Failed Confession

[Thursday, After School]

Part of the school experience is falling in love. You meet tons of new people at school so why not also look for love? It's cliché to have an experience where there is a younger year student confessing to a student they look up to in the year above, but that is exactly what is happening here.

In the morning, Sean was approached by a rather petite girl in the year below asking him if he would wait after school for her. Sean wasn't the type of person to refuse. He would often hear people out before questioning things. Which is what brings us to this current moment in time. Behind the school, Sean stood as dark clouds slowly started to form above, with a sharp wind picking up, waiting to hear what she has to say.

"I'm sorry for calling you out here after school, it was very selfish of me…" The girl was nervous, avoiding eye contact as Sean stood there blankly. A master of self-confidence.

"Don't worry, so what did you want to talk about?"

"U-um…. I w-wanted t-to…."

"Stop right there" Sean interrupted. "Are you sure you have the right person?" Sean wasn't certain that he was truly the person she wanted to talk to. I guess that tells us how he thinks of himself.

The girl looked at Sean in confusion, squinting her eyes to truly check who she was talking to. Although this girl didn't need to wear glasses she started to question her eyesight.

"Y-yes? Aren't you the football team's best player?"

"Ah! Yup, that's me. Continue."

"Last week… I watched you play the away match with some of my friends. I know you probably don't recognise me. But when I was watching you I was stunned, I couldn't take my eyes off of you. When you play football you have a massive smile on your face regardless of winning or losing. When the players on your team are frustrated you go up to them and support them to raise their spirits, even when you win and the other team are annoyed at themselves you go over and talk to them afterwards, always smiling.

No matter where I looked, I was always looking at you. Always looking in your direction. Every time I watched you play, I was looking just for you. S-so w-with that b-being s-said.


Sean was startled to have heard such a confession. He had been confessed to before but never like this. The girl tried everything she could to build up the courage to confess. Most of the time, it was from popular girls who wanted to ride off Sean's fame. They wanted the title of dating the school's best player, but this girl didn't care about that. She saw him for who he was below that.

"I see…" Sean stood in silence with a smile on his face. "I'm happy you feel that way; I truly am. Any guy would be happy to be confessed to by you, but at this moment in time, I'm not looking for a relationship. Although I'm sure at some point I will start to wonder, I'm not sure I have all that figured out. I'm not very bright. I have two amazing friends who are both smarter than me and who both have people that they care for and they care for them back. I know they will always support me no matter what and look after me even if I don't understand it all. This thing called 'love'. I don't understand it. I'm kinda scared of it. I can't see myself the way you see me. I'm worried I'll only let you down. I'm honoured you feel the way you do but I can't accept your confession."

After hearing what Sean had to say the girl didn't reply. She could only face the ground. She knew the answer before she started talking to him, but she was happy to have tried.

"Anyway I think it's going to rain soon, it's getting cold so you should start heading home."


I know this is selfish for me to ask, but can I still watch you play football with everyone else?"

"Of course. Don't be afraid to stop by afterwards and say hi, I'll introduce you to the team."

The two of them stood opposite each other. Neither of them was sad. They happily stood there looking each other in the eyes for the first time, thankful.

"Hey stop pushing." A faint sound could be heard above the whistling of the wind.

"I'm not pushing you are."

"Stop I'm gonna."


Out of a nearby bush fell Ethan and Owen. The two of them were watching from a nearby bush and had collapsed onto each other.

"Hehe… Hey Sean. What are you doing?" Ethan's eyes raised as he tried to smoothly play it off as if he was a simple passerby.

"Ethan, don't be an idiot. I think he knows. Also, get off me!"