…."
Pars was supposedly someone in our class, they have been in since the start of Year 7 and hadn't shown up since. They pass all their exams and hand in all their homework on time. Naturally, weird rumours started to take shape. People started to try and figure out their identity. They were handing in their homework somehow. The class got so deep into it that if anyone could find out his identity and take a picture of him then they would win £300. That's a lot of money for a guy like me.
"We've prepared ourselves for this moment, if one of us gets that photo, we all split the money three ways."
We all agreed to help each other and split the money regardless of which one of us got it.
So far the closest anyone has come is hearing him talk to a teacher. at least, we think it's a 'him'. Reports said they had a very deep voice.
The only problem with trying to find his identity was we didn't know where to start. People had tried to look for him on the school's database while teachers weren't looking but they don't have a picture or even a complete name, the only thing viewable was the word 'pars'.
"Where do we start?" I asked.
"I have no idea, we don't even know if they will appear today, it's just a stupid rumour."
"Well, let's gather the facts. Sean, what we got."
"Well, Owen it's rather simple." Sean was imitating a sports announcer as if trying to be funny. "We have absolutely zero. That's right, zero facts on this guy. We do however have several rumours!"
Joining in on Sean's act Ethan jumps in.
"Well, then Sean let's hear them!"
"First we believe that the colour of their hair changes often, we believe it to be currently light sea blue but were once sure it was a nice demonic red. Another rumour is we believe him to be under 5ft. A very small human indeed, Ethan! Very small indeed!"
"I heard a rumour they are part of a gang," I added.
"Shush! Owen, we are being serious here. Carry on, Sean." Ethan silenced me before I could join in on their fun.
"Secondly, we believe they are in a gang, reports of people running around dressed as superheroes have been going around helping the elderly but secretly stealing from them whilst they aren't looking."
"I also heard that which means it must be true."
"We also believe that they donate blood on the weekends."
What's with all these strange rumours, someone who beats up the elderly but donates blood? Do they donate the elderly's blood?
"I did indeed hear that one, my fellow friend… I heard that he celebrates Christmas on Halloween because he is scared of Santa."
Ok, there is no way anyone would believe that.
"I see… Makes sense, Santa is pretty scary." Sean was deep in the mess of rumours at this point.
Is this for real?
At this point anything people say will just be accepted, maybe I'll try joining in on this. I wonder what sort of rumour I can come up with.
"I heard he saved a cat from being hit by a truck and stopped the truck with only his left hand. Which isn't even his dominant."
Ethan and Sean stared at me in silence.
"There is no way that happened! You idiot!"
"Yeah, you idiot! He would have been sent to another world if he was to be hit by a truck, Idiot."
"GOSH! Owen I'm starting to believe you didn't really hear any of that and just made it up on the spot! DO YOU EVEN WANT TO FIND THIS GUY!"
Ethan and Sean Snapped. They were serious about this, like a detective duo trying to figure out the person that killed their lifelong partner. The only crime they haven't been able to solve.
"S-sorry, I'll keep quiet," I said sinking back into my chair.
"Anyway Sean continue, what's the next rumour."
"I hear he has a massive di—"
"WOW WOW SEAN CALM DOWN. KNOWING HOW BIG HE IS WON'T HELP US FIND HIM" I quickly interrupted before things got worse.
Sean's comment had caused the room to go quiet.
Weird, I thought we were talking rather quietly. But when did the noise in the room start to fade out?
"Let's keep it PG, ok Sean?"
"R-right, my bad. But rumour says he is seriously packing."
"Ok ok, we don't need to know any of this. Besides I heard the opposite. Perhaps these rumours aren't what we thought they were." Ethan shot him down.
"But I heard he is bigger than 7 inches." Sean kept speaking. I'm confident this is the rumour he believes to be most true.
-Scribble Scribble-
"7 inches you say?" Ethan was now intrigued, trying to work out how big seven inches was with just his fingers. "Hang on I think I've got a ruler."
"NO NO NO. Let's stop this and move on. IT'S JUST A RUMOUR, RIGHT?"
"Sean, we appear to be offending Owen so let's move on."
Offending me? I'm far from offended. Why would they think that?
-Scribble Scribble-
"By the way?" I asked "I've been wondering this for a while now. But do you guys hear that noise?"
"What noise?"
At some point, while we were talking, everyone else in the room stopped, forcing our conversation to be heard by the entire classroom.
I turned around to see everyone in the class with pencils in their hands eagerly taking notes on the conversation we were having; full of indescribable surprisingly impressive drawings and measurements like a science report trying to uncover the truth. Our information was leaked.
I turned back around in my chair slowly and sank even lower in embarrassment, Ethan and Sean didn't seem to care and were still happily discussing with very very graphic word choice.
I suddenly don't want to meet this Pars guy anymore.