Last time on Drizz and Gang. The three adventurers fought against a pack of wolves attacking the village, trying everything they could to defend the villagers. After Eden attempted a spell that nearly destroyed the whole village the three of them pass out. When they awoke, Nicholas and Drizz found out that Eden has been captured and planned to save her.
Shortly after waking up, we borrowed resources from the village to prepare ourselves for whatever was ahead of us. I borrowed arrows and a new bow since my last one had burnt during Eden's fireball of death. Nicholas was doing push-ups in sight of everyone in the village to boost his ego; which may or may not be directly linked to his power. We both met next to the northmost building and said goodbye to the villagers as we journeyed on.
"Wait!" Before we could set off a distant scream was heard running towards us. Pushing its way through the crowd that saw us off.
"Huff..huff… Let us go with you." Two girls ran up to us as quickly as they could not even introducing themselves.
"Ah, Forgive us. We forgot to introduce ourselves. Let me go first."
At first, I was suspicious of these two. The one that did all the talking had long blue hair covering the sides of their face, her silver eyes were constantly watching me as if I didn't belong. I even noticed her watching me whilst I was trying to save the villagers.
"My name is Reela, I am an aspiring healer and have always dreamt of travelling with adventurers. I was the one who saw your friend get taken away and I believe I can help her. PLEASE LET ME COME!"
Reela bowed with a firey passion as if she was talking to royalty.
"WELL SAID FAIR LADY!" Nicholas was smitten in by her.
"And what about you?" I said pointing to the other one. It looked like a human, but I wasn't sure. They were wrapped in black clothes that covered themselves from the nose down and only their hair was visible, neatly tied in a bun. I'm assuming they are a thief of some kind.
"AH!" Reela remembered. "This is Crow. She is my best friend. She is a very smart thief, she has saved me countless times and I owe her my life. She doesn't speak much."
Crow slightly bent forward greeting us as politely as she could.
"Right…" I said suspiciously. "Well, it's not that I don't trust you guys, but."
I feel like no matter what I say Nicholas will just let them come along anyway. I better be careful around them. For some reason, I feel safer around the thief than I do around the healer.
If I have to, I'll kill them.
"Very well. let's go quick before Eden gets killed."
The four of us quickly ventured forth. Being the quickest I lead the charge. I wasn't surprised to see the thief keep up with my speed, but the healer was surprisingly fast. To no one's surprise, the guy in heavy armour was the slowest.
It wasn't long before we found the cave. According to the villagers, not many people go in and out, they don't have a complete map of the place so we would be going in blind. This was going to be a dungeon.
The cave was carved into the side of a mountain, with sharp rocks all around our feet. I don't know what it was, but something about it didn't smell right.
"Should we wait for Nicholas?" Reela asked.
"No time, He'll catch up."
Crow had joined me in entering the cave holding a torch whilst Reela carefully walked behind. Holding her magic book tightly as her eyes darted around the room looking for monsters.
'This cave smells of dead monsters.' I thought to myself. 'We aren't alone.'
I didn't want to tell Reela that in case she got scared.
We moved deeper into the cave and could hear voices echo from up ahead.
"This girl has nothing on her?"
"I can't pick up the staff, something is stopping me."
"Quick hurry up, what will we do if her friends find her."
From what I could tell there were three of them around her body. They were slightly up ahead at a turn, using a flickering torch to light the tight room they hid in. I pulled out my bow preparing to attack. Crow equipped herself with two daggers.
"Wait for my signal. " I whispered as Crow disappeared into the shadows.
"I don't think we should be doing this without Nicholas," Reela whispered as quietly as she could, popping up right next to my ear scaring me.
"It'll be ok. Just stay back here and get ready to heal." I pulled back an arrow and stood up preparing to reveal myself.
I dove around the corner, analysing the situation within the second before they noticed me. The three of them were gathered around her body all equipped with tiny daggers. I launched two arrows towards them before hitting the ground, stabbing one in the leg. Crow appeared from the shadows on the wall behind the other two, crippling both of them, quicker than they could scream.
With the three of them on the floor, we pulled out some rope that was given to us by a villager and tied them up, preparing to take them back.
"Reela, take care of Eden. I'll deal with these thre—"
I prepared to put away my bow but quickly heard footsteps approaching. Quickly pulling it back out I readied an arrow, I faced it in the direction of where we came from, able to line it up with their head in seconds. The footsteps were heavy, they were around 6ft tall.
The footsteps walked closer and were about to turn around the corner. I was ready to kill until I heard the sound of clunking armour jingle as they moved.
"It's just Nicholas, no need to worry," I said putting away my bow in relief.
"Hey, guys what's up." Nicholas arrived and didn't take notice of the situation.
On the way out I got Nicholas to carry the three tide-up people, whilst I carried Eden on my back, giving my equipment to Reela to hold. I could see she was interested in archery, she was staring at the bow and pretended to fire it thinking I wasn't looking.
As we climbed over one last hill to get back to the village, tiny dots gently rained down.
"Snow?" Reela asked.
"It's a bit early for snow." I said.
I quickly remembered what this was. I had experienced it once before when my village was destroyed. I ran up to the top of the hill as quickly as I could. At the top, I looked down upon what was once the village, the village that was now engulfed in flames with ash raining down on us all.