[Friday, Lesson 2 - Drama]
"Dude, this is killing me."
We had only just started to get into the performance part of our next drama assignment and Ethan was already depressed about a sudden situation.
"Well, why did you pick drama if you knew she would also pick it?" I said
Ethan looked at me as if had just said something extremely dumb. His bottom lip stuck out as his stare was cold.
"Are you extremely dumb? She only arrived a few weeks ago, she was in the other class originally why did they move her over here."
The latest episode of Ethan's failing love life involved Drama, quite literally. Kaylee had been moved to our class for drama and was placed in our group for this assignment. The teacher did this to help Kaylee fit in better, as we are all in the same form group.
"Right, listen up losers."
Oh and Ruby is here again, already in his director's hat.
"The performance is just before Christmas so we got time, but I want to see you all trying your best. I want to see sweat coming from your faces. I want to see you bleed out and die right in front of me. I want you totally dead, understand, Owen?"
Throughout that whole speech, her eyes never looked at anyone else, only me.
Why do I feel like one day she will actually kill me?
"Hehe, why don't we all get along," said Kaylee, cheerful as always. That smile of hers never seemed to drop.
"You're right, let's all get along. However, I shall not be apologizing to Owen for what I said." replied Ruby.
I never asked you to apologize.
We were a group that had little control. Ethan was too nervous and Kaylee and Ruby's directions were terrible.
"So, has anyone got any ideas of what to do or are we going to all stand around like lemons."
In light of Ruby's comment, both Ethan and I decided to sit down next to each other becoming sitting lemons. It wasn't long before Ruby and Kaylee also sat down completing the circle to discuss ideas.
"Right so," Ruby was leading the charge as usual. "We have to base our performance off of the theme of 'Dancing within the shadows'. We can do with it what we want, my instant idea is to do some sort of love story, maybe about a guy who secretly protects a girl from the shadows?"
"Isn't that kinda cliché?" I asked.
"HUH?? What of it? Got anything better than, lame pianist."
"What was that croaky singer? Are you talking out of your ass again? Although, it's clear to me now that you also sing from there as well."
"Alright stop flirting you two." Kaylee interrupted. "Ethan, have you got any ideas?"
"H-Huh? M-Me? No no." Ethan was trying to shrink himself as much as possible to hide and wanted as little contact with Kaylee as possible. I wouldn't be surprised if he wanted to die right now. I know I do. Just being around them was too overbearing.
"Let's just go with Ruby's idea then. If anyone has any objections please say now."
I wasn't going to object because I just wanted to do some work. Ethan couldn't object as it would involve talking to Kaylee. And Ruby was never going to reject her idea.
"Perfect! So my idea it is! Let's get to work! I shall assign myself as director and shall now cast you all! For the lead, Fufufu" Ruby was staring at me with a sinister look. I just beg that she doesn't make me do it. I'd rather have a small role like usual. Standing out was never my favourite thing.
"Ethan, you shall be the lead!"
"Huh?" said Ethan.
"HAHA, HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT OWEN, I BET YOU WANTED TO BE THE LEAD BUT HA, NOT TODAY LOSER! HAHA." Ruby kept laughing at me thinking she had just gained some huge advantage over me.
"I'm ok with it." I said. My heart was still trying to calm down from her build-up. I was praying that she didn't pick me.
"Wait, Really?" Ruby was defeated. She wanted to have something over me, but that wasn't happening today.
"Of course, I think it's great for Ethan to be the star, I also think Kaylee should play the female lead."
"I see. Then, Kaylee, it shall be!" Declared our supreme leader Ruby. We wouldn't dare argue, the guns were already against our heads.
"I don't want to be the lead," said Ethan.
"Ah really?" Kaylee said, disappointingly. "I was looking forward to seeing you in the main role as well. Owen and Ruby were saying you were a good actor." Kaylee's words had entranced Ethan, stunning him and sending him into a spiral of anxiety and confusion as he was now fighting to truly decide if he wanted this role. Was it worth it?
"Ah, I m-mean… I'LL DO IT!" Ethan sprung from the floor with an annoyingly high amount of positivity. The battle in his head was easily won. Love was stronger.
"LET'S GO. GUYS, LET'S GET TO WORK! COME ON MOVE IT." Ethan forced us off the ground, lifting me off the ground by the arms; whilst being too scared to do it to the girls.
Do we have two dictators now?