
[Friday, lesson 3 - PE]

One of the deadliest, but also the most fun, times was when we all got to play dodgeball, who didn't like to pelt balls at fast speeds directly at people they hated? The 'Elite' kids, the super sporty ones, all seem to have the remarkable ability to throw the balls at speeds of around Mach 1. Thankfully for me, I've come up with a master strategy. It was a simple strategy able to win matches, even wars. Allow me to explain. First, hide at the back behind everyone; second, don't get hit. Easy as that!

Now I know what you are all thinking, this short little chapter is probably going to be full of ball jokes. Don't worry, there won't be that many, I hope…

We were in the middle of an intense match, everyone was successfully dodging balls left and right, with some people taunting and doing flips over them like spies dodging lasers. There were times when I would try and copy them but just made a fool of myself. Luckily, I'm invisible to everyone. No one saw me land face-first on the ground.

No one was getting hit, everyone was moving around as if their lives depended on it, dancing around and trying to be aware of their surroundings. However, there was one person who wasn't moving that much.

"Hey… Owen…." Ethan had managed to wiggle around the court and make it to me, we are on the same team; he isn't cheating, this time.

"Don't really have the time to talk right now, kinda in a war zone."

I was hopping back and forth, bouncing up and down doing everything I could to stay alive from the onslaught of balls coming my way. Ethan stood there as the balls flew past him, almost as if he was invisible like me. But it was clear, only to me, that he had perfected the technique. He had blended into the air. He was one with the wind.

"Was it awkward earlier?"

"Huh? What are you talking about? I don't have time to cypher whatever depression you've got today."

"In drama… with Kaylee"

I would be lying if I said it wasn't awkward. It was very awkward. Even Ruby would agree.

"Not really… I don't think it was awkward at all… If anything this is your opportunity. You are the lead in the play with her so do what you can do… AH!"

Out of nowhere came a flaming hot ball, aimed directly for my face barely missing me as I ducked down quickly.

I looked across the room to find who threw the ball. There was only one person with power like that.

I caught the attention of a demonic 6-armed creature covered in flames wielding every ball on the court. It was breathing heavily as it threw them at great speeds denting the walls and breaking the bones of its victims. Slowly chipping away at our defences. The power from the throws alone caused the balls to return to him. There was no chance I'd get a ball.

There was a good reason it was after me… probably because that demon is Sean.

He is a very competitive person and often likes to make Ethan and me have a run for our money. Dodgeball was something we stood a chance at, this was one sport we could beat Sean in, and today was the day to show him that we mean business.

"Ethan, you ready for this? We will take him down today. We won't let our village be terrorized by that foul creature no longer! We have built this up from nothing. We have stood by each other's sides during the worst winters and the hottest summers. WE WILL WIN, FOR VICTORY!!!" My chant sent blood rushing through my body. I was ready. I could do this! I CAN WIN!


I didn't even see it coming.

It happened so quickly.

I never stood a chance, did I?

Did I hold it off long enough for my family to escape? I hope so.

Ah, I guess this is it. I'm finally meeting you in heaven. It's been so long since we last spoke, hasn't it? my angel...

"Oi, idiot wake up."

As I slowly opened my eyes, I awoke to Ruby directly above me. I turned my head around to try and figure out what was happening, I quickly looked around without moving too much and figured that I was resting on Ruby's lap. What an interesting situation I've ended up in.

"From this angle, it kinda looks like nothing is there," I said, taking advantage of the whole situation.

Ruby let out a heavy sigh. "You're injured so I'm just gonna pretend I didn't hear that and hit you later." Ruby refused to look down at me, she didn't seem annoyed at my comment. From what I could see she almost looked embarrassed.

"So what happened to me?"

"Sean hit you on the head and it knocked you out."

"Ah, I see." So the headache is from Sean and not the annoying tomato.

I had grasped the situation. it seems like the girl's class was watching the match and saw me get hit in the face. I can imagine their audible gasp when it happened. I hope I looked cool.

"By the way Ruby?"


"Why did you rest my head on your lap?" Also when is the right time for me to get off? I don't want to just abandon this heavenly sensation. But I won't tell her that.

"W-well what else was I going to do, Y-you were unconscious and the teacher told me to look after you. I-if you don't like it then move."

As much as I wanted to make the most out of this, I figured that I should sit back up and move next to her.

"Thank you." I said.

"EH!? Why are you thanking me, idiot, I just did what anyone would do."

She says that but I know she probably chose to look after me. I won't tell her. She probably isn't aware of how much I know.

We both watched the rest of the games that were still going on. Ruby refused to turn my way because her face had turned the same shade as her hair.

Although we didn't say anything for the rest of the lesson it was nice to sit next to her again.

And for those wondering, our team lost. After knocking me out, Sean took out Ethan with the same demonic power. Except, Ethan wasn't so lucky and was instead taken directly to the medical room to rest.